Chapter 3

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3rd POV
The Republican Cruiser crashed. A huge explosion in the front, but not as much in the back. More than twenty Clones died. A few were lucky to survive. The Separatist ship entered hyperspace. To dumb to check if they all died in the crash. Ezra woke up. He passed out for a couple of minutes. Only thing he saw was fire and dead Clones. A few waking up close to him.

"Commander Bridger," Tucker helped him up. Ezra coughed up some dirt. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, Tucker. I'm fine. Search for any remaining soliders and get out of the Cruiser. We have to find the other Republican Cruiser survivors," Ezra dusted off his robe. Tucker nodded and went to get other Clones.

They headed outside the Cruiser. Lit on fire, Ezra covered his mouth and nose. The rest of the Clones were fine due to them having a helmet. The Republican Cruiser was right next to the one already there. The fire was dying down, making it safer to search.

"There!" Ezra shouted. He pointed to a few people hurt on the ground. Barley breathing. They ran to them.

"General Saviel," Ezra helped him up. The rest were helping the other Clones on board. He coughed a bit then looked at him

"Ezra," he steadly stood up. "Thank you for coming to our aid."

The Clones limped off to behind a Cruisers damaged wall. The injured soliders sat down and leaned against it. General Saviel wrapped arm on Ezra's shoulder and tried to walk. But his ankle was twisted. Ezra sensed something about to erupt. And it was going to be close to them. He quickly used the Force to leviated the General and the other Clones next to him and threw them behind the trashed wall.

"Ahh," they all screamed. Ezra turned his head and the back of the Republican Cruiser exploded. Ezra flew through the air and hit the wall. Hard. He was knocked out, with his mouth bleeding and a little from his nose. The rest looked from beyond the wall.

"Ezra!" Tucker shouted as he ran to him. He checked his wrist. Tucker breathed out in relief. He had a pulse. Clones surrounded them. "He's alive, but needs medical care."

"There's nothing we can do, Captain. The medical kits are gone along with the ships burned down," Cooper said, weakly. "All we can do is wait for the Republic to send help."

All stayed quiet.

Ahsoka, Obi-wan and Anakin came out of hyperspace. The Republican Cruiser hovered over the fire.

"Get two Republic Gunships. We need to bring them back to Coruscant, and fast," Obi-wan ordered and left the room. Anakin and Ahsoka followed him.


The gunships landed in the ground softly. Clones came out running, helping the injured. The Jedi went to Captain Tucker. Ahsoka gasped silently at the sight of a bleeding Ezra.

"Tucker what happened?" Anakin kneeled down. Taking Ezra in his hands.

"Ezra sensed an explosion and Force-pushed us away," Tucker stayed on the floor. He noticed a piece of glass piercing his abdominals. He wanted to remove it but, that will cause him to lose blood faster. To make it worse, he has another one in his thigh. And bigger.

"Bring him to the ship," Obi-wan commanded. A Clone brought a stretcher. Tucker and him placed Ezra on it and took him away, along with the injured Clones.

"Tucker, we'll handle the rest. You go," Anakin said. Tucker bowed his head and got on a gunship.

After a few minutes everyone was on board. They landed on the Republican Cruiser and immediately entered hyperspace. Ezra and two Clones were rushed to med-bay.

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