Found Something

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Okay, so I was scrolling through Pinterest (Yes, I have Pinterest) and I came upon this.

Okay, so I was scrolling through Pinterest (Yes, I have Pinterest) and I came upon this

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And when I saw orange, I instantly thought of Ezra. Now, I knew these were just emotions, so I decided to do some research. I looked up the physiology of colors. While I did, I came across various of things until I found a trustworthy page.

 While I did, I came across various of things until I found a trustworthy page

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The key words are intrusive and invasive. Intrusive means causing disruption or annoyance through being unwelcome or uninvited.
Invasive means tending to spread prolifically and undesirable or harmfully.

I found it kind of weird that orange had a lot of bad things like ignorance and sluggishness (lack of alertness) on other sites. Although, it had it for every color, but all the bad things of orange matched Ezra perfectly. Sometimes including the positives of it. He's a curious little blueberry and has a joyful mood. Yet, that's sort of disappering.

Then I thought of Kanan. The emotions showed it jealously or envy. I looked it up as well.

So, for some reason on this one

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So, for some reason on this one. Green doesn't have a downside like orange.... It's a calm color, symbolizes health, nature, and life. (That life part scares be a bit. I feel like he's going to die and represent life due to the green he is wearing 😝) Though, I did find downside other than envy and jealously. Guilt. I feel like Kanan will feel guilty in the future, if not already.

(*cough* Because of how Ezra turned out *cough*)

However, these are emotions. And not all colors have to match the emotion. Some people can see blue as hatred and see black as happiness.

Many people even asked why Ezra didn't change his clothes color. Saying he is a bit more mature for that color. I agreed because orange doesn't really blend in with the environment. Kanan and Zeb have dark colors. Along with Hera. Sabine on the other hand, she's colorful. No argument there. But, the colors on her armor and helmet are dark colors. Ezra's ass over here has a bright fricking shirt. Like what is you doing?

Anyways, could this be a sign on where Ezra is heading? He's had orange since season one. All that's left is for him to use black. Okay, I gotta stop. I spent like 15-20 minutes writing this, wtf. I don't even think this was worth it.

Stay Sassy Like Obi-wan!

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

Ps. I uploaded this on another book by accident. :P

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