Chapter 11

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3rd Perspective
"Where's Ezra?!" Anakin shouted as he battled Ventress. It's been a while since they contacted him. She gave another wicked smile.

"Bridger's coming?" She asked. Anakin kicked her away, and hard.

"Yes, he is. And we will be leaving soon, so don't get too confident," Anakin smirked. They stopped fighting and began a "chat."

"Have you forgotten that he is the only Padawan that didn't die when his group was ambushed. He cost me a lot," Ventress reminded him. It was the day Ezra disappeared from the Jedi Order. Anakin gripped his lightsaber. "I was only able to leave those two scars as a reminder of what he's dealing with."

"Ezra has a lot of scars. Just not physical ones. And if you think that affected him in any way, you're greatly mistaken." Anakin and Ventress battled once more.


"Can we get there any faster?" Ezra approached a clone. The clone scanned the screen and turned to him.

"Sorry, sir, but no. We are going as fast as we can in hyperspace," the clone seemed disappointed. Though Ezra was upset with his answer, he didn't want to people to feel bad.

"That's alright. There's nothing we can do, but wait. Thank you." They bowed their heads and continued on with their business. As Ezra was walking down the hallway, he ran into Tucker.

"General Bridger, just the person I was looking for," Tucker said. Him and Ezra began strolling down the hallway again. "The men are prepared for when the ship lands. From there we will pass on the extra weapons to finish the battle once and for all."

"That's great, Captain. All that we have to do now is wait until we get to Geonosis," Ezra looked away impatiently. Tucker chuckled a bit.

"That won't be long, sir."

Ezra have a him a funny expression until he sensed the ship finally come out of hyperspace, "Thank the Force!" Both of them rushed to the ramp.


"Master look!" Ahsoka yelled as she pointed her finger at the sky. Her and her Master were hiding behind a rock, trying to catch a break from Ventress. Four gunships descended from the atmosphere.

"Finally, he's here," Anakin sighed in relief.

One of gunships quickly took out a rocket launcher and fired at the HMP gunships. They damaged the ship enough for them to crash on the ground with a bang. Soon enough they started handing off weapons to the clones that were currently fighting. Seconds after the gunships landed, out came Ezra. As he peered over the crowd of clones, he spotted the Jedi on the other side of the battle.

"Took you long enough," Anakin whispered to him once he got to them. Ezra rolled his eyes.

"May I remind you that if you would have contacted me earlier I could have been here sooner," Ezra whisper shouted. He examined the area. "I was way closer to the system when I was at Naboo. Consider yourself lucky I came to your aid. I had to delay an important job should I inform you! Now I'm here getting your army of clones to safety! May I ask what went so horribly wrong? The droid factory wasn't even heavily guarded."

"Let's just say we under estimated the factory and what tricks it had up it's sleeve. Also that someone you don't really like is here. I suggest you stay away from her, you might just end up destroying her to bits," Ahsoka quietly told him. Ezra started at her.

"Her? Are you saying the her I'm thinking? As in Asajj Ventress?" Ezra stated more than questioned. Anakin and Ahsoka both nodded. They felt a bit of angry and sadness leave the boy. Probably thinking back to when he lost them. Ezra let out his breath.

"It's alright, I can control my urge to not kill her. We will simply leave and let her get the punishment from Dooku," Ezra said. They nodded once and slowly, yet quickly, rushed to the gunships. Only two were left. As the Jedi got closer to the ship, Ezra rapidly turned around. Activating his lightsabers in the process.

"Why isn't it Ezra Bridger? Fancy seeing you here," Ventess hissed. They clashed their lightsabers together. A few sparks going off.

"Yeah right." Ezra pushed her away. She smiled.

"Man, haven't I been waiting for this day. I can't wait to take you to Count Dooku and see his proud grin once-" she was cut off by Ezra.

"Don't even say it. I'd rather die than be in the same room as him again," Ezra scoffed. Anakin and Ahsoka gripped their sabers tightly.

"Are you sure about that?" Ventress swiftly Force-pushed him and Anakin away and somehow got a hold of Ahsoka. Panicked filled the Jedi Knights. She had her lightsaber at her neck and glanced back at them.

"Let. Her. Go," Anakin threatened without using a violent gesture.

The assassin laughed, "I will....but for a trade."

Ezra and Anakin gazed at each other for a second then back at her. Anakin raised his brow.

"What type of trade?"

"Her," Ventress moved the saber closer to Ahsoka's neck. "For one of you."

"What!" Ahsoka yelped. Asajj, yet again, has the saber even closer to Ahsoka's throat. Anakin started to shout different things to her. Ahsoka told him not do anything, that it could make things worse. Anakin turned on his lightsaber, ready to just kill her off there. Until a voice spoke up.

"Deal," Ezra's voice was overheard. It quieted down. All of them gave him a shocked expression before finally speaking.

"What?" Ahsoka's voice cracked. He looked up at Asajj. Just as he was about to speak, a Separatist starship arrived and headed straight towards them.

"I said deal," Ezra said more loudly. "Take me instead of Ahsoka. I've dealt with you before and I've been taken hostage more than you can count."

"Ezra don't-"

He cut Anakin off, "No Master Skywalker, it's fine. I can handle her."

Ezra threw over his lightsabers and handed his com over to Anakin. Ventress quickly released Ahsoka and now held Ezra in her position. She clutched her red saber over Ezra's neck and walked to the starship that landed.

"Count Dooku will be most pleased with this trade."

~I'm not dead! I wanted to thank thanaton for commenting this a very, very, very long time ago about Ezra sacrificing himself for Ahsoka. I know it took a very long to put this in the story and to actually update the book, but it's here. I'm here. I will try to get my updates back on track, but that might take some time. Also, I have a new cover, yay! See y'all later! 😄

Stay Sassy Like Obi-wan!

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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