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*time skip to Triwizard tournament, task three: the maze*

Kayleigh's POV

I watch as the competitors enter the maze, knowing what's in store for Mr, Harry Potter when he reaches the Goblet of Fire first. After a while, it's time to walk off the stands and apparate to the cemetery and meet up with Voldy, and a few other death eaters.

"Ah, hello Miss Kayleigh," the Dark Lord greets and I bow to him as my father taught me to do. He smirks evilly as we wait and suddenly Harry and.. Cedric appear. What was Cedric doing here? I don't have time to even think about the answer to that question when Voldemort begins to speak.

"Harry Potter, the boy who lived. Well, not for long," he says and they begin to fight. "Kayleigh, kill the other boy!" Voldemort shouts to me and I quickly run over to Cedric and he looks me in the eye before I whisper the spell to myself and he's dead.


~Harry's POV~

Kayleigh? Kayleigh Allen? I turn and see Kayleigh standing in front of Cedric before a blue light flicks off the top of her wand and Cedric falls to the ground. "No!" I shout, running over to my friend and kneeling next to his body. I realize he's dead and I shoot back up and begin to fight Voldemort again, angrier than ever.

Why Kayleigh? She was a death eater?


~Kayleigh's POV~

I apparate back to the school and go up in the stands, taking my seat again. People give me looks but they don't question me which I was relieved of. Then, the crowd cheers when Harry comes out, pulling Cedric's limp body behind him.

Harry is a distressed, shouting mess and the school just stands there, gawking at the scene. Some people were crying and some just couldn't believe their eyes. I stand there, emotionless on both the inside and outside. I didn't feel anything at all, as if I've become numb and it seems like time is going super slow.

Then all of a sudden, someone's arms are around, dragging me off the stands and into the school. They lead me to the Slytherin common room and take me up to my dorm before quickly leaving and I'm standing there, not knowing what to do or how to feel. The girls flood into the room and also stand there, not knowing what to do or how to feel.

We all fall asleep that night, staring at the ceiling silently and spend the whole night tossing and turning. Me the most out of any of us because I was the one who had to kill Cedric and nobody in the whole school knew or could know. Only me, well, and Harry Potter.


*the next day*

I'm sitting in the Great Hall, slowly eating as I feel eyes on me the entire time. I look around slightly, not seeing anyone staring at me until I'm meet with a pair of stern green eyes from a couple tables away.

He glares at me and I know what it's about. I nervously stand up and leave the room, earning a few stares from people at the Slytherin table. As I walk, I hear footsteps behind me so I whip around seeing him. He pulls out his wand and points it at me and I give him testing look.

"That's probably not a good idea, Harry." I say and he growls at me. "You killed him!" He shouts angrily and I put my hands defensively as I slowly step closer to him. He makes it known that he's willing to cast a spell on me. I sneakily pull out my wand and hold it to my side, so that he doesn't see it. I hold it there, with no intention of hurting him, just in case he casts something and I need to protect myself.

"Harry, you don't understand what it's like. I had to kill him, or the Dark Lord would've killed me. Don't you get it? I'm just doing what I have to to survive; I didn't have a choice in this!" I explain and soon people walk out and surround us, watching to see what's going to happen.

"Everyone has a choice," he comments and I shake my head. "No, they don't," I say angrily before revealing my wand and shouting, "expelliarmus!" His wand flies to the side and I hold mine there, letting him know not to test me further. He gets the hint as he grabs his wand and walks away. Everyone who was watching us gawks at me and the one person I was hoping not to see, I do.

His grey eyes look at me sadly before he also leaves. I chase after him, calling his name as the crowd disperses into different directions. "Draco!" I shout one last time, finally getting his attention. "What?" He shouts back, staring at me with sadness all over his face.

"Draco, you don't know what happened!" I defend and his expression changes to angry. "Then why don't you tell me?" He replies and I shake my head.

"I can't tell you but you have to trust me!" I say and he rolls his eyes. "Of course you can't tell me. There's hardly anything you can and will tell me these days. How am I supposed to trust you when I just watched you threaten to hurt Potter out there?" He asks .

"Draco, he had his wand pointing at me first! I only did what I had to do to protect myself. He would've hurt me," I explain, receiving another eye roll from him. "Whatever, Kayleigh," he says before storming off and I'm left alone in the hallway thinking about how much my life has changed since I became a death eater.

I angrily punch the wall and kick it, screaming really loud when Dumbledore walks down the hall and sees me. "Does kicking the walls relieve the anger?" He asks calmly and I look up at him, feeling a little bit calmer than before. "Actually yes," I answer and he chuckles lightly.

"Come with me," he says starting to walk down the hall and I follow him. We walk in silence until we get to the edge, where the railing is by the lake. "It seems that you have been less interested in socializing Miss Allen. Teacher say you cut class or don't participate, I've watched you at meals and you don't say anything, you just stare down at the table. Something has obviously changed, what is it?" He speaks with a calmness in his voice that kind of soothes me too. It's the first time I haven't felt on edge all year.

"I guess things just aren't the same as they used to be."


A/N: I hope you are enjoying this book because I really love writing it. Just a warning, I'm skipping a lot of time now, I'm skipping all of fifth year. I'll give a little recap on how the year went but I won't have chapters about it.

So Anyways please vote and share and read my other Draco fic! I love you guys, you're amazing and I hope you have a lovely lovely day! Peace out, hugs and kisses all around xoxoxo

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