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May 11, 2017 @ 22:02
I just want to thank you guys so much for sticking with the slow process of publishing this story, and a massive thank you thank you for 1K reads and all the votes and comments I really do adore you guys and feel so grateful for the support. Writing is my passion and so seeing that other people are enjoying it as well just makes me feel so great. I hope you're doing well in every aspect of the word and I hope you guys will keep enjoying this story and other ones out there and possibly more of mine in the future. Big loves xoxo

Draco's POV

I'm sitting at breakfast with Crabbe and Goyle and I'm staring at Kayleigh. The beautiful girl that literally had to do nothing to make me fall in love with her. I don't understand why she's acting the way she is, especially towards me. I thought she was starting to return the feelings for me, but I guess not. Maybe it had to do with her parents or something.

She always looks angry and upset and all I wanted to do was hold her and take away her pain. It hurt me to see her look like that but there was nothing I could do when she wouldn't let me. She's kind of poking her food around and taking small bites here and there but at the end of the meal, she had barely eaten anything.

I decide to walk up to her as we all walk to our classes. "Kayleigh?" I nervously call, hoping she won't scream at me. "What?" She replies, semi-calmly. I sigh of relief before catching up with her and looking at her. "Aren't you hungry? You didn't eat much," I say, voice full of concern.

"What do you care if I didn't eat? I'm fine," she snaps at me and I look down sadly. "Kayleigh, you know I care. I don't why you're acting like this but all I'm trying to do is help you!" I defend and she stops in her tracks and looks at me angrily. Oh no...

"I don't need your help, okay!? Now just leave me the bloody hell alone," she shouts before starting to walk again and I stand there, shocked. I don't even know what to say anymore; I'm beyond hurt and upset that she's treating me like this. I don't know what I ever did to her to make her so angry with me.

I call after her, "What did I ever do to you?" Now everyone was surrounding us, staring. She whips around and I could swear that I see her silver eyes break. "Just stop, Draco," she says quietly before speed walking out of the area and I assume going to her class.

My head falls and I slowly walk the opposite direction, skipping my class and heading to the Slytherin common room. I pull out a guitar and start playing, words immediately rolling off my tongue and I create a song.

After I finish, I feel warm tears running down my cheeks and I run up to my dorm in case anyone comes to the common room. Nobody can see that I'm crying, especially over a stupid girl from school. But that's the thing, she wasn't just a stupid girl from school anymore, she was the amazing girl I fell in love. Why did it have to be her!?

I wake up and see it's dark out. Bloody hell! Of course I missed all my classes and probably dinner. I check the time and see that it's 7:38. Oh good! Dinner has only just begun so I go now.

I get there and all eyes turn to me as I walk through the tall doors. I rush over to my seat next to Crabbe and Goyle and they ask where I've been. "Oh, I just skipped classes," I shrug nonchalantly. Before they can even ask why, I continue. "I just didn't really feel like sitting through those boring lessons," I say and they nod, understanding. I smirk, glad that they believe me.

I look over at where Kayleigh normally sits and see she isn't there. Well, where is she? First, she doesnt eat much of anything for breakfast and now she's not even at dinner? And what about lunch? I wasn't there so I don't know if she ate anything or not.

Before I can stop myself, I'm running out of the Great Hall and soon I'm banging on Kayleigh's closed dorm room door. I hear light shuffling from inside before the door is opened and I'm staring at a pair of broken grey eyes. My heart breaks at the sight, but I contain myself.

"Kayleigh, please," I whisper, out of breath and she suddenly starts to sob. My instincts kick in and my arms are wrapped around her petite figure. She shuts the door and locks it as we walk over to the bed and she sits on my lap, crying into my neck.

"What's got you so upset, love?" I ask and that makes a little noise escape her throat. After a bit, she looks up at me and I tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She sniffs before speaking. "I'm not supposed to tell you but I can't hide it from you, it's too painful," she explains as she pulls up her left sleeve, revealing a dark brown leather wrist cuff.

"That's just a wrist cuff," I say looking into her eyes and she sighs. She pulls it off of her arm and I stare at it. How could she do this? How could her parents let her do this? So many emotions run through me as I try to think of what to say. What do you say to your best friend and love becoming a death eater?

"Draco, you have to understand it wasn't a choice! If I didn't do it, He would've killed me!" She shouts in distress and I stand up, pacing the room and running my fingers through my hair, trying to push it out of my face.

"When did this happen?" Is all I can say as I look at her from afar. She looks up at me sadly and says that it happened the morning of the day she cried in my arms at Hogsmeade. "Are you serious? And you didn't tell me?" I ask, quite angrily but I try not to take it out on her, knowing she's already upset.

"Draco, how was I supposed to tell you!? You know that you're not supposed to know because I could get taken to Azkaban, or worse, killed!" She defends and I sigh, running over to her and holding her head to my chest. "I know, I know. I'm so sorry," I say stroking her hair and back comfortingly and kissing her head as she begins to cry again.

"I can't be emotional like this, Draco. I have to put away my feelings if I'm gonna work for Him because if I don't, I'll go insane," she cries and I shush her. "It's okay, Leigh. Shh, you're alright," I repeat over and over until her sobs simmer.

I look down at her in my arms and see she fell asleep. I kiss her forehead as I just lie with her in my arms until eventually I fall asleep too.

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