Quick A/n

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I won't be able to update today or maybe I will be able to update later. Either way, I'm not making any promises.

I am getting ready to enter Hell- I mean school tomorrow and I'm not really looking forward to it. I feel like this year going to be filled with drama like last year. Especially towards the end.

I'm entering 7th grade.

I know, not much. But, last year there was so many fights and two sixth grade fights in lunch. And the sixth grade fights happened next to my lunch table. Two of my friends became enemies and I was stuck in the middle. I hated it so much. One of my friends is being home schooled also and I don't know when I will be able to see her again.

At least my BFF is going to be there. (Met her in second grade) I trust her with all my heart and my life and much more. I feel nervous because I feel like the drama is going to somehow end up on me.

I don't talk sh*t behind peoples back. It's rude. I don't like to get involved in drama because I feel it's going to bit me in the a**. Also that people are going to be more judgemental. I'm already so insecure about my pimples even though I keep telling myself it's normal.

If I find somone talking about me behind my back, they about to get an a** whoppin. I am always nice to people at aren't really close friends. I jokingly be rude to them to my closer friends because they know I don't mean it. Yet, I shouldn't worry about that because they don't know me. And I know my REAL friends are there to defend me.

Yes, I know. You're probably thinking, "Paulina calm down. It's just seventh grade! Not much happens."

I beg to differ.

Seventh grade is where most people get in relationships and when beef starts to grow. I'M NOT READY FOR THAT! I just want a good year where none of my friends drift apart. Sadly, that won't happen.

I just need advise on 7th grade. That is if you have passed seventh grade. However, if you haven't I still need your advise. None of my cousins are there and I'm going to go solo on guidance. I feel really stressed and worried about how this year is going to end up.

I feel overwhelmed on being in advanced guitar and all of my classes are accelerated. Just seeing a room full of 8th graders gets me scared. Advanced guitar is ususally full of 8th graders.

I hope I didn't bother you guys with all of this. I really need this off my chest and I can't talk to my friends because they're not feeling the same. Can't go to my cousins because they don't remember. My mother says it's easy. Well, it isn't.

I always feel pressured on getting good grades I forget that it'll take time to get there. All I'm saying is, I need your wisdom upon me. Help me get through this Hell of a ride.

Have a wonderful nice day or night!

Paulina N.™

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