Ձ7 | sᴀɴɪᴛʏ..

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Ձ7 | sᴀɴɪᴛʏ..

I wiped Amir's mouth with a wet wipe, ridding his cheeks of the sticky red flavor. He paid full attention to the lollipop in his hand, enjoying it. I normally didn't give him lollipops, as he would usually drop them or get very messy, but he's gotten better. He didn't even care about the nice Autumn weather, he was just too busy with his lollipop. Amir and I were at the park, as I decided that getting some fresh air would be good for both of us. Uncle Lorenzo wanted to come along, and he brought Denise along with him. 

"Are you okay?" 

Looking up at Lorenzo, he gave me a cup of hot chocolate, sitting down on the bench next to me. I nodded, pulling my sweater tighter around myself. A cool breeze came by, and I pulled the hood on Amir's jacket over his head. Amir looked at me, giving me one of his cute smiles. Lorenzo gave me a look, like he didn't believe me. "Romelo told me what's up." I choked on my drink, my eyes widening at him. 

I knew I couldn't trust Dad to keep his mouth shut. But could I really blame him? He was worried about me. All he wanted was to get some help for me. Lorenzo sighed, "You've been getting these letters from this guy named M, right?" I nodded, "He sends me pictures of body parts, and these notes, saying that he loves me.." I needed help, and fast. M was emotionally ripping me to shreds.  My thoughts were all about him.

When would he get me?

Would he hurt Amir?

What did he want from me?

I only felt safe at home, because everytime I went out, I was constantly looking over my shoulder, scared, nervous. It was taking a toll on my body, and my school work. I tried to let Amir see it, but it was getting harder and harder. I didn't want Amir to see me crack. I had to be strong for him. I took a sip of my drink, and checked over Amir. He had fallen asleep with the lollipop in his hands, and it fell onto the tray in front of him. "Do you have an idea of who he is?" Lorenzo asked, making me look at him. "No..that's what scares me."

I told Lorenzo about what happened in the past, and about the dream last night. He tried to think of someone who might want to harm me, or Dad, but he came up with nothing. Daddy must have been comepletly ruthless back then, if someone is obsessed with me, and stalks me. Why would they go after me? I didn't do anything wrong. It made no sense what so ever to stalk and terrorize me when my father was the person they were after. Lorenzo sighed, "I'm sorry I can't help you Nae." 

I shrugged, "It's okay, Lorenzo.."

Lorenzo went to go get Denise, who was having a good old time playing with her new friends. As soon as Lorenzo went over there, he was sucked up by all the little kids, who wanted to play with him. Soon enough, they had gotten him on the ground, and it was almost like a mountain. They all covered him, I couldn't see his legs anymore. I giggled, shaking my head. Lorenzo eventually got out from the crowd of kids, Denise on his shoulders. She had a big smile on her face, and wanted to be put down when she saw me. Denise was about six or seven, and had the prettiest long hair. Lorenzo put her down, and she hugged me tightly. "Hi Monae!"

I rubbed her back, kissing her cheek. She turned her attention to Amir, who was beginning to wake up. He started to cry, and I pulled him out of the stroller. I hugged him, and he grinned at me. "So you're just crying for no reason?" I smiled. I sat him in my lap, and he reached for his lollipop. I handed it to him, and he went right back to making a mess with it. "We should get going." Lorenzo said. I nodded, and we headed back to the car. 

On the way back, I knocked into someone. Their hands went to my waist, "Sorry, ma." I looked up at the male, who raised his eyebrows at me. He was light skinned, tattoos covering his skin on his neck. He had hazel eyes, and a tattoo of a music note near his eye, and he gave me a smile, showing off his pearly whites. "I-It's okay," I blushed. 

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