Ձમ | ᴅᴇᴄɪsɪᴏɴs, ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʟᴇᴛᴛᴇʀs, ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴏɴᴛʜs. pt. 1.

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Ձમ | ᴅᴇᴄɪsɪᴏɴs, ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʟᴇᴛᴛᴇʀs, ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴏɴᴛʜs.

    pt. 1.

"Okay, here it is, Princess!" Dad laughed, covering my eyes. 

My mouth dropped open, and I gasped. 

It was perfect!

I walked towards the middle of the room, looking around at all the decorations and furniture in complete awe. This was going to be my baby's room, and it was fit for a King. A white crib sat near the window, the carpet under it decorated with sea animals, like starfish, jellyfish, and there was even a dolphin or two. The walls were baby blue, and on the wall above the crib, in gold letters read the name I was going to give my baby.

Amir King Carter-August.

There was a nice, soft green nursing chair near the crib, a white nightstand which a few blocks sat atop. There was a changing table, a wardrobe, already filled with clothes for Amir, and a toy chest. Everything was just how I imagined it, and I loved it. I knew that Amir would love it too, when I first stepped into the room, he wouldn't stop moving! 

I turned to Daddy and hugged him as best as I could, kissing his cheek. "Thank you, Daddy!" I squealed. He cheesed, smiling from ear to ear. "You're welcome, baby girl," he kissed my forehead, and placed his hand on my stomach, "and you're welcome too, Amir." Amir kicked as a response, and I giggled. Amir's much more active, now that it's so close to his due date. The doctor said that he was going to be coming any day now, but the due date was November 12th. 

Daddy and I excited the room, and Charles passed by us. "Lunch willl be ready a few minutes, Miss Monae," he smiled. "Okay, is it my favorite?" Charles nodded, and I smiled. 

I was now 9 months pregnant, and I was getting everything ready for when it's time for Amir to come. I couldn't wait until he popped out, supporting him was tough. My back and legs hurt, so most of the day, I lay in bed, feeling him move around. Recently, I've a lot of family have been coming over, almost everyday. They're mostly over to see Cayla, who is now four mouths. She's crawling everywhere now, and sometimes, she even rolls. She showing signs of Romelo's defiant personality, resisting when Daddy tries to feed her. 

Checking my phone, I had one missed call from Dante. Dante's gotten out of the institution, and is living with his psychiatrist. Sometimes, when he gets the chance, he calls me. Last night, we were on the phone for hours. He promised that he was going to try to see me, but his psychiarist didn't quite above of that. So when he got on his feet, he was going to come and see me, and Amir. He wanted all of us to live together, and to me that idea didn't sound so bad. Daddy's perception of the idea on the other hand..

Speaking of calls..I haven't seen Brandon in a while. He doesn't come by to hang out with me anymore. When he comes over to give me my work, he doesn't even give it to me, he gives it to Ramiro. I don't even see his face. Ever since that incident, he simply ignores the fact that I exist. Believe me, I've tried calling, and texting him, but he never responds. I've told Dante and he said that he wanted to strangle Brandon, but I talked him out of doing that. 

"Monae!" I heard Daddy's voice down the hallway, and he opened my door. "I've got a letter for you!" He came over to the side of the bed, and I took the letter out of his hand. I made him go away when I started to open it, and even though he didn't want to leave, he followed my request. Opening the letter, I couldn't wait to see what Dante had wrote me this time. 

Instead, I found something else. 

I can't wait until you have your baby..I'm infatuated with you. 

    - M.

There was something along with the letter, and moving the letter aside, I screamed. "Daddy!" I yelled to the top of my lungs. I heard a gunshot, and a hole was blasted right through my door. He kicked the door in, and came in, looking around. When he didn't see anything, he looked at me like I had lost his mind. "You can't scare me like that, damn," Dad sighed, his chest heaving. I heard more footsteps, and Ramiro ran into my room, swinging a knife like he was some type of sushi chef. Dad smached him in the back of the head, "What the hell are you doing home from school?"

Ramiro grinned, and shrugged, "Senior week."

Dad looked confused, his brows knitting together. "Senior what? You and Diana better focus on those college applications.." Ramiro rolled his eyes and walked out of my room, mumbling, "Can't slice nobody up in here, damn!" 

Daddy sighed once more, and I noticed that he was wearing his eye patch. "Why do you have that thing on?" I asked. "I went to enroll you back in your classes for this homeschool thing. Anyway, why'd you scream and decide that almost giving me a heart attack was okay?" 

I pointed to the photo in my hand. Instead of getting the real deal, that person who sent me the tongue and hand decided that giving me a photo of a chopped off hand was okay. Etched into the palm were the words, I love you. Daddy took the photo out of my hand, lifting his eyepatch. 

"Oh hell no!"

He ripped the photo to shreads, throwing away the pieces in the trash. He looked like his blood as boiling, and I was convinced it was, from the way his face turned so red so quickly. I had never seen him that angry, and when he punched a whole through my wall I knew it was time to call "reinforcements". "Mommy!"  I yelled. Mom came into my room, holding a basket of laundry. She had a soft smile on her face, but that changed when sh looked at Dad. She set the basket down, walking over to him. Her arms were open, and wrapped him up in a hug. The muscles in Dad's back relaxed, and I heard him sigh. 

I was speechless. I didn't know what I could say, as I was afraid that I would ruin their special moment. It was obvious to me that this has happened before, from the ay Dad calmed down so easily. Mom turned to me, rubbing his back. "Daddy needs to breathe for a while..you know how he gets." 

They left my room, and I was left to my own devices. I knew Dad would come back later to talk about the photo, but for now he needed to cool off. My phone began to ring, the ringtone for that special someone filling my ears. I slid it to the right, answring the phone call. 

"How's my girl doing?"

Smiling at the deep, low sound of Dante's voice, it sent shivers down my spine. Usually he tells me when he's going to call, but I guess he wanted to surprise me. "Dante..I'm tired," I sighed. Dante voice to me is so soothing, I could listen to him talk for hours on end. "What do you mean? I just called you," he chcukled lightly on the other line. 

"I know, I know..it just your voice.."

"My voice what? Oh, I just woke up, that's why."

I groaned. "You did that on purpose.."

"Why not? I do like to tease you."

For hours, I talked to Dante. It was almost like he was here again, even if it just was his voice and I had no clue where he was. I stayed on the line with him while my phone got so hot that I had to put him on speaker. My phone almost died quite a few times, but I didn't mind. 

"You should..mhm.." Dante babbled, on the verge of falling asleep on me. I laughed to myself silently, smiling. "Just go to sleep, D." 

"Nah..no.I'm fine.."  

Before I knew it, Dante had fallen asleep. I could hear him snoring, and I knew for sure that he was knocked out. "Good night, love you.." I whispered, before hanging up. "Nae! There's a special vistor at the door!" Diana knocked on my door, opening it.  She had Cayla in her arms, who smiled when she saw me. "I see someone's up from their nap," I cooed at her, kissing her cheek. "Who's the visitor?" I asked Diana. 

"He said he didn't want me to tell you, so my lips are sealed," she giggled. 

I sighed, and went out front, to the living room.


AN: I wonder who it is..do you think you know? :) Amir's baby room on the side ~> 

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