З6 | тerмѕ.

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З6 | тerмѕ.

Since we've started planning to get Monae back, Dante was staying with us. It turns out that he had nowhere to go, as the only money he had, he spent on the plane ticket from Barcelona to Atlanta. He's been helping out around the house, and Mom was enjoying the extra help. Cayla and Denise seemed to like him too, as they followed him around like lost puppies. Dante stayed in the guest room, but I catch him in Monae's room every once in a while, looking at her things. He told me that he came to see Amir and talk to Monae, but I was sure he wanted something else. 

I felt bad for him, really. He comes to visit his son and his..girlfriend, and finds out that they've been kidnapped. By a stalker who's been obsessed with her for a while, and who could possibly be selling her body to other men. It must be hard on him, I can see the sadness in his eyes, but it might also be something else. Today, we were taking a break from the plans. Our house was packed, filled up to the brim. Dante was out grocery shopping with Mom, and Charles, and Dad was out with Lorenzo. Those two couldn't stop working, but it was understandable. I knew if that I had a daughter, an some sick nigga had kidnapped her, all hell would break loose. 

Cayla sat on the floor in between my legs, while I tried to brush her tangled hair. Mom told me to put it up in a puffball, but it wasn't going to end up looking like a puffball ifshe squirming. "That hurts!" Cayla cried, whining. "Don't be such a baby," I huffed, brushing the back of her hair up. I had her hair held up tightly in my hand, so I wouldn't accidentally brush part of it out. Cayla squealed, and Diana sighed. "Ramiro, you're hurting your little sister.." she said. I hushed her, and she slapped me in the back of the head. "Move, let me do it. You're gonna make her go bald." 

I let Diana take over, and Cayla sat there quietly, and patiently. Before I knew it, she as finished, and Cayla had a neat puffball at the top of her head. I huffed, "Okay, you can do hair, whooptie-fucking-do." "Bad word!" Cayla hit my leg. "You gonna tell Mommy on me? Don't forget I know that you ate all them damn cookies before dinner." Diana covered my mouth, "Go play, Cay."

Cayla scampered off, and I cut my eyes at Diana. I licked her palm, and she wiped her hand on me. "That's childish, Ramiro!" She scolded me. I smiled, "It's kiddish." She rolled her eyes at me, "You are so immature." "This dick ain't immature, don't forget who know them spots," I smirked. Diana pushed me, and I leaned in to kiss her.

"We're home!" 

Looking up, Mom entered the kitchen, holding a small bag. Dante entered soon after, carrying several bags. "I made it in one trip, Mrs. August." Mom smiled at him, "You can go ahead and put them away." Dante nodded, and began doing what Mom said. Part of Dante being here meant that I had to deal with his ass kissing. I don't know why he was trying to get on Mom and Dad's good side, but it's whatever. As long as he ain't trying to kiss my ass I'm good. 

I decided to make dinner along with Dante, but he replaced me with Diana when I burnt the rice. Diana was just stealing all of my spotlight, humph. Diana told me that earlier she was worried about being around Dante. He lived in the house when all of stuff between Santiago and her went down, but surprisingly, he hadn't even recognized her. I guess she had nothing to worry about..

We all ate dinner, and Dad, Dante and I went down to the basement to talk more about the plan. Dante had told us a lot about Martin, and his rap sheet for things he's done in the past was..disgusting, and saddening at that. In the Fiend's he's one of the worst members. He's known for dismembering and mutilating the people he murders. He's really sick in the head..

We had on the table Martin's picture, provided to us by Terrell. There was a chart that went along with it, detailing Martin's measurements, blood type, and anything else that was important. It was always going to surprise me how Dad could get things like this, but he had connections, and he wouldn't tell me about who gave him this information. 

"I don't know what happened to him..something snapped, I guess. He was in love once, with a girl named Monique. She was brutally murdered..someone had raped her, and dumped her body on Martin's doorstep."

Even though I completely hated Martin, and wanted to ring his neck, I felt some sympathy for him, even though he didn't deserve it. I couldn't imagine what he went through..I know that if it was me, I would be depressed. Martin didn't need to see that, and the woman he loved didn't have to be murdered. There was still no excuse for kidnapping my little sister, he's going to pay for that, I'll make sure of that. 

"Now that I think about it.." Dante bit his lip, then let it go. "Monae looks like Monique. Monique was the same age Monae is now.." He sighed, "That can only mean one thing.."

"He kidnapped Monae to have some type of filler for Monique.." I nodded. 

Dad growled, "I don't give a flying fuck. Martin's going to die for kidnapping Nae, and of discussion. I don't care if he's trying to fill a void in his heart because his dick got chopped off, that nigga still has no reason to kidnap my daughter. And her son as well."

I nodded, sighing. Dante nodded as well, "I just hope Monae and Amir are okay.."

We ended the "meeting" to go to bed, but I couldn't sleep. I was going to go outside to roll one up, but I was debating doing that. If Monae knew that I had picked up smoking this shit again when she left, she would kill me. She couldn't stand me even mentioning it. I remember one time she caught me mid-puff, and she gave me a lecture, then and there about what I was doing to myself. I looked down at the lighter and blunt, and sighed, stuffing it back in my pocket. Maybe eating something would take my mind out off of her. 

Monae was smart, tough, she could possibly get herself out of this situation, she had Amir to fight for. Walking past her room, I noticed that the door ws slightly open. Peeking inside, Dante was sitting on her bed, his hands covering his face. I entered the room, and he looked at me, his eyes red, and his veins protruding out of his arms. "Aye man, you okay?" I asked him, closing the door behind me.

"Yeah.." he answered, his voice barely above a whisper. He unballed and balled his fists again and again, and we sat in silence. "Everything in here smells like her. That soft, cinnamon smell," Dante tooka deep breath, a sad smile appearing on his face. "I feel stupid for not coming to see her sooner. Maybe..just maybe, there was something that I could've done." 

Dante stood up, going over to her desk, picking up a folder. "You see this shit? She saved all my letters..all my stupid, half-assed letters, and I couldn't even protect her from that fucker who kidnapped her!" He hissed, dropping the purple folder back onto the desk. I looked down, then back up at him. He was doing the same thing Dad did when Monae first had gotten kidnapped.

Blaming himself.

Dad blamed himself for the first few weeks, until Mom had to top him from going any further. Dante slipped his hands into his pocket, "You want to know why I really showed up, Ramiro?" I nodded. He pulled out a small, velvet box, and opened it. In the middle was a diamond ring, that was beautiful. I knew Monae would love it if she saw it. I looked into Dante's eyes, and his whole expression was sad.

"I was going to ask Monae to be my wife, Ramiro."

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