Chapter 13

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3rd Perspective
There he was. In a plain cell and a simple bench to sit and sleep on. Ezra sat quietly on it. Resting his head on his hands as he thought of what might happen next. About an hour passed with no one coming in the cell and it made Ezra suspenseful. It made him wonder what they would do to him. Ezra guessed a mental torture or a physical one. Maybe both. Either way, he'll resist. He had too. He didn't want to let down any of the Jedi Masters.

"At least I was able to save Ahsoka from this," Ezra quietly told himself. He looked down for second until he heard the door open. Droids.

"Jedi. We are moving you to a different cell," one droid said. He also disabled the shield between them as well. Ezra smirked a bit and got up. The other droid readied his blaster, "And don't try anything."

"Does it look like I can do anything?" Ezra waved his cuffed hands in the droids face. He didn't have his com, lightsaber, nothing. He walked down the hallway silently with a blaster pointed at his back.

A while later, Ezra was pushed into a black cell. As he looked around, he released what it was, but wasn't quite sure.

Ezra turned to the droids, "Is this the-"

"Why would you do that?" One droid asked. The other one shot him.

"I thought he was going to try to escape," he defended. The droid shook it's head.

"He was just going to ask a question! We're lucky it was on stun. Let's put the restraints on him." The two droids began removing the cuffs and putting the binders.


Ezra slowly woke up. The room spinned for a few seconds, but went back to normal. He noticed that he was in the air with cuffs in both his wrists and ankles. Along with blue electricity looking like coming from them. Ezra panicked and looked around. He saw yellowish eyes in a dark corner. Soon enough, Ezra got a painful wave throughout his body. His skin was burning so much, smoke was drifting off his body.

After a couple of minutes. It all stopped. Ezra's screams stopped. The yellow eyed being began walking out of the shadows,"They trained you well, I see."

"Dooku," Ezra spat.

"Ezra Bridger. We meet again. It's been a while, hasn't it. I still remember the day you were born," Dooku observed him. He noted how much his appearance changed. "The day you began training as a Sith."

"Shut. Up."

"Why? Does this bring back bad memories? Or does this remind you on which side you're supposed to be on?" Dooku questioned. Ezra glared at his dead eyes.

"I am on the right side. Nothing will ever change my mind that the Dark Side is right."

Dooku chuckled, "Then why did you start questioning their ways?"

Ezra opened his mouth to defend himself, but then closed it. He was right. He did question the Jedi ways. Sadly, that lasted for a long time. Yet, it disappeared years ago. Though, that's what Ezra keeps telling himself.

"That's only because you guys played with my mind. I was young. A Padawan. I'm a Jedi Knight already, I know better than to disobey orders. In fact, I myself give orders," Ezra shouted.

Though, that wasn't entirely true. He disobeyed orders long after his last time of being taken hostage. He disobeyed orders just a couple of hours ago. Ezra lied to both Dooku and himself.

"There is something wrong about that Jedi Order. First, a Jedi that doesn't need to take the trials. Then another one that is two years younger than the average age to become a Jedi Knight."

"What can I say?" Ezra said. He rose his head, "Anakin and I are pretty powerful because of our Jedi Masters."

After that comment, Ezra got electrocuted once again. And this time, it was longer. Dooku stopped and turned to him with an angry glare.

"I will bring you to your knees, Bridger! I will get my Master to come at once, he will convince you to join. No matter how long it takes, how much torture we have to use on you, you will break sooner or later.' With that, he left the room.

~I know, short and not the best, but I have to say something. I don't know if the story is moving along to slowly. Should I speed it up a bit or keep it at the pace it's already at. I'm at chapter 13 and still here. I've been thinking I should speed it up, but I wanted to hear your opinions. Enough of that, LOOK!

 Enough of that, LOOK!

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This ship was spotted in the latest Rogue One tv spot

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This ship was spotted in the latest Rogue One tv spot. That is the Ghost. That has to be the Ghost. What other person has a Modified VCX-100 light freighter (Ghost). If that is the Ghost I want to hear one of the crew's name mentioned and/or their voice. They have Saw in it already, what makes them stop there? It's even said that Phoenix Squadron is in it, too. I am dying, hyperventilating, about to faint, and all of the above. Send help....

Stay Sassy Like Obi-wan!

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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