4- Friends?

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Kayleigh's POV

I've been thinking and Draco can't be my only friend. I think I should try this "friend" thing out and meet some other people. I'm sitting at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall next to Blaise, Draco, Vincent, and Greg when I decide to talk to some other people. Maybe I could give it a try to talk to some girls. It's probably a good idea for me to have some girl friends too.

I scoot down the table a little and sit across from some second years. "Hey," I smile at them and they smile back. "Hey Kayleigh, what's up?" One girl asks and I think 'well here goes nothing'.

"I'm trying to make some friends and you guys seemed nice. Although, I don't know your names," I say frowning a little and they give a empathetic chuckle. "Well that's alright. I'm Talia, this is Penelope and that's Iris," the girl introduces. I smile at the three of them and we begin to chat about a bunch of stuff and it makes me realize that this whole friend thing isn't such a bad thing.

I feel eyes on me so I look to my right and see Draco staring at me. I smile lightly and give him a wave, him returning the gesture. We both look away from each other and I enjoy talking to my new friends.

The time goes by so fast when Dumbledore says to scoot along. The girls go the opposite way cause they have a different class so I'm walking alone until I feel someone scoot up next to me. "Hello," he says and I smile lightly. "Hello Draco," I reply, glancing over at him.

"I saw you made some friends," he comments and I nod. "It was about time to, anyway." He chuckles at this as we walk to our potions class. I sit in my seat and Draco continues walking when Blaise walks in and sits in the chair next to mine. "Hey Kayleigh," he greets happily and I give him a slight nod in return. We begin working on the beginner potion our teacher assigned us to do.

When Blaise and I finish, the teacher awards Slytherin ten points because we were the first group to finish. Blaise and I smile and high five each other before we have a conversation for the rest of the class time. When the class lets out, I decide to go to the courtyard because I don't have anymore classes for the day.

"Hey," I hear a voice mumble as they sit next to me on the short stone wall. I look over and see Blaise. "Oh hey Blaise," I say and he blushes. Um okay, that's weird. Why is he acting like that?

"So I was wondering if you would like to maybe be my girlfriend? I've been crushing on you for a while now and..." He pauses and I decide to cut in. "Listen Blaise, I'm very flattered that you feel this way but I'm not really interested in having a boyfriend, sorry?" I say with a slight questioning tone as I stand up, looking at him. He nods and frowns, then looks at the ground and I walk away. That was gross...


~Draco's POV~

I'm watching her as she sits on the stone wall. She's gorgeous. Oh my goodness, I need to stop saying that! She's just a girl I go to school with. Blaise sits down next to her. Why is he blushing like that? He better not have a crush on her or I will kick his filthy little butt.

"I was wondering if you would like to maybe be my girlfriend? I've been crushing on you for a while now and..." He says and my jaw drops. How dare he try and steal her! Well, I mean it's not like she's mine so what do I care?

"Listen Blaise, I've very flattered that you feel this way but I'm not really interested in having a boyfriend," she says and stands up. Now, that's my girl! Ugh, she's not my girl! But I need to make her my girl! No I don't, what am I saying?

I watch as she walks away and I follow her, watching her hips sway slightly as she steps. Right foot, left foot. She turns a corner and I decide to stop following her because I don't want to look like a creep chasing after her. I turn back around and meet up with Crabbe and Goyle as they head around the school; probably in search of snacks and food items, those bloody pigs.


~Kayleigh's POV~

I still don't understand why everyone talks to me all the time. I mean, I don't really mind the attention, just why? I think about this all the way to the Slytherin girl dorms where I sit on the beds with my three new friends; Penelope, Iris, and Talia. They definitely were fun to hang out with and I'm glad I decided to make some friends. It's hard to go through years of school without having any friends.

We talk and mess around until it's time for dinner, then bed. That night, I have a disturbing dream.

I'm standing in a long, dark, and narrow room. I'm the only one in the room except for a snake slithering around in the corner. The snake is hissing but I can't understand it. Then a man I don't recognize comes in the room and circles around me. "You have been chosen. You have been chosen," he whispers in a threatening tone. I'm scared but I can't move, I'm frozen in place just watching this man walk in circles.

"Why are you scared, Kayleigh? This is your destiny," he says and then I wake up.

When I wake up, I'm sweating and panting. No one else is awake and I see that it's only 7:08. I decide to take a quick shower and get ready since I'm already awake. After my shower, I walk downstairs and head to the balcony on the other side of the room. "Good morning," I hear which makes me jump. I turn around to see Draco sitting on the couch. I don't know how I didn't see him when I came down the stairs.

"Geez, Malfoy. I didn't know you were awake," I say before heading out onto the balcony and he follows me. "Well why are you awake?" He asks leaning against the railing as well as me.

"Bad dream," I simply state and he nods. We look out at the beautiful view of the acreage surrounding our amazing school. I shiver harshly and rub my arms with my hands as I feel the cool breeze on my bare skin. "Cold, are we?" Draco asks as he wraps his Slytherin jacket around my shoulders. I give him an appreciative look before he takes a step closer. I take a step back from him and he gets the hint.

We stay there for merlin knows how long when other students start coming into the common room. Him and I head back in and I totally forget that I'm wearing his jacket. I had already put my arms through the sleeves and gotten warm and comfy. He smirks lightly at me when I look at him and I give him a glare. He puts his hands up in the air defensively. He's such a little boy.

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