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Kayleigh's POV

I haven't talked as much to people as I used to, but I still laughed and chimed in a little. I was too distracted and worried about my disturbing dreams and I've been trying to figure out what they mean. People have noticed that I've been a little more distant but they don't push me to the point of snapping so they don't even ask about it.

I still sit with everyone during meals and listen to their conversations and stuff but I just stay quiet. I'm very focused on my schooling and learning new things to better myself as a wizard, though.

I don't really walk around the school alone or at night anymore in fear of being harassed by Blaise or anyone else that wants to get at me. I know I can handle myself but I just don't want to put myself in that situation again.

Right now, I'm in transfiguration class and we're briefly learning about animagus. It's very cool to learn about it, however I don't think I would ever want to be an animal. I guess it's useful in dangerous situations though, I don't know.

McGonagall dismisses class but asks me to stay behind. "Miss Allen, I've noticed that you're a bit quieter and... Well, distracted now. Is everything alright?" She asks looking at me worriedly and I debate whether I should tell her about the dreams or not.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just, I've been feeling a bit homesick lately," I make up an excuse that's far from the truth. She looks at me in disbelief but sighs and lets me go. I walk out of the room and head to Myrtles bathroom.

"Did you come to throw something at me?" She asks, holding back her sobs and I shake my head. She flies back up to the big window and I sit on the ground against the far wall.

"What's wrong with you?" She asks coming over and sitting next to me. "I've been having some bad dreams," I answer and she looks interested. "Like what?" She asks and I tell her everything. All my dreams and how they've made me distracted and frustrated.

"Well sounds like you have some issues," she says before flying away again and giggling like a hyiena. I just roll my eyes and groan angrily.

"Are you okay, Kayleigh?" I hear a soft voice say to me from the other side of the room. I look up and see Harry standing there.

"Oh, hi Harry," I say giving him a small smile as he walks over and takes a seat next to me. "I saw you come in here a minute ago and I was just making sure you're okay," he explains and I smile lightly, thinking it's sweet how he cares. I've never really said anything to him these past two years yet he still cares.

"I heard about your dreams," he comments and I huff. I didn't want anyone to know! The only reason I told Myrtle is because I needed to tell someone and I knew she wouldn't tell anyone else.

"Great," I grumble and he chuckles softly. "It's really okay. Have you told Dumbledore or someone else about them?" He asks and I shake my head in response. "I think you should," and with that, he leaves.

I get up and dust myself off before saying goodbye to Myrtle and walking out. My legs carry me wherever they want to go as my mind get lost in its thoughts. I really shouldn't be worrying this much about my dreams, right? I mean, I'm sure everyone gets nightmares! Yeah, but every, single, night? I doubt it...

Crash! "Well, hello there little one. Both eyes on the road," a voice says, pulling me from my thoughts as I feel hands pressed on my shoulders. I look up and am greeted by a warm face smiling down at me. Hagrid.

"Sorry, Hagrid. I was just... Thinking," I mumble and he chuckles lightly. "Eh, it'z okey lassie. Just don't want ye gettin' ran over, 'uh?" He says and I nod in agreement before walking off. I make it all the way to the Slytherin common room without another collision and I take a deep, relaxing breath as I lean against the door.

"You have got to stop running marathons around the school," Draco chuckles, walking over to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into the room more. I push him off me and he looks offended but then shakes it off and begins telling me something about Crabbe and Goyle. I block him out as I sit down and stare at the wall.

"Are you even listening to me? Wake up, Kayleigh!" He says waving a hand in front of my eyes and I look straight into his shiny grey ones. "I'm awake," I blankly reply and he scoffs in a not-rude way.

"Seriously, what's been up with you lately?" He asks and I roll my eyes. "Nothing, okay? I wish everyone would just stop asking me that stupid question!" I spit at him before going up to my dorm room and locking the door, crawling under the covers of my bed and curling up. I just lie there, not thinking, not blinking. Just lie there in a ball.

I'm awoken by loud banging on my door. "Kayleigh, what the hell!?" And "why is the stupid door locked!?" Is all I hear coming from the other side. I groan as I get up and unlock the door, instantly crawling back in bed and curling up again. "What's wrong with you, girl?" Talia asks in a snippy way but I just ignore them. I check the clock and see that it's 9:48. Nice, I missed dinner. Now I had to wait until tomorrow morning to eat again.

I wasn't that hungry anyways, I could hold off on food. I let my body slip into a deep sleep again and just wait for my nightmare to come.


A/N: I'm trying to make this interesting for you guys but I kind of have writers block so I just tried to get at least a chapter in.

Well please vote and share and don't forget my other fic. I bet you know about it already so i won't say the name of it again for a little while haha :)

Love you guys, hugs and kisses all around xoxoxo

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