Chapter 7

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3rd POV
The Jedi's hearts raced. Their soft lips colliding with each others was a dream come true. Something no two Jedi have ever done. They both knew what they have done, they broke a rule. Though the Jedi should have been feeling guilt, they felt warmth and happiness instead.

Heaven is what the only thing that filled their minds. Oh how it felt to finally do something they've been wanting to do for months. Love. Another rule broken, and a serious one. Yet again, their lips couldn't separate. The Jedi were isolated in time, impossible to stop the moment.

He felt the passion radiating off her. She felt the gentleness coming from him.

The eagerness of somehow wanting more. Once they felt the need of air, their lips detached.


The atmosphere around was peaceful. The Jedi stared into each others eyes. Getting lost in them until they heard susurrus outside the door.

"There you are," Anakin threw the door open. They both turned to him, afraid if he could sense on what just happened. He stopped a few feet away from them. "What? I didn't interrupt anything did I?"

Ezra shook his head softly, "No, Master Skywalker. I was just thanking Ahsoka for helping me move my stuff."

"How nice of her. Well, if you don't mind, I need to borrow her for a few hours," Anakin said. Waving his hand for her to come.

"I'm not an object, Skyguy." Ahsoka got up and walked to him, "Where are we going anyways?"

"Your training is back on schedule. We have to leave now or you'll miss it," Anakin proclaimed. Ahsoka nodded and followed him out of the room.

"Good luck on your new battalion," Anakin closed the door behind him. Ezra didn't say a word, he just sat there. Wondering if that really did happen. Ezra fell back on the bed and punched the air.

Ahsoka was battling with Anakin for training. Lightsaber combat to be exact. After ten minutes Ahsoka was on the floor, with Anakin's lightsaber at her neck.

"You're distracted. You can't lose focus during a battle, it can cost you your life," Anakin helped his apprentice up.

"I'm sorry, Master. I can't get my mind off something, but I'll try to forget it," Ahsoka told him.

'Even though it will never leave my mind,' Ahsoka thought mentally.

Anakin raised his eyebrow and tried to sense what was troubling her. He thought for a minute then smirked.

"You guys kissed, huh?" His voice sounding sweet and teasing. Ahsoka's eyes grew.

"What? Of course not. We would be breaking-"

"You guys were about to break it when you and Ezra were in the Archives. You two were waiting to be alone and with some privacy," Anakin cut her off. Ahsoka didn't have any words. He was right, they were going to break it a while back.

"I guess your right," she folded her arms.

"I am right," he mimicked her. "So, who made the first move this time?"

Ahsoka rolled her eyes, "Ezra did."

"Seems like Ezra and you are becoming more the friends."

"Even if we are, we can't. It's against the rules."

"Ahsoka, I believe that feelings is what makes us, us. You and Ezra are a match. Have you seen the way he looks at you? His eyes light up and so does yours. That kiss is just the beginning of the relationship."

"We don't have a relationship, Skyguy. We can't unless we leave the Order. Besides, he doesn't seem to want one. It could have been an accident. You know? Ezra might have gotten carried away-" Ahsoka was cut off by Anakin again.

"Carried away? Last time you didn't say you got carried away and neither did he. You two did it on purpose, you two wanted it to happen and it did. Admit it, he fell for you and you fell for him," Anakin shouted at first.

His voice went into begging mode. He knew what was happening, he just wanted Ahsoka to see it as well. She gave up, Ahsoka tried her best to hide it. But she couldn't hide anything from her Master.

She chuckled under her breath, "Master, I didn't fall for him. He tripped me."

"What?" Anakin questioned.

"Ezra tripped me, not on accident, on purpose. He just didn't tell me his plan. Somehow I wasn't able to catch my balance, so he did. And he's making sure I keep it that way."

"Why don't you tell Ezra you like him?"

"Because, he respects the Jedi rules. Ezra is a great Jedi and obeys unlike me. He wouldn't dare risk being expelled because of me," Ahsoka tilted her head as she looked down. Anakin frowned.

"Ahsoka, Ezra never gave damn about the Jedi rules. He's the son of two Sith Lords. Even though he has been training as a Jedi more than Sith, he never truly went by the Jedi Code. You can tell by the way he uses the Force. Heck, he does and doesn't disobey so much that we couldn't decide if he was doing it on purpose or not."

"That doesn't sound like him," Ahsoka doubted. Anakin rolled hid eyes.

"Trust me, I've known Ezra long enough to know how he acts. He likes to bend the rules. Not break, not follow, bend them." Anakin roboticly said at the end.

"Doesn't matter now. I have to practice and he is leaving in four rotations. I can't bother him and he can't bother me. It'll have to wait," Ahsoka reactivated her lightsabers. Anakin frowned for a few seconds and then activated his lightsaber.


Ezra and his battalion were on a Republican Cruiser. The four rotations were up and he finally met them. His battalions color was blue and they refered to Ezra as "Blue Leader" from time to time.

"General Bridger," Captain Tucker came up to him. His hands carrying a data-pad.

"Yes, Captain Tucker?" Ezra turned his head to him. They were in the cock-pit of the ship. (Don't know how it's called)

"Our first location is in the Mid Rim. Ready at your command, General."

Ezra looked out at the windshield. The lights of Coruscant were visible from space. Ezra gazed at them one more time.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go to the Mid Rim."

~I want to say thank you for the people that suggested various topics for this chapter. I won't be able to pick every one and don't feel bad. I loved all of your guys ideas. I want to say thanks to @FlamingStarBird for recommending Anakin talk to Ahsoka about it and for your helpful tips when having writers block. Don't forget to vote and comment what you think 😉

Stay Sassy Like Obi-wan!

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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