3- Classes

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(Just to refresh your memory of what Kayleigh looks like, unless you picture her differently)

Kayleigh's POV

Every class that I had today, I was either paired with Blaise, Greg, or Draco. I'm now in my last class of the day, Transfiguration, and we're all standing in a group at the front of the room. McGonagall is showing us how to change animals into objects.

I feel a presence scoot up close to me and I tense up. "Why so nervous, love?" A voice whispers into my ear and I feel the person's warm breath on my neck sending a chill through my body and I get goose bumps on my arms, with my hair standing up as well. The class is dismissed and I race out of the room, not even looking around me to find out who the person was.

I run straight to the Great Hall where I sat in my usual spot, waiting for everyone else to arrive. Some Gryffindors, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and then some Slytherin. Eventually everyone comes in and is at their seats. Immediately, people start talking and I just sit there quietly, waiting for my meal so I can go back to the common room to read.

"Why are you so quiet?" Vincent asks nudging me slightly and I shrug. The meal appears and I start eating slowly while Vincent and Greg shove everything into their mouths at once. I scoff at their behavior before looking back down at my plate. "Don't you guys ever take your time when you eat?" Draco asks disgustedly at the boys and I can't help but crack a small smile.

I listen in on some conversations around me while I eat and when the meal is over, I walk back to the Slytherin common room. "Password," the portrait demands and I reply, "Pureblood."

I walk in and immediately fall onto the couch where I pull out my book and start reading while I have some peace and quiet. It's not that I don't want to make friends, I just don't like interacting with other people really.

I was enjoying my book when I am unpleasantly disturbed by loud voices and stomping. I roll my eyes and try to focus back on the pages when someone comes over to me and puts their hand in front of my eyes. "Guess who?" A male voice says and I know who it is.

"Will you ever just leave me alone?" I spit at him and he chuckles lightly. "Well you're the only person in this whole bloody school who lives up to the same potential as me, plus you're a girl. So no," he says and I scoff.

"Go away, Malfoy," I command, standing up and he steps in front of me. "I think we should be friends," he smirks and I look at him quizzically. He takes this as his cue to continue.

"We are on the same level and come from similar families. We would make a good team," he explains and I smile lightly. He has a hopeful look in his eyes and I have to continue my disgust. "I'll think about it," I say before walking past him and heading upstairs to my dorm where I get ready for bed.

As I lie in my bed, I think about Draco's proposition. I guess he had a good point about us making a good team but did I want to be friends with him? I mean, it wouldn't hurt anyone so it should be fine, right? I decide that I should just sleep on the idea for a night or two...


I wake up and the room is completely empty beside me and Billy. (Love his name 😂). I get out of the bed and walk down to the common room with bare feet. I see everyone down here in a circle talking about something quietly. "What are you guys doing?" I ask and everyone stops everything, turning to face me. They all just start walking in different directions and Draco walks over to me.

"Good morning, Sunshine. How's it going?" He asks wrapping his arm around my shoulders and I just shove him off me. "What were you all talking about?" I ask again and he looks around the room before leaning into my ear. "Nothing of interest to you. Something about that Saint Potter in the Daily Prophet," he says and I nod.

"So what did you decide?" He asks sitting down across from me and staring me down. Honestly it made me feel uncomfortable so I look down at the couch. "I didn't yet," I simply state and he nods, slightly disappointed. "I'm going to get ready," I say turning around to go back upstairs to my room. We had classes after breakfast today so I just had to wear my Slytherin robes. I brush my hair and teeth before throwing on my sweater and robes, pants and shoes.

When I get back into the common room, I don't really bother to look around before I head out and start walking through the long hallways. A lot of people shout "hey Kayleigh"s and "what's up Kayleigh"s to me as I walk towards the Great Hall. I don't know why everyone was so interested in me when I never really talked to anyone. I just like to keep to myself and all these people want to talk to me all the time.

I smile lightly and wave to most of the people before I enter through the large doors and sit in my seat. I eat a quick meal before heading to my first class really early. I always came to this class early so I could read in private before everyone else came and disturbed my peace. The teacher didn't mind; she would just run around the classroom setting stuff up and organizing papers and such. Sometimes I would help her and we would actually get caught up talking as the other students came in. She was a nice lady and I didn't really mind talking to her much.

I greet her quietly before sitting in my designated seat and pulling out my book. "How come you don't talk much with the other kids and you always come to my class to read in the mornings?" She asks and I look up at her. I forgot we've never had this conversation before so I stop and think for a second.

"I don't really like talking," I reply calmly and she gives me a weird look. "Why is that?" She asks, coming over to the chair in front of my desk and taking a seat. Before I could answer, students start piling into the room and going to their seats. My partner, Draco, comes in almost last and sits next to me.

"Hey Kayleigh," he greets happily and I give him a small smile. "Hello Draco," I reply before our teacher starts the class. The class is long but very informative. It's not my favorite class but it's not the worst so I can easily pay attention and keep up.

I silently walk alongside Draco to our next class. I guess it wouldn't be terrible to be his friend. "Sure," I say to him and he looks at me very confused. I giggle lightly before continuing, "Sure, I'll be your friend."

He stops for a second to comprehend what I just said before he starts smiling brightly. He tries to hug me and I put my hands out to push him away. "I said I would be your friend, that doesn't give you permission to hug me," I plainly comment before I begin walking again. He follows a little behind me and we enter the room for our DADA class.


A/N: aw Kayleigh and Draco are friends now, sort of :) I don't want to rush this story like I feel I did for my last Draco fic but I don't really know what to put between now and the good stuff that's coming later. I'm not really good at this filler stuff lol

Anyways, I hope you're enjoying this story so far! I really love writing it so I hope it's turning out okay! But please vote and share and if you haven't already, read my other Draco fic Soft.

I love you guys! Peace out, hugs and kisses all around xoxoxo

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