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Kayleigh's POV

Draco and I were in the room of requirements, tending to the vanishing cabinet and Draco was getting frustrated. "I will never be able to do it!" He shouts kicking the bottom of it, making me chuckle lightly. "Tasks for the Dark Lord are not easy, Draco. You have to work hard if you want to succeed," I explain, looking at him and he takes a deep breath before nodding and saying the spell over again.

"Harmonia nectere passus," he whispers and opens the door, finally the Apple is gone. He smiles brightly at me before repeating the spell and the apple is back, but with a bite in it. "Hey, that's pretty good Draco. At least you finally got it to vanish," I say smiling at him, trying to encourage him. He nods lightly before sitting on the ground with his back against the wall and closes his eyes for a minute.

I watch him and smile. It's been about a week and a half, so we were close to be married, and he was doing alright. I finally forgave him and now I'm working on becoming friends again. "Why don't you want to marry me?" He finally asks me and I look at him.

"It's just because I was mad at you," I smirk lightly and he chuckles. Then he stands up and suddenly wraps his arm tightly around my waist and kisses me. That fire rises to my cheeks again and I feel a weird sensation through my body.

What's that smell? It smells like new cloth, lemon, and.. Cologne? That's so weird, that's what I smelled in the amortentia. Wait, is that coming from him? "Wait Draco, can I just-" I start but cut myself off, putting my face in his neck and sniffing lightly. It was coming from him.

I step back and stare at him in shock. "Are you okay?" He asks, reaching for me and I step back again, feeling rather dizzy. The world was spinning and I fell to the ground. I look up at the ceiling before everything goes black.

I feel cool air being blown on me as I open my eyes slowly. I see bright lights from everywhere and see Draco by my side. "Where am I?" I groggily ask and Draco chuckles. "You passed out when we were in the... Common room, so I brought you here," he explains and everything comes back.

The kiss, the scent, the dizziness. Madame Pomfrey does a couple eye tests before she leaves us alone together. "You know, Madame Pomfrey has always thought that you and I were a cute couple," I say giggling lightly and he looks at me surprised and happily.

"Really?" He asks looking towards her office that she was in right now then back at me. I nod and we both giggle lightly. Then Draco goes a little more serious as he looks at me and asks, "do you? Think we're a cute couple?" Heat in my cheeks again. Oh no.

"You're blushing, so I'll take that as a yes," he smiles and I hide my face in embarrassment. "I thought you were mad at me," Draco says, pulling my hands away from my face to make me look at him again. I stick my tongue out at him and he touches my tongue with his.

"Ew, you weirdo," I giggle, slapping his arm and he chuckles. I guess this friend thing was working out pretty well. Madame Pomfrey comes back and says that I can leave if I feel better and I nod. Draco helps me out of the bed and continues to hold my arm as we walk out as if I'm crippled and need assistance.

"You know that I can walk on my own, don't you?" I say and he looks at me embarrassed. "Oh, right," he blushes and I giggle as he lets go of my arm and I quickly re-link them. He smiles at me lightly as we walk into the Great Hall and only then do I realize that I was really hungry. I let go of him and quickly run over to our seats, sitting down and waiting for the meal to appear.

Draco sits across from me and we receive unnecessary glances, whispers and even death glares from people mostly at Slytherin table. I just smile falsely at all the people doing it to piss them off and Draco hits my forearm lightly. "Stop being a prat," he chuckles and I wink at him.

When the meal appears, I basically shove half the plate in my mouth at once and Draco chimes in. "Whoa whoa whoa there, you might want to slow down or you'll choke," he comments and I brush him off. I continue to eat until my plate is empty then I drink from my goblet. I cough lightly at the bitter taste of the drink before staring at Draco.

I had always thought he was quite attractive with his platinum blonde hair and his sparkling silver eyes but I never really noticed how much he has grown and matured over the years. He really was a handsome man. "You're staring," he leans in and whispers. I shake my head, pulling myself out of my trance and blush at him. "Sorry," I mumble and he just shakes his head, a smile on his face.

After the meal is over, Draco and I walk back to the common room in a comfortable silence. When we get there, Draco gently kisses my cheek before we both head up to our dorm rooms. I smile lightly as I stare at the ceiling, thinking about Draco.

"What are you smiling at?" Talia asks and I smirk as I flip to my side to look at her. I prop my head on my elbow and begin, "just thinking about a boy." The simple five words I speak are enough to get her and the other girls going.

"You finally found a boy you like!?" They shouts excitedly, jumping out of their covers and sitting on Talias bed together, gawking at me. I nod and giggle at their girliness that I finally understand. "Who!?" They ask and I put my lips to my fingers, indicating it's a secret that I can't tell them. They pout and cross their arms at me and I just giggle again before turning to my other side and saying goodnight to them.

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