Chapter 23

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Ezra and Ahsoka stayed there for a while. Both enjoying each other's company and the view. Though Ezra feels better, Ahsoka can sense something is not settled just yet.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked, still gazing at the passing vehicles.

"What do you consider home, Ahsoka? Shili or the Jedi Temple?" He asked quietly, almost afraid of the question itself than the answer.

"Well, Shili is my species home planet and trained here in the Jedi Temple since I was very young. So, I guess my home lies here, on Coruscant. I feel the safest here," she explained, "Why do you ask?"

"I don't have a home. A safe place to be more exact," Ezra explained carefully, not wanting Ahsoka to go off on him. "I would say Coruscant is basically my home, but it would be my second. My first home was a battleship, if you even consider a ship a house rather than a cruiser. My feet never touched a planet until I was three if I remember correctly. I lived among stars, traveling rim to rim, before Master Kenobi and Master Windu found me."

"And then?"

"Then nothing. To say I feel comfortable calling Coruscant my home wouldn't be that far fetched, but it doesn't feel right to call it like that. I've been to so many planets, I have the freedom to call any planet I visited home as far as I'm concerned."

Ahsoka thought for a second, going back to resting her arms on the railing, "What about Lothal? The birth place of your parents, does that place call you?"

"It does. It always has, but the Masters won't allow me to go. As much as I would like to explore my parents home planet, the Jedi Masters fear I would go looking for the remnants of my parents home there. That I would fall even deeper to the dark side if I were to remember their force presence."

"I'm sure you won't. You've gone anyways in order to gain your kyber crystals, that place calls to you for a reason. I don't think it's right for Masters to forbid you to finding out what exactly it is," Ahsoka agreed. It's known that once you are taken away from your home planet, you stay on Coruscant and there you will stay for a long time until you are ready for battle.  Yet, despite Ezra never being born on a planet, he keeps wanting to go back.

"I feel like, once I discover what is calling me to that place, I will feel at peace. Perhaps find my home at last."

"You know, Ezra, home doesn't have to be a planet or a house at all. Home is a stable foundation. A home is where you feel comfortable and safe. To say a home can only be a building created from concrete would be limiting your options to find the place of security," Ahsoka alleviated the tension on his mind, "Anyways, I must go. It's getting late and Skyguy is going to get suspicious."

"Let him. It's not like he's wrong," Ezra teased.

She smacked his shoulder, a slight blush crossing her cheeks, "Stop it, Ezra. It's not funny."

He chuckled. "Whatever you say, lovely." He gazed at her for a moment or two, longing for a little more contact than just holding hands. Though, he knew his limits and knew Ahsoka followed the Jedi code unlike him. "I'll see you tomorrow, Ahsoka."

"Goodnight, Ezra." With that, their night together came to an end.


"Ezra, I regret to tell you this, but until further notice, you will not be allowed to leave on missions," Mace said.

The morning has barely began and Ezra was already in trouble.

"What the fuck?"

"Language, Bridger," Windu warned him.

"B-But Master Windu, I haven't done anything wrong yet."

"From what I heard, you used a confrontational approach to the droids. Ezra, I have warned you to not use the dark side unless it's absolutely necessary, which was not the case here. Do you have anything to explain yourself?"

He didn't. He never did, "No, Master Windu. You're right. I shouldn't have used the dark side yesterday. I have no excuse. I accept this punishment."

Mace gave him a disappointing, yet sorrow look. He turned around and left him alone in the hallway. Now Ezra was really regretting having a dark side. It caused him so much trouble, yet he still used it regardless of what the Masters thought. All he wished for was the approval of his own Master.

Instead of sulking in the hallway, he lumbered to Ahsoka's room. Hoping she was still on Coruscant.

Lucky for him, she was.

"Ezra! What are you doing here?" Ahsoka questioned him. It wasn't even seven and yet he's up.

"Well, I wanted to see if you were still on Coruscant," Ezra examined her for a second, "Which I guess you are."

"I am. Are you okay? You seem, upset."

Ezra sighed, "I'm banned from going on any missions for a while. Master Windu found out about my little incident yesterday and now I have been punished for it."

They stayed silent for a minute, letting the information sink in for both of them.

"Here, how about this. I have today off since Master Skywalker has his own thing to deal with. How about you and I go somewhere? To cheer you up and clear your mind, yeah?" Ahsoka suggested, grabbing both of his hands. A habit she's been picking up the last few months.

"Are you sure? I don't want to bother you on your day off."

"Oh please, you can never bother me even if you are annoying."

He grinned. "Okay, I'll meet out front two hours from now."

"I'll be waiting, Ezra."

~Y'all have no idea how happy I am to continue this. I said it before, but in case you didn't read it, this chapter and the next chapter will establish Ahsoka's and Ezra's relationship. So, I hope y'all don't mind. ✊😔

Stay Sassy Like Obi-wan!

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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