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Kayleigh's POV

I'm in Potions, sitting next to Draco, and McGonagall is explaining that we're gonna have a project due in three weeks from today. It's to make our assigned potion with our partner and present it to the class, explaining the potion and its ingredients. She tells us the different potions that she will be assigning to the class and what pages in the textbook they're on.

She assigns each table, one by one, the potion that will they will be working on. When she gets to Draco and me, she says Amortentia. She didn't tell us anything about any of them, we have to read and research on our own. "Okay, that's page 301," I say to Draco and he flips to that page. "A love potion?" Draco reads aloud and I look at the page to see that that's what it says. My eyes almost pop out of my head and my jaw almost falls off.

"A love potion?" I repeat Draco to myself and sit there in complete shock. How was I supposed to make a love potion if I've never felt love for anyone.

"It says that if the potion is made correctly, you should smell the scent of the person you love," he informs me and I nod. "I don't know what I would possibly smell; I don't love anyone," I mutter and I see the look in his eye change slightly but I didn't get a good look at it.

I take the book from him and read off the list of ingredients to him as he runs around the classroom, grabbing them. Once he gets all the things we need, the class is over and we pack up the ingredients in our bag to keep safe for next class. I follow everyone outside to our next class, Care of Magical Creatures. It was our first time ever taking this class because you can only start in third year.

I stand with Vince, Greg, and Draco by the large tree, holding out our creature textbooks. "How are we supposed to bloody open these books?" Draco asks and Hagrid says to stroke the spine. Draco shrugs and does what Hagrid said, immediately being able to open it.

"Wait till my father hears that the school has this oaf teaching classes," Draco chuckles and Harry angrily spins around. "Shut up, Malfoy," he spits causing "ooh"s to erupt from everyone. Draco looks at all of us and smirks as he approaches Harry. We all think he's about to tell him off when his face fills with fear and he points up to the sky.

"Dementor, dementor!" He shouts and steps back in line with us as Hermione, Harry, and Ron fearfully turn to the sky to see nothing there. As they look at us again, the boys pull up their hoods to make themselves look like dementors and do a ghostly sound. Hermione rolls her eyes and glares at Draco as she spins Harry the other way again.

"Draco, that wasn't nice. You scared me," I whisper to him and he looks at me sadly. "I'm sorry 'Leigh," he says wrapping his arm around my waist and I push him off, not liking the feeling I got when he touched me. I face towards Hagrid and watch as he brings out a large horse-bird creature. It was magnificent!

"This is Buckbeak. He's a hippogriff," Hagrid explains, patting the animals head. "Anyone wanna pet him?" He asks the group and everyone takes a step back except for Harry. I raise my hand. "What the bloody hell are you doing?" Draco asks grabbing my arm, trying to pull me back and I shake out of his grasp.

"Well done, you two. Well, come on now. Slowly walk up to 'im," Hagrid says and I smile as I do what he says. I take slow and steady steps toward the creature and then Hagrid tells us to stop.

We follow Hagrid's directions as he tells us to bow, Buckbeak bows back, then we gently pat his head like he told us to. Harry and I smile brightly at each other thinking its really awesome. The whole class applauds for us and Hagrid smirks devilishly at us.

"I think he'll let ye ride 'im now," he smiles picking the both of us up and placing on the hippogriff' back. He slaps his bum and Buckbeak runs, then jumps off the ground and starts flying up towards the clouds.

I was holding on tightly to Harry's waist and he was holding tightly to Buckbeak's neck. We were both screaming in fear until we realized it was all okay. Then we scream with excitement as we fly around the school and Buckbeak goes down to the lake, letting his hooves scrape against the surface. When he lands, the class hugs and congratulates us and we tell them how awesome it was.

Draco glares evilly at Harry before walking up to Buckbeak and cockily saying, "you're not harmful at all are you, you big ugly brute?" "Draco, No!" Hagrid and I both shout at him but before we know it, Buckbeak slashes at Draco's elbow and he falls to the ground.

I run over to Draco and kneel next to him, trying to comfort him and get him to stop screaming. "It's killed me, it's killed me!" He shouts and I tell Hagrid he needs to be taken to the hospital. "I'll do it, I'm the teacher anyway," he says lifting Draco off the ground and starting to walk to the school, me following behind.

"Class dismissed," he quickly informs the class and they disperse as I stay right beside Hagrid. "You'll pay for this! You and that bloody chicken!" Draco shouts and I can't help but let out a small giggle at his childishness. When he get there, he sets Draco on a bed and tells Madame Pomfrey what happened. "Can I stay?" I ask her hopefully and she nods.

"Of course you can, sweetheart. You two are a very cute couple," she smiles at me before running off to grab stuff to cure his elbow. "Um, actually we're not," I say to her but then I look down at Draco who was already staring up at me.

"How ya doing, buddy?" I ask him, brushing my fingers through his hair lightly and he smiles. She comes back and cleans up his elbow, tells him to drink a little potion to make the pain stop and wraps it up. Then she gives him a sling and tells him just to be careful on it and if it continues to hurt, come back but for now he could leave.

We walk out of the infirmary together and Draco laces his fingers in mine. I pull my hand away from his but I feel a fire in my cheeks again.


A/N: the only reason I put that scene in there is because it's my absolute favorite. It's so funny when Draco calls Buckbeak a chicken I crack up every time

So Anyways please vote and share and read my other Draco fic if ya want :) it's called Soft. So yeah, check it out that would be awesome!!!

I love you guys and appreciate your support and everything it means so much to me :)

I hope you have a lovely day, peace out, hugs and kisses all around xoxoxo

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