Chapter 16

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3rd Perspective
With that, Ezra turned away. Not a worried was spoken and silence filled the room. The only thing heard was Ezra's boots clicking on the floor. Anakin was going to yell out to him, but Obi-wan stopped him. He glanced at Ezra and then looked back at Anakin. Who was waiting for a response.

"Is that how Ezra gets when he-" Ahsoka was cut off.

"No, not at all. The Separatists were able to make him trust the Jedi less, but never to this extent." Obi-wan rubbed his beard. Still trying to understand what has happened.

"Whatever they did to him must have been very painful and convincing. Considering the fact that he is acting that way," Anakin said.

Ahsoka tilted her head, "What do you mean?"

"When the Separatists successfully got to him, he was held hostage for almost a week. However, he was only held captive for a day. Almost two." Obi-wan looked back at the direction Ezra went. "Somethings not right."

Before Ahsoka could answer, Commander Cody came strolling up behind Obi-wan. He held a smile and was walking rather quickly.

"General Kenobi!" Cody shouted as he walked.

"Ah, Cody. What is it?" Obi-wan asked. Cody was holding a pad and was scrolling through it as he spoke.

"Good news, we located General Bridger," he smiled. The three Jedi knitted their eyebrows together.

"What do you mean? He's already escaped and has arrived." Anakin told him, folding his arms. Commander Cody gave him a strange stare.

"I apologize, but I do not know what you're talking about. We just received a transmission coming from a Separatist ship." Cody stopped scrolling and pressed a button on the screen.

'This is General Ezra Bridger. I have been held captive in a Separatist ship with Count Dooku and his Master. I have sent my location already and will be in cell B56. However, there is something I must mention. I over heard Count Dooku and his Master talking about sending in a Changeling because they were unsuccessful in turning me. So if a "I" arrive looking all pissed just know, that isn't me. Though, I can't be for certain.

Ezra's voice paused for a few seconds before starting again.

'I must go now. I'll be waiting. Try not to die, I'll really appreciate it.'

Ahsoka stifled a laugh. That was Ezra. The real Ezra. However, Anakin and Obi-wan held their breaths. Both turned to each and back at the pad.

"Ahsoka," Anakin said.

"Yes, Master?"

"Ezra is still being held hostage." Anakin faced her. His eyes becoming fearful. It took a second for Ahsoka to realise what he was talking about

"That means the Ezra that we saw...was a Changeling," Ahsoka whispered.

"Ahsoka, chase after that Changeling and make sure you hold it down. We can't risk anything. Cody, lock down the Temple as best as you can. We can't let that imposter get away," Obi-wan commanded, "Anakin, you go get Ezra. It's obvious he has done some of the rescuing himself so it won't be hard to rescue him. Now go!"

Anakin ran down the hallway with Commander Cody following behind. Obi-wan turned to the Padawan.

"You and I will hunt down that Changeling and make sure it doesn't go anywhere." Ahsoka nodded and both bolted down the opposite hallway.

'I knew it,' Ahsoka thought. 'I knew something was off. Ezra is too strong to break down that fast. Plus, I didn't sense Ezra's Force aura.'

As they turned the corner, they saw "Ezra" wondering around. Seeming lost. Though, that was to be expected.

"There he is, Master Kenobi."

"It seems lost. We must find a way to make sure it doesn't runaway," Obi-wan told her. "How about we-"

As he was about to say his plan, they heard a scream and a thud on the floor. They turned to the Changeling's direction and saw Commander Cody pointing his blaster at it.

Obi-wan sighed, "Cody, there was a better way to have captured it rather than have to stun it."

"Well, this was the fastest way." Cody smirked.


The Changeling was brought to a secure room so that Obi-wan could talk to it. It never said a word, despite Obi-wan asking it many quesitons. Eventually he gave up. There was no use on making it talk.

As he was leaving, the Changeling chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Obi-wan inquired. The Changeling looked at him. It still appeared like Erza. Which made it hard to look at.

"My Master told me to give you a message before I left. That is, if I was ever to get caught," The Changeling glanced up. His voice also sounding like Ezras. It made Obi-wan uncomfortable. As if a heavy breathing was behind his kneck, never to stop. "He told me to tell you that the Jedi are foolish. Foolish to think that Ezra's destiny resides in the Jedi way. He is powerful, more powerful than what you think. He will never reach his full potential if he stays with the Jedi. Especially when the Jedi restrict the way he can use his powers. The Jedi are the ones holding Ezra back, if he keeps getting restricted, he will eventually break. The time of his realisation is nearing, and you won't be able to stop him from seeing the truth. The truth of what is to become of him. The time will come when dawn sets, and Ezra won't be there anymore."

~How many apologizes do I have to keep writing? I'm so very sorry that I left for yet another month. I was going to finish this chapter like two weeks ago, but I had to focus on my finals. However, now that school ended today, I finally finished! Yay🙌 Anyways, I will now have time to update again and it will be more constant. So stay with me and don't leave. More updates will come your way! Hope you enjoyed this chapter😁

Stay Sassy Like Obi-wan!

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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