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Wow, okay, where do I even start?

First and foremost, I am not dead (only on the inside). I just haven't been updating for a reason. Let me explain.

I started getting writers block and I obviously stopped writing. However, I would come back and write what I had in mind for that chapter's plot. However, during the time I wasn't writing, I got interested in other things. I had to focus on school, my health, and so on. At the same time, I began to grow up.

Now, I'm not saying Star Wars is for kids because I still love Star Wars, just not as obsessed as before. Star Wars Rebels ended and I just started distancing myself from this fanfic for some reason and Star Wars in general.

I still watched the recent movies and I plan to for every movie that comes out in the future. I still get excited when people mention Star Wars. I still correct my cousin when she says that Darth Vader has twins. I did not lose knowledge on the Star Wars universe.

Just in general other things started to catch my attention like Anime, Sherlock, Merlin, and other tv shows. Hell, even Kpop came into view last year.

The more I ignored the fanfic and engrossed myself in other fandoms, the more I lost the plot line of this book. I remember bits and pieces of it. I remember the ending, just not how to get there any more. I even planned on maybe having a third book depending whether you guys would want it, or just continue it here. I probably had three to four chapters left before things went down hill and the plot to kick start once more.

I came here to apologize for not updating since when? Last November? Which is about ten months ago. I legit just dropped this book. I know there are still people just beginning to read this two part series and some even comment and they make me feel guilty because they don't know that I haven't updated in a long ass time.

I published my first book when I was eleven. ELEVEN. I'm turning fifteen in about three months. So yeah, it's been a while since I first made this account.

I'm here to say that I am officially discontinuing Found. It's been pretty obvious, but just so the people who are still around, know that I am okay. Nothing bad happened to me, just lost inspiration in writing/continuing the series. Funny, I still remember the first person to ever read one of my books. thanaton , I don't know if you even remember me, but thank you for reading the first book I ever published. You motivated me to post the following chapter.

How ever you guys wanted the book to end, keep it with you. I'm pretty sure none of y'all know what's going on anymore anyways. (I read the comments and someone said that).

Doubt anyone cares, but in case y'all want to stay connected, I will long in every few days or just pm for social media I guess?? I don't know. If you guys comment or pm, I will answer this time.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe out there. The world holds many secrets for you to discover. Go out there and find them. You might struggle, but all you need is help from others to help you uncover it. It's up to you to ask for and/or accept their help.

Thank you for sticking around with me for these couple of hiatus months. Thank you for reading my books. Even if you're new or have been here for a while now, I appreciate you for taking your time for reading my work and see it develop. It means a lot to me.

This is Sassy signing out for the last time. May the force be with you. Always.

Stay Sassy Like Obi-wan!

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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