Chapter 9

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3rd Perspective
All the clones were in position. The gunships were the farthest since they were pretty important to destroying the factory. Tanks and an army of clones headed to the factory.

"Sir, clones are heading our way," a droid reported from inside the factory.

"Get a droids out there and shoot at will," the one in charge ordered.

"Roger, roger."

Anakin and Ahsoka were quietly waiting behind huge rocks. Waiting for when the battle began. Soon, droids started to pour out of the factory. B2 droids, the spider droids as well came to join. Once both sides got close enough, they commenced fire.

Minutes after the battle started, Ahsoka and Anakin sneaked by unnoticed. Both of them carried a backpack full of bombs. They reached the edge and began climbing down it.

"Ahsoka, get your lightsabers and-" The Jedi Knight got interrupted.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Cut a hole in the wall," Ahsoka clutched her sabers and activated them. Anakin did the same.

After a minute or so Anakin pushed the rock wall down. Both rushed into the underground catacombs and walked down the long tunnels. It was damp and hot. From time to time it got cold, but it was rare.

"Ugh, it smells awful in here," Ahsoka complained silently.

"You can suck it up for a while. If we don't destroy this thing, we will have a very vile Council," Anakin told her, his eyes looking forward. Though, Anakin agreed. It was musty and dank, along with the air being sticky. The smell of rotting flesh of dead animals was also not far away from mind.

At the end of the tunnel, a light was seen.

"Come on!" Anakin shouted at her. Ahsoka and Anakin ran as quickly as they could, trying not to be heard under the building.

They arrived in the room. There it was, the core. It was hourglass shaped and it was purple. Wires hanged off the walls like vines.

"Jedi!" A droid called out. The rest of the clankers turned to them, "Shoot them!"

Ahsoka and Anakin quickly activated their lightsabers. Soon enough, blaster shots flew through the room. The Jedi were careful not to hit the core, in case it was delicate and could be damaged easily. After taking out the few droids guarding the energy source, they began taking action.

"Ready, Snips?" Anakin gripped a bomb. Ahsoka did the same and grinned.



All bombs were placed. Many attached to the core. A few were on the walls of the room, adding more destruction.

"Alright, we're all done here," Anakin placed the last bomb on the core. Ahsoka and him stood there admiring their work. Though, there was still much more to take care of.

"We should go, we faced a couple of spider droids and B1 droids while doing this. It would be no surprise if they are sending more," Ahsoka noted.

Her master crossed his arms, "Guess you're right. Yet, I'm aware that not many were sent."

"Shouldn't that be a good thing?"

"Yes but, considering the fact that there are still more in the factory being made, tanks are available, spider droids, and B2 droids are attacking my men, wouldn't they be more concerned in us destroying the only thing keeping this factory up and running?" Anakin questioned.

He felt like something was up. Something.... bad. An unsettling feeling landed in his gut. Along with Ahsoka, but not as strong.

"I agree, I thought they would send tanks or at least something powerful," Ahsoka told him. Anakin shook his head.

"Doesn't matter now. We have to go before more clones are killed." The Padawan nodded and ran out the room. Anakin following close.

Along the way, he planted explosives on the wet walls of the tunnels. A hand full of them fell to the ground due to the walls being slippery. Ahsoka only threw four on the ground, in case they needed them later on. Once they got out of the catacombs, they hurriedly climbed the rock wall.

They joined the battle and turned on their sabers.

"We have to get as far away from the factory," Anakin commanded, blocking blaster shots at the same time. "It will be a big explosion."

"Yes, sir!" Rex fought beside him. He commed the other clones, telling them to retreat. Dust kept getting swept up and into the Jedi's eyes. Even a bit of smoke got in the lungs of everyone.

"Get ready with the gunships!" Anakin shouted into his com. A clone rapidly sat in the pilots sit and the engine began humming.

"General Skywalker, we are far enough from the explosion," Rex reported.

"Great. Everyone, prepare for heat wave from the destruction." He took out the button that will demolish the entire factory.

As soon as he had the button in his hands, the unsettling feeling in his gut got heavier. Ahsoka and Anakin felt a dark presence. In the distance they saw a figure surrounded by droids.

That was what they sensed.

As it drew closer, Anakin and Ahsoka clutched their lightsabers stronger. The figure finally revealed it's identity.

"Ventress," they whispered in disgust.

~Hey people, I'm back! I just saw the new episode of SWR and oh my gosh. It was awsome, but I'm not spoiling anything. I will not be 'that person.' Anywho, thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment what you think 😄

Stay Sassy Like Obi-wan!

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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