Chapter 4

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3rd POV
Ahsoka slowly walked to the Jedi Masters in a small circle.

"Ahsoka, is he alright?" Obi-wan asked.

"Yes, Master Kenobi. He is also awake now," Ahsoka said. The Masters smiled. Once Ezra was in better condition, they would tell him the great news.


The next morning, Ezra woke up early. He put on his robe and went outside the Jedi Temple. His eyes wondered, scanning the city from afar.

"Beautiful," Ezra said to himself.

He sat down on the steps of the Temple. He wouldn't be going anywhere nor train for a while. His Master says it will cause him more pain. Especially the deep glass cut in his abdominals. Ezra looked down at his stomach. The bandage and shirt couldn't keep it from bleeding through it. He stupidly touched and retrieved his hand. It was painful. He assumed the rest did, too. (Thigh and bicep) 

The sun was rising. Ezra breathed in the cold air once last time and stood up. He winced a little from his hand hitting his thigh.

"Ezra. What are you doing here?" Mace came from behind. Ezra turned around completely.

"I just wanted-"

"You're supposed to stay inside. Lay on your bed for a today and tomorrow," Mace reminded him. Ezra was about to speak, but Mace was faster. "I don't want you getting any more hurt. I want you healed."

Ezra remembered how badly hurt his body was. His face, hands, legs and arms had scratches and bruises. His chest had a small cut, but mostly bruises. Then the bandaged areas hurt the most. He even had a small limp that wasn't very visible. Ezra didn't know how one explosion caused so much harm to him. His Master was right, he needed rest.

"I understand, Master. I'll go back to my dorm and rest," Ezra gave in. Windu gave a tiny smile and walked his apprentice to his room.


"Master Windu," Aayla Secura ran into Mace. (Not literally)

"Yes, Master Secura?" Mace asked.

"The Council is wondering if Ezra is ready for the Trials. After all, Ezra was gone for two years, he just came back six months ago and he is only eighteen. Two years younger than the regular age to become a Jedi Knight," Aayla noted. Mace frowned.

"Ezra is ready. He trained non-stop after he came back. Not wanting to complete his Jedi Trials late. Besides, why is the Council questioning it now? They agreed with me when I announced it."

"Your apprentice is strong and powerful. He knows his strengths and weaknesses. We all know that. But, when he becomes a Jedi Knight, we don't want him to take advantage of the awards it comes with it."

"My Padawan is smart, he would never take advantage of anything. Either the Council allows him to become a Knight, or not at all," Mace ended the disagreement. Aayla went quiet for a minute.

"We are on your side, Master Windu. The Council wants him to become a Jedi Knight as much as you do. We just, need to keep an eye out for Ezra. That's all," Master Secura left. Mace was all alone with his thoughts. He looked to the floor. For the first time, they're acting as if Ezra is a child, that he is turning on the Jedi Order.


Two days passed. Ezra had an easier time to walk around. The bruises were fading away and so were the cuts. Ahsoka visted him a few times with medicine because he would never take it. Claiming it was 'disgusting in many ways.' When Ahsoka heard that she would only say 'childish.' He was eighteen and still complained about medicine.

"Here," Ahsoka handed him his robe. He took it from her hands with confusion.

"Why do I need this?" Ezra put it on anyways. Ahsoka turned to him, with medicine behind her back.

"Master Windu wants you to meet him outside the Jedi Council. He said it's very important. Also, you have to take your medicine."

Ezra rolled his eyes, "I'll take it later. Right now, I have to meet with Master Windu."

Ezra stood up. Her eyes were at his shoulders. She was growing, but was still shorter than him. Her neck sometimes hurts for looking up at him most of the time. Ezra's neck only hurted becausee he read books from the Archives. Of course, she would have to bring them.

"You have to take it now!" Ahsoka stomped on his foot. Ezra was about to scream in pain until she poured a spoonful of medicine. Ezra face scrunched up. He swallowed it and sticked his tongue out in disgust. Constantly. (You all know what I'm talking about right?)

"Did you really need to step on my foot?" Ezra whined. He sat back down, holding his foot.

"Yes," Ahsoka simply replied. Ezra rolled his eyes again and stood up.

"I'm leaving now."

-- (This part is inspired by cuddlyhemmings book, Underestimate Me.)

"You're late," Mace Windu said, disappointed. This a big day for Ezra and he didn't even know it.

"I'm sorry, Master. I was having a bit of trouble on the way here," Ezra apologized. His stomach still was in pain, but it didn't stop him from coming.

"It's fine," Mace accepted his apology. Mace Windu looked around the room and spoke. "I remember the first day Kenobi and I brought you here. I was able to convince the Council to take you in even though you had Sith training. It's been an honor to start and end your journey. I've done the best I can to give you my knowledge. You are self ware, headstrong and well behaved, there is not much you can learn from me anymore. A young one with your achievements deserves the title of Knight. Your last mission proved that. Now it's time to leave our roles as Master and Apprentice and become equal."

"What are you saying, Master?" Ezra asked, he was demented.

He didn't answer him. The Council Chamber doors opened. Mace let him walk in first. The Council room was dark, but Ezra made his way to the center of the room. Lightsabers of different colors filled the room. In front of Ezra was Master Yoda, sitting in his chair. Ezra examined the room, he smiled. He knew what was happening.

Master Windu's lightsaber finally lit up. The purple reflecting off his face. Ezra thanked him with his eyes. Then to Obi-wan. He wouldn't be in this position without them. If they didn't rescue him and gave him a second chance.

"Step forward, Padawan," Yoda's hoarse voice said. Ezra kneeled before him. Yoda raised his saber, the rest lowered theirs.

"Ezra Bridger. By the right of the Council," his green lightsaber hovered over his right shoulder. "By the will of the Force," his saber hovered over his left shoulder. "Dub thee I do, Jedi-" Master Yoda went back to his right and cut off his Padawan Braid. "-Knight of the Republic."

~That's right. Ezra's a Jedi Knight. That was fast. Sorry with a lot of time skips. But these ones (--) are just a few minutes. This one (¤§¤§¤§¤§¤§¤§¤§¤§¤) is like hours to days. Something like that. Also, sorry for so much similarities between the Jedi Trial part. I didn't know how they worked, so I used cuddlyhemmings one. I love her writing. Don't forget to vote and comment what you think 😉

Stay Sassy Like Obi-wan!

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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