Chapter 22

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"Hey, Master Obi-wan, was Ezra always this aggressive in battles?" Ahsoka aided the injured clones.

Her, Ezra, and Obi-wan were sent on a mission soon after the padawan's return. Once again, returning to Naboo for a supposed to be easy supply pick up, but they seemed to run into trouble with droids quite quickly.

Though, during their battle against them was unnerving. Ezra was more on edge, using more force and aggressiveness than usual. Along with using the dark side a lot more in order to kill some simple droids. Much more than what Mace Windu limits him to if that was even possible.

"I'm surprised you noticed considering you've never witnessed Bridger's full power in battle," Kenobi responded, tending to another injured clone.

"I may have not known Ezra for that long, but I can sense his force aura of sorts. It seems..."

"Darker?" Obi-wan finished for her.

"Perhaps, but it seems wrong to label it like that. More like on edge? Maybe more protective of us?" Ahsoka tried to reason. She didn't want to say Ezra was darker since she knows how sensitive he feels when Jedi Masters speak of how he fights.

"It's possible. Either way, he seems to use it too much. Far more than Master Windu does. I'll have to speak with him on teaching Bridger to lessen his use of the dark side in his fighting strategies." With that, Kenobi left to help the other clones load the supplies.

Ahsoka finished helping the last injured clone. She looked out to the field. A lot of the droids had their heads crushed or ripped off. Arms and legs torn away from the body. All of them being a result of Ezra.

As much as she wanted to speak with him, it was time to go back to Coruscant. She'll have to wait until then.


Once they arrived, the Jedi let the clones handle to shipment. Luckily, the padawans had the rest of the day off unlike Obi-wan, who immediately had to leave. Mentioning something about having to speak with Mace urgently.

As Ezra was leaving, Ahsoka grabbed his shoulder. "Hey, can we talk?"

"Uh...yeah, sure. We can talk in my room if you wish," Ezra smiled. Though, the smile seemed forced.

"Great, we'll walk there now."

When they did get to his room, they walked to the balcony. The sun was setting, leaving the warmth of the air to grow cold soon. They leaned on the railing, a few feet apart from each other. It was a bit suffocating despite being out in the open.

Ahsoka broke the silence, "Ezra, what happened out there?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't act stupid, Ezra. You know exactly what I'm talking about. I have never seen you so brutally destroy droids before. There weren't even strong droids, we could easily just reflected their shots onto them," Ahsoka pressed, "So why? Why did you feel the need to use the dark side in that very moment when it unnecessary."

"I just felt like it," he admitted. Not one ounce of shame was found in his voice.

"That's not the answer I'm looking for and you know it."

Ezra slammed his hands on the railing, "Well, what else can I tell you, Ahsoka? I just wanted the battle to pass quickly and efficiently. This was supposed to be an easy supply run, but some droids had to come and cause disruption. I knew that using the dark side was a way to clean out the battle field fast, so I did it. There's nothing else to it, Ahsoka."

"Are you positive that's all?"

"Also.... Also because it just feels nice. It feels so nice to use the dark side of the force, even for a moment. I can just feel the power, the strength, surging through my veins. It felt right. The feeling I gain from it is unexplainable. I can see why Master Windu manipulates the dark force in his favor." He stared at his hands, occasionally gazing at the rest of his arms. He has never wanted to harness the power of the dark side more than that very moment.

"Ezra, Master Windu uses parts of the dark force use it in his battles. He's a fully trained Jedi, he can control it well. However, you...," Again, Ahsoka lacked the right words to use.

"I'm vulnerable to the dark side, I get it. I may be a Jedi Knight now, but even I know my training was rushed. Dare I say incomplete. They just need more Knights out there to fight battles without having to be wary of them." He studied the skyline of Coruscant now that it was night time.

Ezra missed this view. Being born in hyperspace and living most of his life inside a ship before being taken away by the Jedi, he never knew what a city skyline looked like. That was until Master Windu took him outside the Temple to stargaze with his future apprentice. The moment he glimpsed at the one city planet, he fell in love with it.

Ahsoka decided to let the subject go. It's obvious that it's getting Ezra upset and reminding him that he is very much strong in dark side without even meaning it.

She got closer to him, leaning against him as they both gazed at the city. Ahsoka settled her hand on his.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push it nor bring you doubts upon your Jedi training. I just want you be safe from the dark sides temptation. Keep you out of trouble from the Jedi Masters." Ahsoka raised Ezra's hand with hers, pressing a small kiss on the back of his hand, catching Ezra's attention. Almost as a reassurance that she is there for him. A small, yet comforting act.

Ahsoka rested her cheek on his hand, doing a subtle up and down motion to make the statement even clearer.

She is here with him. That it will stay as such for a very long time.

~Hi, big oof. I am planning on finishing the story line. I don't think it's right to leave my readers with a not-so-very end ending. Plus, I never actually lost interest in this fanfic, rather lost interest in Star Wars in general since I was joining other fandoms. I didn't even watch season four of SWR until yesterday y'all, I was that uninterested.

I got so sad when Kanan died, but it made sense. I know damn well they're continuing Ezra's story. Thrawn and him survived, leaving so many possibilities open to discussion. Anyways, this must be one of my longest chapters yet. I will be cleaning up this account today and possibly tomorrow and start working on future chapters as soon. I don't want to lose my sudden reinterest in writing this fanfic.

Check my message board as well if you wish as I will be posting stuff on there as well.

Stay Sassy Like Obi-wan!

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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