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Kayleigh's POV

Father and I have come to Diagon Alley today to buy things for the new school year. Father said I would be going off on my own because he had some work to take care of, I didn't let it bother me because I really shouldn't be surprised. Father's always too busy to do stuff with me.

I'm deep in thought when none other than Lucius and Draco Malfoy approach us. "Good afternoon, John and Kayleigh," Lucius says and I curtsy to him. He smiles in return before him and Father get deep in conversation.

"Are you okay?" Draco pulls me out of my thoughts and I ignore him. "Let's go," I say grabbing his arm and pulling him along. He grew taller, his face older as well, and his voice was starting to deepen. We go into the book store where all the chaos was because that stupid Lockhart was here. Draco and I roll our eyes as we start messing around with the books around the rest of the store since no one was paying attention.

"What's so great about him anyways? He knows nothing about real magic," Draco says and I nod in agreement. As Draco sits on a pile of books, he rips the pages out of one and stuffs them into his pocket. I roll my eyes at him before running down the stairs and standing in front of Harry, Hermione, and the Weasley crowd.

Draco joins me and starts pestering Harry. "Leave him alone, Malfoy," the girl Weasley spits at Draco making him chuckle. "Looks like Potter's got himself a girlfriend," Draco taunts, nudging me lightly and I glare at him.

"Play nice, Draco," I say before pulling him out of the store and we walk around outside. "Wanna get some butterbeer?" I ask him, seeing as we already bought all of our stuff and needed to kill time.

He accepts and we head into the little café, sitting at a booth and order some warm butterbeers. We chat as we drink them and don't even notice when we've finished. "Oh, we should probably get going," I say looking at my empty glass sitting on the table. He agrees and we grab hands, apparating to my house.

"Don't you think our fathers will wonder where we are?" He asks worriedly and I roll my eyes. "I highly doubt it," I say grabbing his hand and pulling him to my room.

"Whoa," he says looking at the large bookshelves that stretch all the way up to the tall ceilings. "You really do like books," he says and I nod, giggling. I run over to my bed, jumping on it and watch him carefully as he examines my bedroom.

"Wanna play some quidditch since you're trying out for the team this year?" I ask him, pulling him back to reality and he looks at me. "Yeah, why aren't you trying out though? You're amazing at being keeper," he says and I shrug.

"Not really my thing, but I will definitely come to the games to cheer you on," I say smiling at him and he smiles back.

We head outside where we begin to play the game we had spent hours playing at his house during Christmas break. Soon, Mother comes out and calls to us, "Come in children, dinner is almost ready and your fathers just arrived." We finish our round before landing and running in the house.

"Hello Father, Lucius," I greet, curtsying to them and Father rolls his eyes. "Where did you kids go?" He asks, evidently annoyed. I explain to him that we did our shopping then had some butterbeers before coming back here. He makes a grunting sound before basically shoving me out of the way and walking out of the room, Lucius following.

I realize then that I had almost fallen over and Draco caught me. "Thank you," I say, dusting myself off and he nods. We wash up before sitting at the table, waiting for dinner to be served where Draco rests his hand on mine on top of the table. I clear my throat as I look over at him.

"What are you doing?" I ask, staring at him and he blushes slightly before moving his hand. "You just- uh... Looked upset," he says, looking away awkwardly and I shrug it off. Just then, Father, Lucius, Narcissa, and Mother come in, taking their seats as the house elves bring the food out.

As we eat our meal, my father asks Draco many questions about himself and his schooling and I just tune them out as I push my food around my plate. I hear my stomach growl lightly, yet it also feels like I don't have an appetite. I manage to eat a few things but the rest, I just poke at with my fork.

"Why aren't you eating, Kayleigh?" Father asks me and I shrug. "You should eat, darling," Mother continues and to satisfy them, I shove a few more things into my mouth and swallow. I feel Draco's eyes on me for the rest of the meal but I ignore them before dinner is dismissed and I head straight up to my room.

"Hey," a voice quietly says to me from my doorway. I don't look up or say anything but they continue to walk over to me. When I feel them press against the bed, I look to the edge.

"You didn't eat much at dinner," he says and I watch as his finger traces a pattern along the edge of the mattress. Hum. "And you haven't said much either," he adds. Hum.

"Are you even gonna look at me?" He asks and I glance at him quickly before looking back to his finger. "Is there something wrong?"

Well obviously there's something wrong! If you've noticed I have been acting differently and you even have to bother asking me if there's something wrong then obviously the answer is yes! Hum. He just grumbles a little something before walking out and shutting my door behind him. I take this as my cue to flip over and fall asleep.

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