Chapter 10

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3rd Perspective
"Well what do we have here?" Ventress said out loud. She already had her lightsabers in her cold hands.
Anakin and Ahsoka got closer to her. The droids that covered her were now in a straight line on both sides of Ventress. Anakin just scoffed at her. He hated her for various of reasons he couldn't chose which one was the top one. Ahsoka did the same.

"You're too late Ventress. That factory will no longer be here," The Jedi Knight soon clicked the button and the core erupted.

It shook the ground a bit, but they stood there. Looking at the explosion. Next was the factory itself. Fire emerged from the factory as the walls tumbled to the ground. All that was left was for the gunships to shoot the right spot.

"Get gunships in the air!" Anakin shouted at the clones who were in them. They immediately took off for the crumbling building.

"Not so fast," Ventress called. HMP droid gunships flew out and shot them down. Not giving the ships a chance to shoot back. Ventress smiled her wicked smile.

"Master what now?" Ahsoka gripped her lightsabers. Anakin knew that if they tried to go back to the Cruiser they will be shot down. Even if they weren't it will take too long to get everyone back.

Anakin turned on his saber, "We fight."


Ahsoka and Anakin spent a good amount of time fighting the assassin. And that was getting them tired. Not only that, but the number of Clones were going down. They needed reinforcements, however they were told they wouldn't have anyone to help them. The Jedi Masters were dealing with problems of their own.

Anakin Force-pushed Ventess away as much as possible, "We can't hold out any longer we need help."

"Skyguy, you heard what the Council said. We have to deal with this on our own. The Jedi Masters will be occupied for to long for them to help us."

Ventress came attacking Ahsoka. She defended herself and slowly left her Master behind to think. Anakin had to think of something. And now. He was losing men and no doubt Ventress would be calling for the Separatist to come and support her. Anakin hesitated on the reinforcements he had in mind.

"Master, we have to do something. We will easily lose to them now. Ventress called for reinforcements already!" Ahsoka shouted is dispair. She kicked her away and ran to him. Anakin turned to her to tell Ahsoka his idea.

"I have a plan," he told her. He hesitated again before telling her, "but it's not as affective as the Jedi Masters."

"Any help will do us greatly. Now spill!"

"Well, it involves a certain Jedi Knight."


Out in the Mid Rim floated a Republican Cruiser. It just left Chommell sector and entered the Outer Rim Territories near Sullust sector. Until a message came through.

"General Skywalker to Republican Cruiser 217, are you there?" Anakin's voice beamed through the intercom. His voice just screams help without even saying it.

A Clone promptly responded, "General Skywalker, we are here. Is there anything I-"

"Yes, get me General Bridger. Tell him to head to the Arkanis sector. That we need reinforcements immediately. We are losing men quickly, we can't hold on any longer without help," Anakin's voiced commanded with pleading. The Clone pressed a button to alert Ezra.

"Of course, General Skywalker. I will report this as soon as I can to him. Send us your coordinates and will come to help."

"Thank you," Anakin sighed in relief and hung up.

Down in the loading corridors (I swear I know nothing about Crusiers) was Ezra, Captain Tucker, and a few other Clones helping organize supply crates for the next planet. Ezra picked up his com when it started to buzz.

"Yes, Andrew?" Ezra answered.

"General Bridger, Master Skywalker is requesting reinforcements on Geonosis. Their army of Clones is going down and they are about to be captured if we don't take action," the Clone named Andrew informed him. The Clones around him heard the commotion and waited for Ezra's answer.

"I understand. Set course for Geonosis right away," the Knight smiled. It placed his com back to his holster and looked at the Clones. "Who's ready for fight?"

~I abandoned you! I'm sorry. I suggest you guys Archive Story this book after every chapter. Though, it always asks you to add it to your library every time you reopen it or whatever. I'm questioning whether I should continue or not. I'm having trouble moving this plot along. Not because I don't know what to write, but because I can't decide how to write it. However, I'll continue for now. Don't forget to vote and comment what you think! 😝

Stay Sassy Like Obi-wan!

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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