Chapter 8

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(1 week later)

3rd POV
"Master, where are we going now?" Ahsoka asked, walking besides Anakin. He received a message from the Council and still hasn't told his Padawan. As they left the Temple, a gunship awaited them. He turned around.

"We are going on a mission," Anakin turned to ship boarded it. The morning sun was high in the sky already. Ahsoka climbed aboard as well.

"Where?" Ahsoka asked. The ship took off and headed to a Republican Cruiser.

"Geonosis. A droid factory is in the process of making a lot more than what we can handle," Anakin reported.

Ahsoka sighed in annoyance, "Didn't that happen already?"

"Yes, but this one is a smaller one. However, it works faster."

They arrived at the Crusier and headed to the cockpit. There was Rex and many more clones.

"General Skywalker," Captain Rex approached him. His white and blue armor shining under the dim lights. "Coordinates are set. Ready when you are, sir."

Anakin looked down at Ahsoka. He waited for a minute until Ahsoka finally nodded her head.

"We're ready Rex," Anakin told him. He nodded and commanded a clone to go into hyperspace.


Upon exiting hyperspace, Geonosis was up ahead. Holding the droid factory they needed to destroy. Though, with no help with other Jedi, only having Anakin and Ahsoka, it would be a bit harder. The clones would give them coverage while Ahsoka and Anakin proceeded with their plan.

"Make sure they can't detect us," Anakin ordered. A clone took care of his command.

"So, what's the plan?" Ahsoka bugged him. Anakin rolled his eyes. She's been asking the same question ever since they got on the Crusier.

"I'll tell you when we get on Geonosis."

Ahsoka put on a frustrated face and smiled with stress, "Okay."

The Padawan and her Master paced down the hallways full of feet stomping on the floor. Seconds later, they arrived at the platform.

"Come on, Ahsoka!" Anakin yelled while holding on to a com. Him and Ahsoka were, yet again, boarding another gunship. Ahsoka seemed eager to go on this mission. Taking in the fact that she hasn't gone on one in a while.

"Calm down, Skyguy. I'm right here. No need to shout," Ahsoka complained and got on the gunship.


Flying through the planets atmosphere, Ahsoka could smell the factory from miles away. The oil and pollution filling her nostrils. It made her feel bad for the things living on Geonosis. The gunship landed two miles away from their real destination, but none of them minded that.

"Now can you tell me the plan?" Ahsoka asked politely. Anakin was telling his men what to do.

"Of course," Anakin turned to her. "The plan is simple."

"Your plans are never simple."

"Yes, they are."

"No, they are not."

"Umm, yes they are."

"No. They're. Not," Ahsoka discorded.

"Whatever. We don't have time for this," Anakin flung his arms a bit. She flashed a small smile. Anakin retrieved a small hologram device from his pocket and turned it on. It was the structure of the droid factory. It was more medium sized than small. "We are going to do the same thing you and Barriss did before."

"Go into the catacombs and get into the building?" Ahsoka questioned. Anakin nodded.

"Yes, but no. The clones will be decoys as we go underneath and stay there. We'll be using some bombs to blow the buildings core. Aka, the thing that keeps everything up and running. All of that will be shut down. Including the deactivation of the shields. While it's system is down the gunships will fly over the factory, hit it's weak points and it will explode," he put the device away. "See? Simple."

"I agree, it's not hard. But what about the droids that are guarding the core. They will most defiantly be protecting that part the best they can. Perhaps even having their tanks," Ahsoka noted. The Jedi Knight crossed his arms behind him and thought for a moment.

"Then we'll just have to deal with that on our own."

~I am so, so, so, so sorry for not updating in like a month. I feel so terrible for not updating or saying anything. I started this chapter two weeks ago then got lost and forgot all that I was about to write. So I just exited out of it and never opened it again until today. To make things worse this chapter is short. 😞

I apologize for the lack of updates. If you ask me I could've been half way through the story if I actually updated on the weekends. Forgive me for that. I promise I will write a longer chapter. I bet a few (many) people lost interested and deleted it off their library or something. Thanks to the people who didn't though. 😊

I suggest once you're done reading this chapter to Archive Story this book. Since I won't know when I'll update again. Just remember that it will ask you to add it to your library, press the plus sign please. Or else it won't and you won't get a notification when I updated again. (Why am I explaining this?) And then go to your Current Readings and make it an Archive Story. Thanks. (Don't know if it only happens to me 😝)

Love all of y'all who stuck around. 💕 Now I have to go and do homework.

Stay Sassy Like Obi-wan!

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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