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*video is Tom Felton playing his original song, time isn't healing, which the words will be displayed in a couple paragraphs and I suggest reading the words along with the song cause it just helps set the mood*

Kayleigh's POV

"We can't be friends, Draco." I look at him and see his eyes shatter. He doesn't say anything so I continue, "It's for the best because if He knows that I'm emotionally attached to someone, actually anything, he'll take that away from me in any way that he can."

"Draco, are you gonna say anything?" I ask, watching him as he stares at the ground and twiddles his thumbs. He slowly looks up at me and tears brim his eyes. My heart breaks at the sight but I know I can't comfort him.

"I don't know what to say," he replies before standing up and walking out of the room. I sigh and tear up a little but I bite it back. I walk over and sit on my bed and rest my chin in my hand as I hear the door open and the girls come in.

"Hey girl, why was the door locked last night?" They ask looking at me and I nonchalantly answer, "Draco was here." They all gasp and squeal and it takes everything I have not to giggle lightly. They're so funny and I love them- I can't, not anymore. I have to forget what it feels like to love someone, push it back, not feel it anymore. I have to be cruel.

I nod lightly before also leaving the room and walking around the entire outside of the school. When I reach the unexplored by hardly anyone else area, I hear something... Music? I get a little closer and hide behind a wall, listening in.

I hear a guitar lightly being played and soon, some singing accompanies it. Tick tock goes the clock, time is going so slow. And I'm supposed to be fast asleep, a couple hours ago. So I, I need to exercise oh right I've got to rest these eyes and I, I need to knock on some doors then I won't have to lie here by myself anymore.

Cause time isn't healing, getting sick of staring at my ceiling and I, I can't help the way I feel about you. Cause time isn't healing, pretty sick of staring at my ceiling and I, I can't help the way I'm falling for you.

I step out from the corner and look around, finding Draco sitting against the wall with the guitar in his lap. He continues to play and sing and a few tears slip from my eyes. Is that song about me? I didn't know he could sing... And let me tell you he can sing.

The only time I've seem to spend with you is all in my dreams so I, I need to let her go. Would it have worked? I guess I'll never know so I, I need to hit the road and find me a girl of my own.

Cause time isn't healing, getting sick of staring at my ceiling and I, I can't help the way I feel about you. Cause time isn't healing, pretty sick of staring at my ceiling and I, I can't help the way I'm falling for you.

When he finally finished and sets the guitar down by his side, he starts sobbing and my heart breaks. I don't even think as I start walking over and kneel down next to him, placing my hand on his shoulder. "That was a beautiful song," I whisper and a loud sob comes out of his throat. Nothing else needed to be said for me to know that song was about me.

I can't believe this all had to be happening. I want to continue the family reputation but I don't think I had the right personality for it. I can't stand watching my friends get hurt by me just so that I don't die.

"Draco," I mumble and he looks up at me. I lean in and kiss him lightly. I don't know why I did that, it's not like I love him, do I? He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into my lap as he makes the kiss a little deeper. I should pull away, I should leave but it seems my body won't let me. Maybe my mind can't let me leave Draco broken like this even though it knows I should.

When we pull apart, there's nothing to say. We both know that it was wrong, but it felt so... Right? Did it feel right? I don't know, I'm so conflicted between sides of the battle that I just can't think straight anymore or set my priorities and loyalties to the Dark Lord. I stare into Draco's silver eyes that we glistening because of the tears building up.

"I'm sorry about everything. I just want to keep you safe," I whisper and he nods sadly. I cup his chin in my hands as I lean in and kind of forcefully kiss his cheek. That's the last thing that happens before I get up and walk away.

My stomach growls loudly and I place my hand on it. I haven't eaten much in the past two days so I decide to head down to the Great Hall since it's probably around lunch time and eat a real meal. When I get there, I see the whole school with their eyes on me. I give them a nervous look before walking to my seat and starting to eat.

"Are you okay? Your eyes look a little puffy," Iris worries and Penelope adds, "and red." "I'm fine, thanks," I mutter before staring down at my plate and poking through a baby potato with my fork to plop in my mouth. After I eat three quarters of my plate, I'm full so I take a drink from my goblet and quietly look around the room at all the happy people having happy conversations with their friends.

Dumbledore dismisses us and everyone starts walking to their next class that I actually decide to participate in. I go to it and sit down in my seat with the seat next to me, empty. I sigh as I flip open the textbook and begin reading about our next potion that was written up on the board.

The day goes by rather fast before its dinner time, then time to go to bed. As I walk into the common room after dinner, I see a dark figure on the balcony. I step a little closer and see Draco. I sigh before passing him and walking up the stairs to my dorm.

I change my clothes and brush my teeth, hopping between the warm, soft sheets of my big bed. I curl myself up and cling the blankets to me as I stare at the wall for a bit till my eyes feel heavy and I fall asleep.

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