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Kayleigh's POV

"Where are my parents?" I ask Lucius and he glances at Narcissa and Draco before kneeling down to my height and smiling at me. "They haven't come," he says as if I'm supposed to be thrilled about it. I frown as I stare at him, willing him to continue.

"You're staying the summer in our home," he finishes and I look at him, then Narcissa, in shock and disbelief. "Wait, really?" I ask and they nod happily. I give them a smile, knowing I'll have a better time with them than staying at my own home.

Draco smirks at me and I roll my eyes back. "What's the matter?" He asks and I shrug, saying "nothing". Suddenly, we are in Malfoy Manor and a house elf takes my trunks upstairs, I assume to the room I stayed in last time.

I follow the house elf, along with Draco, but see that the elf continues walking past the door of the room I had before. "Um, excuse me? Aren't I staying in that room back there?" I ask the elf, looking worriedly at Draco and he smirks, knowingly. The elf ignores me before he takes us into a huge room decorated in all emerald green, silver, and black.

"Oh, wow," I mutter, walking into the room. "This is our bedroom," Draco informs and I look at him as if he has ten heads. "What?" I question and he nods.

"You mean, we are sharing this room? Like, sleeping together?" He gives me another nod and another question arises, "why?"

"Because the other room has been changed to be used for other purposes," he explains and I just nod in response before examining the beautiful room and jumping onto the large bed.

"Do you like it?" He asks and I nod, looking over at him as I rub my hands along the comforter. He walks over and stands in front of me, staring up at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask, feeling uncomfortable as we look into each others eyes. "Because you're sitting on my bed," he smirks and I cringe.

"You're repulsive, Malfoy," I spit at him before leaving the room and sitting in their large sitting area that has a grand piano in the centre. I sit on the bench and run my fingers gently across the lid before lifting it and pushing it back to display the keys. I brush the keys a little before closing my eyes and starting to play a song I learned years ago. I didn't know the name of it but the notes stuck in my head like fibres.

After I finish playing the song, I hear applauding behind me. I spin around because the sudden sound frightened me. Draco, Narcissa, and a couple house elves were standing there, smiling at me. "Oh, um, sorry," I stutter to Narcissa referring to me playing without permission.

"Where did you learn to play?" She asks happily and I shrug. "My mother used to play," I answer and she nods before her and the house elves are off and I'm once again alone with Draco.

"That was amazing," he compliments and I smile lightly. "Thank you," I say as I feel my hand being grabbed. I look down to see he was holding it and I kind of just stare at it for a second, not knowing what to do. "Um," I awkwardly mumble before taking my hand away from his and leaving the room.


~Draco's POV~

She really wasn't budging or loosening up to me at all. I tried to show my affection to her but she seemed to feel uncomfortable. Maybe I should back off.

"Dinner is ready!" I hear my mother call, pulling me out of my thoughts and I start to head to the dining room, sitting across the table from Kayleigh. I stare at her as she stares down at her hands beneath the table. Ugh, it's all my fault that it's awkward between us now.

Mother walks in, sitting at the head of the table before the elves bring in the dishes. "Draco honey, your father is working late tonight so he won't be joining us," Mother says to me sympathetically and I just shrug. I was never surprised anymore when Father didn't show up to things. He was always busy at work or whatever, I didn't care.

We eat in silence and I'm sure for Mother it was quite nice but for me, it was depressing and awkward. I knew Kayleigh was upset with me but I didn't know how to fix it. I would take it back if I could, but I can't. I wonder what it's going to be like tonight...

I walk into my room after taking a quick shower to see Kayleigh reading on the bed. "Hi," I say softly and she glances up at me.

"Hello," she replies before focusing back on her book and I sit on the bed next to her. "Goodnight," she says putting her book down on the nightstand and turning her light off. She faces her back to me as she gets under the covers and lies down. "Um yeah, goodnight," I reply, following her actions. With our backs facing each other and many inches apart, we both fall asleep.

Why is there hair in my face? I open my eyes and see Kayleigh is much closer to me than when we fell asleep. Her hand is right next to my face on my pillow and her hair is everywhere. I kiss her temple and she groans a little before shifting slightly and her eyes flutter open. When she sees how close we are, she jumps away and scoots as far away from me on the bed as she can without falling off.

"Will you stop trying to pull something on me?" She asks annoyed and I drop my jaw. "I was the one who woke up with someone else's hair in my face!" I defend and she just scoffs and rolls her eyes before turning her head the other way and dropping it back on her pillow. I stare at her, I just couldn't stop. I could stare at her for hours.

"Stop staring at me," she orders and I instantly turn away. How did she know I was watching her? She was facing the other way! I shake it off as I climb out of the bed and go into my bathroom to change my clothes and brush my teeth. I comb my hair that was getting long and let it hang in front of my forehead. I leave the bathroom and go downstairs where Mother was sitting at the table reading the Daily Prophet.

"Oh, good morning Draco," she greets happily when she sees me and offers me breakfast. I have some when I see Kayleigh descend the stairs wearing a nice outfit consisting of greens, whites, and blacks and her hair was in braids. She looked beautiful. She looks at me for a second before turning away and grabbing some food.

"Good morning, Kayleigh," Mother smiles and she smiles back. "Good morning, Narcissa," she replies before sitting down and eating.

I try not to watch her but I just can't help it. She glances up at me and glares when she sees I'm staring again. I quickly turn away before she gets too mad and that's the last time I look at her... During breakfast at least.


A/N: here's her outfit by the way

Dont pay attention to the caption because they're not going to Hogsmeade

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Dont pay attention to the caption because they're not going to Hogsmeade. I just make these outfits and give them random titles that usually have nothing to do with anything specific so yeahhhhhh

Anyways please vote and share! I hope you're enjoying it, I hope it's okay. Agh, I get so worried about it 😁

But I love you guys and i hope you have a lovely day :) peace out! Hugs and kisses all around xoxoxo

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