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Kayleigh's POV

I wake up and Draco's not in the bed. I rub my eyes and stretch before sitting up and looking around. I didn't see him but the lights are on in our en suite so I throw the covers to the other side of the bed and walk in to see if he's in there. I see him in front of the sink, brushing his teeth so I silently walk over and hug him from behind, resting my head against his shoulder.

"Good morning, love," he sweetly says making me smile. "Good morning beanstalk," I joke and he gives me a little glare through the mirror and I snicker in response. "We have to get going back to Hogwarts today. Are you gonna keep your rings on or take them off? I'm with you either way," he comments and I shrug, staring at the beautiful silver diamond rings around my finger.

"Well do you think people should know we're married or not?" I ask as I back away and we both spin to face each other. He sighs, "our parents don't think that's a good idea but they wanted it to be up to you."

I look at them one last time before I slip them off and set them on the countertop. He does the same before we both smile to each other lightly. I walk out of the bathroom, slapping Draco's butt as a joke on the way out but it makes him jump. I head downstairs and see my parents in a deep conversation with Draco's parent.

I knock on the side of the door frame and they instantly stop talking and look at me. "oh good morning beautiful bride," Mother coos, walking over to me and hugging me softly. I hug her back before telling her Draco and I were going back to Hogwarts and have decided to take the rings off. They all nod and I give a light smile before walking back up to our bedroom and packing the rest of my things in my trunk.

I feel a slap on my bum and I spin around seeing Draco standing there, smirking evilly. "Don't look at me like that, Malfoy," I spit sarcastically and it makes him smirk a little more. "Okay, Mrs. Malfoy," he emphasizes and my heart skips a beat. I forgot that I would be taking his last name; that'll take a while to get used to.

"Ready?" Draco asks after a little while of silence and I come back to reality. I nod as I stand up and grab my trunk, us walking downstairs and saying our goodbyes before we apparate to the school. We take our trunks to our room before walking to lunch, which was currently going on. We didn't eat breakfast this morning so Draco and I are quite hungry.

As we walk in, everyone stares at us as if we were a werewolf running lose through the school. Draco just takes my hand and pulls me to the end of the Slytherin table where I have been sitting alone for the past two years until Draco joined me. We eat in silence before we have to go to our class which is history of magic. My least favorite.

"I have a task from the Dark Lord," Draco whispers to me and I spin to look at him, my jaw dropped. "What is it?" I ask and he sighs. "I must hex someone in the school to give Dumbledore a cursed necklace," he says showing me a part of the necklace from inside his pocket. I nod lightly before we have to refocus on the class because the teacher starts to walk through the aisle.


Later that day, Draco and I are sitting in the astronomy tower past curfew. I was resting my back against his side and his arm was around my waist. I was staring up at the beautiful stars when I feel something soft and gentle against the back of my neck.

"What are you doing, Malfoy?" I ask, resisting the smile that wants to form on my face. "Just nothing," he says leaning back against the wall as if nothing happened. I shake my head lightly before footsteps come from the staircase. Draco pushes me to my feet and stands up as well as we run to the other side of the room which is also much darker and hide.

We see one of the prefects from a different house searching around a little but much to our relief, he didn't check this side of the room. We both sigh before we look at each other and Draco leans in, gently kissing me. I push him back after a second. "Just because we're married doesn't mean you can kiss me whenever you want," I say patting his chest and giggling before standing up and starting to leave the tower, him following.

"Oh, it doesn't?" He smirks and I nod. "I beg to differ," he tests, spinning me around with his arms around my waist and kisses me a little more roughly but much more passionately. This was my first real kiss; I've never been kissed like this before. When he pulls back, he has a smug look on his face as if he was the hero of something. I just playfully roll my eyes at him before finally starting to head back to the common room.

We have to be quiet and sneaky though or we'll get caught and probably get a detention or two. "Would you like to come to bed with me, your husband, tonight?" Draco asks, reaching his hand out and I contemplate the idea. I like to sleep with him because he makes me feel safe and warm, but we could get in a lot of trouble if someone found out. I shrug, following him up to his room and he shuts the door silently. He quickly throws his shirt off and puts on his green and silver pajama pants on before climbing into the bed and I stand to the side awkwardly.

"What's wrong, love?" He asks, staring up at me and I look back. "Do you have something for me to wear? I don't want to wear my day clothes to bed," I shyly admit, looking around the room and he giggles as he stands up and walks over to his dresser. "Here you go," he says tossing me his heather green Slytherin quidditch t-shirt.

He walks back over to the bed as I continue to just stand there. "Well aren't you going to change?" He chuckles and I shrug. "Just don't look," I say turning around and begin to take my shirts off. After that, I slide my pants off and throw his shirt on my body, seeing that it almost reaches my knees because he's so tall and has a long torso. I turn back around and see him rapidly turn his head the other way.

I exclaim, "Draco! I told you not to look!" I hit his chest and slap him with a pillow as he turns back to me and looks defensive. "How could I not look at my beautiful wife? I just can't take my eyes off of you," he flirts, draping his arm over my stomach and inching closer to me. I roll my eyes jokingly and look down at him. "You had pretty underwear by the way, and a nice bum," he smirks and I slap him again.

"What was that for?" He asks and I cross my arms over my chest. "Stop talking like that. Now let's go to bed," I command to which he oblige. I lie with my back to him and he spoons me, arm draped over me still. I smile to myself lightly before we say our good nights and he gently kisses the back of my neck again.

I feel those butterflies and feel very happy as I drift off into a comfortable sleep.

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