Chapter 20

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3rd Perspective
"Slow down there, Ezra." Ahsoka sat down next to him. They were sitting on his bed as Ezra tried to calm down. "You can't be sure. It may be clouded. You just got back from being kidnapped by the Separatists."

"I know. I know. But it doesn't deny the fact about my past visions," Ezra said.

"Past visions?" Ahsoka asked. Ezra sighed.

"Ever since I came back to the Jedi Order, I've been getting visions. Negative visions to be exact," Ezra admitted.

"How are they negative?"

"My visions show Jedi dying. My Master, yours, Master Kenobi, and a few others. I can't recall the way they died, but it seemed as though it was going to be recent. Then there's my parents." Ahsoka gave him a small glance. Not knowing if he wanted to continue. "They kept yelling at me. Saying that I betrayed them and that I was dishonoring our family name. That I should've trained to be a Sith, not a Jedi."


"....Maybe they're right. All I do is cause trouble for the Order. Maybe I should leave. That way, everyone will be happy now that the son of two Siths will be gone. After all, it's not like every Jedi wanted me here."

Once he said that, Ahsoka was pissed. She gripped the sides of his head and head butted him. "You idiot!"

"What was that for!" Ezra shouted as he rubbed his forehead. Ahsoka placed her hands on his cheeks, slightly squishing them.

"Ezra, why would you ever think that? The Jedi Council accepted you for you, not because of what your family is known for. Master Kenobi and Master Windu could have easily left you to die in that ship, ending the Bridger bloodline, but they didn't. They took you with them because they sensed potential in you! Don't say you regret on becoming a Jedi. The Jedi Masters worked hard on trying to get you adjusted to your new life. And even though you weren't cooperative at first, they didn't give up. So please, don't give up on them." Ahsoka let go of his cheeks and held his hands. She pressed her forehead against his. "Please, don't give up on them. Don't give up on your Master. Don't give up on me."

Ahsoka's voice was shakey. Her lips seemed to quiver at every word she said. Her eyes shut tightly, holding her tears back. Ezra let go of her hands and moved his head backwards. He saw Ahsoka's eyes. They gleamed due to the surfacing tears that are yet to fall down. Ezra went in for a hug.

"...I'm sorry. It's just that, despite not knowing my parents, I feel like I sometimes let them down. Even though I know I went down the right path. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm here thanks to the Jedi taking me in as one of their own. I mentally tell myself that I don't belong here anymore after disappearing for two years, but even after all of that, they didn't say anything. The Masters didn't yell at me. They welcomed me with open arms, and I graciously accepted it." Ezra hugged her tighter. Making Ahsoka do the same. With the sudden shift of mood, it made Ahsoka go a bit hazy.

They hugged for a couple of minutes. It gave Ezra enough time to recreate his thinking process. He was wanted at the Order, and he has no reason to leave. His reason to stay in the Order already came into view months ago. Ezra began to blush was he noticed the situation they were in. He quickly yanked away from her grip.

"Sorry, I don't now what came over me. I was caught up in the moment. You probably don't like being touched either," he mumured. He stood up and walked to the door. As he was opening it, Ahsoka spoke up.

"I don't mind," her voice whispered. She avoided eye contact, "If it's you, then I don't mind."

Ezra smiled."Well, we still have Naboo left. Let's go get things ready."


The unloading went by much faster than last time. It took only an hour instead of two. The co pilots started up hyperspace. Yet again, clones that helped out went to eat, and others to sleep. Ahsoka went to rest her body as well. Ezra stayed behind in the cockpit to see if there were any issues.

"Why did I say that?!" Ahsoka slammed her head on the wall. It throbbed in pain, but she ignored it, "'If it's you, then I don't mind?' Really, Ahsoka!" She plopped herself down on the bed and laid on her side. "You should've said something different." With that, she drifted to sleep.

When she woke she heard her com go off. Her body felt weak for some reason. Probably because of the events that has happened on the mission, but she didn't care. As long as Ezra was staying, she was happy to come along. Who knows what might have happened. If she wasn't there, he could have been thinking about leaving.

"Yes?" Ahsoka answered. She yawned right after.

"We're about to arrive at Coruscant. Please prepare for landing," a clone reported. The com turned off, and Ahsoka looked at Ezra's bed. It was empty.

"Well, he has his own things to do," she told herself. She got up and began packing up Ezra's medicine. Though it was his, she's the one that brought it. After a few minutes Ezra came in.

"Hey, Ahsoka. We're about to get there in a few minutes." Ezra stood next to her. Yet again, she had to be reminded of how short she was compared to him.

"Alright, I'll meet you in the cockpit," she replied.

"Oh, you packed up my medicine. Thanks."

"Well, it's the least I could do. I haven't been much help," she sat down.

"Of course you have. You've given me lots of help, with and without this mission," Ezra poised. Ahsoka gave a weak smiled.

"If you say so, but I want to do one more thing that could help lighten up your mood," Ahsoka wished.

"Well there is one thing," Ezra said.

"Really? What is-" Ahsoka got cut off when she felt pressure on her lips.

The pressure was soft at first, as if it was gliding on her skin. Yet, it became a bit more persistent after a few seconds. The warm pressure ended, leaving Ahsoka lips cold.

"Now you've really lightened up my mood." Ezra left the room. Ahsoka was a bit shocked at first, but when she came to her senses, she got embarrassed. Ahsoka blushed heavily.


~There you go! For the people that wanted that kiss so much. I didn't want to make up guys suffer any longer, (though I considered it). I tried to make this chapter a bit sweet, but I don't know how to write sweet things. Or anything at all. Anywho, hope y'all enjoyed. Comment what you think 🙈

Stay Sassy Like Obi-wan!

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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