Ձ١ | ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ ૩.

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  Ձ١ | ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ ૩.

I tried as best as I could to run toward the door, snatching the letter out of Brandon's hand. "Damn, pregnant lady, it's just a letter." I rolled my eyes at him, and sat on the couch. "It's not just any letter, it's a letter from him." Ever since Dante and I started writing letters to each other, it feels like he's right here beside me. We talk about anything, from school to the baby. He's so excited, and I am too. There's only five months left until I meet my baby.

The situation with Diana..well it worked out. She told me what had happened. When she had Santiago's baby, their relationship had turned volatile. He had began to beat her, and put her down. He forced her to give Denise up for adoption, and then he sold her to this man named Maurice, and she had never saw Denise again, until recently. She hasn't told Ramiro, and I personally don't think she has to..Ramiro might not be ready. 

Brandon sat down next to me, placing his hand against my stomach. "No activity in there." I smiled at him, and began to read the letter, while Brandon went to go fix himself a snack. 


Our baby is a boy? Wow..I can't believe it. As for names..I don't know. I think mine are corny, but I was thinking Isaiah, Randy, maybe even DJ. My threapist found out that I had been writing letters to you..some patient told him. But he thinks it's fine. In fact, he thinks I'm getting better, with the more we talk. I might be out of here before we know it! Hopefuly I'll be out to see our baby boy..but I might not. But Brandon's there to help you, so, I know you'll be okay.

  Dante :)

"She's so adorable," Brandon cooed, causing me to look up. He was staying over Cayla's crib, and I could hear her making noises for him. Cayla was now one month old, and she looked like a mixture of Mom and Dad. I got up, and came over to the crib. Cayla had Brandon's finger in her hand, and she gave me a little smile, her eyes big, trying to take it all in. Cayla absolutely loved Brandon. Every time he came around, she was so antsy, and wanted to be in his lap. "It's time for her feeding," I said, looking at the clock. I went to go and get her bottle, making sure everything was right with it. 

Mom was over Grandma and Grandpa's, and were out buying Cayla more clothes. Diana and Ramiro were out at the mall, and Dad..well..he was asleep. He had spent all last night up with Cayla, since she couldn't go to bed. Cayla grew so fast, and was growing out of something everyday. Brandon picked up Cayla, and I handed him the bottle. Her eyes were glued to my stomach, and placed her tiny hand on my belly. "This was you one month ago," I smiled, pointing. 

"I see you," Dad walked in, Cayla turning her attention to him. Brandon finished feeding her, and Dad burped her. Cayla snuggled into Dad's chest, and he sucked his teeth. "You can't slob on me, Cay." 

When Brandon was gone, and everyone was back home, my baby was keeping me up. I found myself eating up the food in the fridge, and Mom was going to have to run to the store in the morning. I decided to write Dante back, so I could put it in the mailbox first thing in the morning. I was glad that he was happy about our child, I was just sad that he possibly couldn't be here for our baby's birth. Just like him, I was lost for names. I've tried asking Mom, but the names she suggested just..didn't have a ring to it. I guess the name would just..come to me.

Taking a sip of Coca Cola, I set the can down, grabbing my pen.


We're one in the same. I can't think of any names either! It's late at night, and our little one is keeping me up. I don't know what to write to you, really. I've been so consumed with work and doctor's apointments that I'm always so tired..plus, I can't stop eating. If you were here, I know that you be laughing at me. I'm just letting you know that everything is fine, and I hate that this letter has to be so short, but I love you, and I miss you more, everyday.

  Xo, Monae

I folded the letter up, taking an envelope off the table to put it in. I would put this in the mailbox in the morning, but for now I had something else to worry about. I had ran out of chips, and juice. I got up, taking my glass and chip bowl with me as I waddled over to the fridge. Dad and Ramiro laughed at me every chance they got, and I was glad that they were asleep. 

I poured some juice in my glass, pouring a few of Salt & Vinegar chips into the bowl. When I looked up, the doorbell had rang. I looked at the clock, raising my eyebrows. It was 1 in the morning, who the hell does that? The person rang the doorbell again, and I bit my lip. I didn't want to answer, but who knows, whoever that is could sit out there till the morning. I didn't want a crazy person tryna kill me, either.. 

"Who the fuck is ringing the door?"

Daddy came from the bedroom, one of his many guns in his hand. "I don't know, Daddy," I answered him, and he kissed my forehead. "You stand behind me, I don't want no man trying to bust in and this baby gets hurt." He approached the door, me gripping his shirt, behind him. He opened the door, and there stood a person, in a black hoodie, holding a package. 

"Who the fuck are you?" Dada asked. 

I couldn't see the person's face, as they were looking down. A note on the front of their hoodie read, Package for Monae August.

"You're gonna tell me who the fuck you are, ringing my doorbell at this hour. Do you know who the hell I am?" Dad spat. They pointed to the sign, not speaking. This was beyond creepy. They reached their arm out, and their hand looked like they had been.burned. Dad stepped back, and in their hand was a box. The box had my name on it, and it made me queasy just thinking about it. 

Dad stepped aside, and I had enough space to reach out and grab the package. Once I had it in my hands, they began to step away, and Daddy closed the door. He took the package from me, and dropped it on the floor. "I ain't taing no chances. You know people be cming out the woodwork."

He kicked it back and forth, and when he decided that it was safe, he gave it to me. He watched me as I opened the box, inside holding a smaller box, and a note. 

Dad picked up the note and his eyes widened. "The hell.."

"What is it?" I aske dhim. 

"Someone says that they're watching you. What's in the box?" 

He came closer, his eyes glued to the box. I pulled the ribbon from around it, opening it. 

I screamed.

An eye and a tongue were in the box.

I looked to Daddy, and he had the same expression I did. 


What kind of sick individual would send someone a tongue, and an eye?

AN: ooh..it's my birthday :) anyway, who do you think sent Monae that "present"? Picture of Cayla on the side ~>

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