૩૩ | ʙᴇɢɪɴɴɪɴɢs..

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૩૩ | ʙᴇɢɪɴɴɪɴɢs..

"I figured that when Monae didn't call me like she was supposed to, something was wrong. Where is she?" Dante seemed to be anticipating for Monae to hop out and surprise him. Dante looked better, like he was more happy with himself. Monae said that he had been getting help for his disorders. His septum piercing was gone, and he looked more muscular since the last time I had saw him, which was a year ago. But he substituted more tattoos for his septum piercing, and on his arm I swear I saw Amir's birthdate. I guess he had cleaned himself up for Monae, but he was in for a rude awakening.

"Monae's..she's gone," I mumbled. Dante's eyes fell upon me, and he raised his eyebrows. "What do you that she's gone?" he questioned. I gave him a nervous smile, "She was kidnapped by some guy named Martin-"

"Thompson." Dante finished for me. He clenched his jaw, and I could see the veins begin stand out of his neck. "You know him?" X asked. "Know him?" Dante let out a forced laugh, pulling up a chair to the table. "Know him?" Dante repeated, letting out a series of laughs. They ended abruptly, and he leaned forward staring at X. "Martin was a close friend of mine." I raised my eyebrows, "What the hell made him want to kidnap my little sister?" Dante sighed, "Martin..he hates me now. Maybe he wanted t get back at me. I honestly have no clue." 

"Back to square, fucking one." Lorenzo sighed, drinking the rest of his beer down. 

"Hey," Dante's smile returned to his face, "I can help. If Martin wants to kidnap both of my babies, I can tell you everything you need to know."

Dad smirked. "You know, you ain't half bad."

I stared at Martin in disbelief. He was dangling my son's life in thebalance, to get what he wanted from me. He proclaimed he loved me, but when you love someone you don't hurt them. He had some distorted view of what love really was. Martin knew that he had something that would make me give into him. He wasn't a man, he was a piece of shit. "So what's it going to be, baby?" he smiled.

I did what any mother would do.

I said yes.

There was no way in hell that I was going to let Martin murder my child. Amir had too much to live for. I wouldn't dare think about sacrificing him for my own gain. What kind of mother would even consider doing that? My little boy was innocent in all of this..none of this was his fault. I wouldn't let someone make him pay the price for it, either. 

Martin's smile seemed to get wider, and he came to me, taking the little box off the top of the dress. He opened it, and inside was a beautiful diamond ring, the stones large enough that I thought I was seeing stars. I felt him unlock the handcuff from around my ankle, and he kissed my cheek. He took my hand gently, kissing the back of my hand. He started to slide the ring on, and kissed my forehead. "I got it for you. Think of it as a special present." I nodded, and he left the room, not before stopping in the doorway. "I think you'll look beautiful in the dress, really." 

Jose came in later to mend my ankle. He's been quiet most of the day, I think something's been bothering him. I wonder what goes on in his head. He can't speak, so he must be going crazy in his head. I felt bad for him. He didn't deserve to have his tongue cut out, so why did Martin do it? "Jose?" I called out to him, making him look up at me. He dabbed the cottonball on my ankle softly, and gave me a gentle smile. "Is there something on your mind?" I asked him, my hands in my lap. 

He looked down, then back up at me. Jose shook his head, and returned to my ankle. I didn't believe him for a second. He looked like there was something on his mind. "It's okay to tell me," I rubbed his hand, "I won't tell another living soul." Jose sighed, and grabbed his board. 

Why'd you accept the deal?

So he was worried about me? That was nice of him. "I didn't want Martin to kill Amir," I told him. I was honestly afraid that if I didn't accept the deal, he was going to kill me as well. Martin was unpredictable..I was scared of him. ..You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, Monae.. I sighed, "I'm just trying to stay alive." My girlfriend killed herself because of him. I just don't want to see the same thing happen to you, his board read. A chill ran down my spine. Jose began to tell me the story of his late ex-girlfriend. Her name was Alisha, and she had been cheating on him with Martin. Jose let her be with him, and Martin treated her the same way he treats me now. Jose said the Martin drove her to the point of insanity. Alisha was just like me, young, pretty..and Martin forced her to be his prostitute. She ended up becoming a crack addict, and overdosed, on purpose. 

After that, Jose tried to make Martin feel sorry for his actions, but it didn't end very well. Martin had gotten so fed up with Jose that one night, he just..cut his tongue out. He did the same thing to his eye, too. I don't want you to die, okay? Martin's going to pass you around like a sex toy, and it'll change you, like it did Alisha.

I nodded, tears starting to fill my eyes. 

No one had any idea how much I wanted to go home. I just wanted to curl up, my head in Dad's lap while we watched little kid's shows with Cayla. Now I was God knows where, with an insane man and his kind brother. I was going to become Martin's prostitute, and there wasn't anything I could do about it. I felt so weak, and hopeless. I wonder if this was how Mom felt when Dad kidnapped her? But she had fallen in love; she had somewhere to turn. I don't.

Jose kissed my cheek, and left the room. I laid on my side, starting at the skimpy black dress on the hanger. It was almost taunting me; telling me what I was going to become. A skank. A prostitute. Worthless. I could almost see the near future..I was going to be on my knees, sucking dick, letting some grown man use my body for his pleasure. I was starting to doubt that I would be getting out of this..but I  had to for Amir. He was my light.

But Martin's words tormented me inside my head..

"You ain't good for anything except busting nuts."

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