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** it's 2017.. Meh :| let's see how it goes **

Kayleigh's POV

Draco came into the hospital everyday that I was in there. He told me everything that I was missing and one day he even cried. I heard everything that he said but I pretended to forget... I never did. His words rang in my head every second of every day I love you Kayleigh. Words I haven't heard since I was nine.

How could I tell him that I didn't feel the same way? It's easier to just pretend I forgot than to face it and tell him I don't think of him that way. It was also easier with Blaise because I'm not best friends with Blaise like I am with Draco. I feel awful and conflicted.

It's our last day at Hogwarts before summer and I was super excited. The last half of the year has been crazy and chaotic, I think everyone just needed a break. My mom sent me a letter telling me that I would have a surprise when I got back to Platform 9 3/4. I wondered what it is; if it was good or bad. I was quite nervous yet excited to find out though.

We spend the whole day going through our classes, basically just hanging out and chatting because it was the last day so what's the point of doing work? The day was very fun and exciting but i take the time at dinner to simmer down and relax. I'm sitting with the girls and they were talking about a letter that Talia got from some boy.

"You're very beautiful and I hope you'll be mine someday," Talia finishes and the other girls aww and coo. I giggle at their girliness as I just listen to them and eat. They spend more time talking about boys than anything else. Sometimes I even think they just came to this school to meet wizard boys, it wouldn't surprise me.

"I'm gonna miss you guys over the summer," I blurt out and they look at me with an expression of gushy-ness. "Aw, we'll miss you too, K," they say and we all give a group hug to each other. After dinner, the girls and I run up to our room where we listen to music and doll each other up.

We do facials and paint each other nails and do our hair and stuff, all muggle things to do. What I love about these girls is that blood type didn't matter to them so we could do muggle things and it didn't bother them. Bloodtype didn't bother me either, despite what you might think since my whole family has been pureblood Slytherins forever.

We washed off our faces and danced around since it was our last night together. I didn't really think I would get attached to these girls but I really did love them. I'm super glad we became friends because I have no idea what I would be doing without them. Actually, I do. I would be a shy little girl who doesn't really talk to anyone and spends all her free time reading books.

I love to read still but it's more fun to spend time socialising and hanging out with people. I was such a nerd.

The next morning I wake up to the bright sun shining in my face and the girls were chatting and giggling in the other side of the room. "Good morning," I call out to them and they repeat me. I hop out of bed and go through my regular morning routine before putting the rest of my stuff in my trunk, putting Billy in his cage, and setting my things by the door for when I leave. I spend the last few minutes staring out the big window at the beautiful view before Penelope grabs me and pulls me away.

We all grab our trunks and walk down the stairs, ready to leave for our summer vacation. As I'm about to leave Slytherin common room, I'm whisked away by someone. "I just want to apologize for everything I did this year and I hope you have a good summer." I look up at see Blaise smiling down at me. He then leans down and gently kisses my cheek before walking away, and I stand there in utter shock. Well, that was weird.

I shake it off before heading down to the front of the school and my trunk is taken by somebody. The whole school gathers at the front to say their last real goodbyes before Hagrid escorts us to the train. We get on and I sit in a car with Draco, Vincent, and Greg. I would have sat with the girls but Draco asked me so I decided to go with him.

"My mother says I have a surprise waiting for me," I tell Draco and he looks over to me. "Are you excited?" He asks and I shrug, not really knowing how I feel about it. "Want something from the cart?" A soft feminine voice is heard from the door of our car. Obviously, Greg and Vince grab just about everything whereas Draco only grabs a couple and I grab none.

"Want to share some of mine?" Draco asks holding out a handful of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans™. I look down and pick out my favorite color, red, before chewing on it. "That's all you want?" He asks and I look back into his grey eyes and get lost a little. We have the same eyes, it was crazy.

"Um, yeah," I say before turning away and resting my head against the wall, dozing off.


~Draco's POV~

She looked so cute when she slept, peaceful even. Her eyes were always pretty stone cold, like mine, so it was nice to see her look at peace. I tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear and stare at her when I am suddenly interrupted.

"You really like her, don't you?" Vince annoyingly asks and I shoot daggers at him with my eyes. "Of course not Crabbe," I snap and he holds up his hands in that defensive position, meaning to say he didn't believe me. I can't tell him that I love her; I would lose my reputation. I can't go soft around her or people will find out. I need to be cool.


~Kayleigh's POV~

He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear gently. "You really like her, don't you?" I hear Vince ask and I pretend to be asleep still. "Of course not Crabbe!"

A part of me was disappointed. Why would he tell me he loves me when I was in the hospital if he knew I could hear him and then deny the fact he has feelings for me when asked? Ugh, whatever. He's just a stupid boy, anyways.

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