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Kayleigh's POV *beginning of year 6*

I'm sitting on the train, in an empty car, alone. I didn't really have friends anymore, ever since my fight in the hallway with Harry that one day in fourth year. Rumors had started going around that I was a death eater so people didn't talk to me, basically in fear that I would hurt them. I sometimes still talked to the girls but not very often.

People threw things at me, glared at me, said things about me and just were not nice if they even bothered to associate with me. Most of the time, I wasn't even worth their time.

Draco and I haven't talked once since that same day. We fought in the hall that day and that was the last time we talked. I really missed him but it's probably for the best that we aren't friends anymore because it kept both of us safe. Until now.

I stand up and open my car door, having to go to the bathroom. I walk down the narrow aisle and hear a group of girls faintly talking about Draco. "Have you heard about Draco Malfoy? Everyone's saying that he's a death eater, just like Kayleigh. Now at least she'll have one friend," they say and as they see me pass, they stare at me silently. I roll my eyes as I continue to walk down the train until I reach the bathroom and out of the corner of my eye, I see a head of white blonde hair.

I sigh as I walk into the ladies room and do what I need to do before fixing my hair and light makeup in the mirror. My look basically consisted of blacks and dark, dark purples and Browns. When I leave the bathroom, I see the people that Draco was sitting with staring at me and pointing, obviously whispering something about me to him.

I see him slightly turn to see me and the look in his eye changes incomprehensibly. I stand there for a second, debating whether to walk over to him or walk back to my car. He rolls his eyes lightly before turning away and I take that as my cue to leave.

When I get to my car, I stare out the window blankly until we finally arrive at Hogwarts. I can't believe I have been going to Hogwarts for two whole years since I joined the other side of the battle. Secretly, I'm working against Hogwarts yet I still go here. But so does Severus and he's also a death eater. Severus and I have gotten pretty "close" I guess you could say because he has been helping me on tasks for the Dark Lord.

Everyone leaves the train except I pass by a section of the train that has all the window shades down, blocking out the inside. I lean my ear against the door and hear an inaudible speaker. The door suddenly opens and I stumble backwards. It's Draco and he grumbles something under his breath as he pushes passed me.

I follow him off the train and we are put in the same carriage to go up to the school. "Draco," I murmur and he glares at me.

"Just stop, Kayleigh," he says putting his hand up and hops out of the carriage the second it stops. He storms off to the school and I glumly walk behind.

Maybe if he has no one else, he'll be forced to talk to me. Maybe they'll react to the rumors about him the same they did for me. But why should I be his last resort? That's not fair to me.

Plus, if he really is a death eater, then he shouldn't be mad at me anymore because he will understand. So if he's still holding a grudge, then two can play at that game.

At dinner, just like I imagined, no one is talking to Draco and he's eating alone. "Doesn't feel good, does it?" I rub in to his face, smirking at him evilly and he looks at me plainly.

"Look, I'm sorry for the way I treated you," he says and I roll my eyes and chuckles falsely. "No, Draco. That's not fair! You didn't talk to me when I had no one else so why should I talk to you? You were the only person who ever made me feel better and you weren't there! You can't just come crawling back to me because now you have no one else," I spit at him and he looks down sadly.

I roll my eyes as I finish my meal and head straight up to my dorm room that I still shared with the girls. They didn't mind but I was just kind of like a presence who was there. I wasn't part of it all anymore but I understood. Things were different now.

I hear knocking on the door. I hesitantly walk over to it, hoping it's not someone to pick something with me again. It's weird for people to come knocking on the door, especially when the girls weren't here. I twist the handle and I see a tall boy. I roll my eyes as I wait for him to say something.

"Please, 'Leigh. I understand now, I really do. I'm just like you," he says pulling up his left sleeve, revealing his dark mark that matches mine. "Just because you're a death eater now doesn't mean you understand what it's like. You haven't experienced what I've experienced, you haven't done what I've done, seen what I've seen. You know nothing," I glare at him and he stares at me sadly. He harshly presses his lips to mine and I push him away, slapping him hard on the face.

"Get out, Draco," I calmly say but you can hear the anger and frustration in my voice. "He says we need to work together," Draco says and I look up at him.

"What?" I ask, not sure if I heard him right. "The Dark Lord says we have to work together, as a team," he repeats and I sigh.

"Fine, but that doesn't make us friends again," I grumble before shutting the door in his face and stomping over to my bed. I lie down and stare blankly at the ceiling; I sure am getting good at the whole reckless thing.

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