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Kayleigh's POV

Draco and I are in the room of requirements again and he is practicing on the vanishing cabinet. This time, we decide to use a small, white dove. I'm a little apprehensive but Draco thinks it's a good idea to use something living so it will make him push himself to get it right in order not to kill the creature. He just needs to stay focused and clear his head of any worry or doubt.

As he traps the little bird inside, he takes a deep, calming breath before whispering the spell. The bird is gone and he repeats it. He opens the door and we see the poor bird, lying on its side with blood around the base of its wing. I gasp and cover my mouth sadly while Draco looks quite traumatised.

"We shouldn't have used a bird," he mumbles and I look at him displeased. "Draco, do not give up, okay? You will get it eventually, it will just take some time and determination. Tasks don't just come and go with ease," I encourage and he sighs. "I know."

Today is also the day that Draco must hex someone. He hasn't told me who he has decided he will do it on but it doesn't matter as long as no student gets hurt. After pulling ourselves together in the room of requirements, Draco takes my hand and leads me outside into the brisk winter air and to the long bridge.

As we hear voices getting closer, we hide behind a large tree and he waits for the moment. I see two girls with black hair walking to the bridge and the golden trio comes soon after. Right as the golden trio begins to talk to the girls, Draco points as one of the girls pulls the necklace out of her bag. The moment she touches it, the deed is done; she is exalted into the air and her hair goes wild. Her mouth is wide open and she looks as if she's been petrified, obviously she hasn't.

Draco and I run away as fast as possible before we get caught by someone and Hagrid walks out. I don't see the rest of the interaction because Draco pulls me away even faster. We get into the school and catch our breath before we grab some food and head to the library to eat alone in silence.

"Are you okay?" Draco asks me, forcing me to look up from the ground and into his grey eyes. "Why?" I nervously ask, trying to look at anything but those gorgeous eyes.

"Kayleigh, look at me," he says grabbing onto my hands. I continue to look away for a second before slowly putting my eyes back to his. "Are you okay?" He asks and a tear threatens to fall from my eye. My lip starts to quiver slightly and Draco face and eyes drop.

He pulls me into him and holds my head to his chest. "Oh, love," he says and I push away. I clear my throat and divert my eyes again. "Just forget it, okay? I'm fine," I say taking a bite of my food before standing up and starting to walk away.

"Where are you going?" He calls, following after me. I ignore him and he runs in front of me.

"Kayleigh, talk to me. We just got married, don't shut me out now," he pleads and I shake my head aggressively. I feel like I'm starting to lose my mind. "Draco," my voice breaks as I walk into his arms and tears start to fall. He hugs me tightly and rubs my back comfortingly.

It's all Draco's fault that my emotions have come back and haunt me. Before he was brought back into my life, I didn't feel anything except anger or distance. I was fine on my own and could take care of myself. It didn't pain me anymore to do tasks for the Dark Lord but Draco has brought me back to feeling that. I don't know if I would rather feel nothing or feel something.

I look up at the tall boy and give him a small smile. He smiles back before we walk outside to get some fresh air. Draco holds my hand and I stare at them before staring up at the side of his face. I'm glad it had to be him that I married.

We spend an hour or so, staring up at the beautiful blue sky, Black Lake, and the thick woods surrounding our huge school. It was comforting and peaceful. I feel happy as I lie next to Draco in the soft grass. I stroke his cheek lightly with my thumb before I run my fingers through his long hair.

He's beautiful. I think as I soak in all his features. "Guys don't really like to be called beautiful but thanks love," my favorite voice speaks out. "Ugh, why can't I ever think to myself?" I growl and he chuckles, sitting up to look at me. "It's okay," he whispers before passionately kissing me. I melt under his touch and wrap my arms around his neck.

"You're actually letting me kiss you," Draco breathlessly comments when we pull apart. I giggle lightly and nod before our lips reconnect and my fingers tug lightly on his hair, making him groan. Before it goes any further, I push him off me and sit up, wiping the grass off of my legs.

I stand up and he slaps my bum as he follows me back into the school. I scold him before opening the door to the common room and walking in. "Goodnight," I say before kissing his cheek and going to my room. When I get there, I do everything I need to to get ready for bed before throwing myself onto my bed.

I stare at the ceiling above my bed, replaying all my memories from the past six years with Draco. The more I see them and think about them, the more I realize how oblivious I was to my love for him. I really didn't know anything about love if I didn't notice all the signs.


A/N: omg I'm lovin it. I'm so excited about this story and I hope you guys are loving it!! I've got some ideas flowing so :):):):)

Please vote and share and read my other Draco fic soft. I love you guys and hope you have a lovely day! Peace out, hugs and kisses all around xoxoxo

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