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Third Person POV

Draco slowly walks across the vacant space apprehensively and Kayleigh chases him. They finally reach their parents and the six of them continue to watch the scene as Harry announces he isn't actually dead. As Harry Potter runs towards the Dark Lord, Hermione jumps in front of him to block any charms Voldemort might shoot his way.

Kayleigh can't help herself -seeing her old schoolmates face death- as she jumps in between Voldemort and Hermione right as the light flicks off of his wand. Kayleigh flies back and crashes to the ground as the spell hits her right in the middle of her ribcage. She groans and hyperventilates as she prepares to take her last breath.

Draco, shocked, runs over and kneels by her side. "Vous devez faire ce que vous pensez que vous ne pouvez pas," his lovely wife says to him and this is the last time he will ever hear her voice. He begins to scream and sob, willing for Voldemort to bring her back but there's nothing he could do.

Draco abruptly stands up and points his wand toward Harry in a rush of rage. "That was meant for you! You should've died, not her! She was my wife, the mother of my sons!" Draco howls.

"I should kill you!" He adds, never having actually hated Harry Potter until now. Draco, deep down, knew that it wasn't Harry's fault that his wife was killed but Draco didn't know how else to handle the situation. Lucius and Narcissa quickly grab Draco and drag him away, Kayleigh's weeping parents following behind.

Later that night, the group of five feel a tingling sensation in their left arm. They all peer down at their arms and watch as their dark marks slowly vanish, them knowing that Voldemort is gone. Gone for good this time. They all sigh of relief, for it would keep Percy and Scorpius safe and also prevent them from doing anymore gruesome tasks for a man they were forced to stay loyal to.

Draco cries as he stares at his sons, only seeing in their faces the features of their beautiful mother. A mini version of her nose, and eyes. Her last words ring in his head and he realizes she had spoken French. He doesn't even know French so he doesn't know what she had said to him.

He rushes to start translating her words and will stop at nothing to figure out what she said. It takes a couple months for Draco to put the whole sentence together but eventually he figures it out and learns that she said, "You must do what you think you cannot."

Why did she say that to him? What was it supposed to mean? Draco then became insanely obsessed with trying to solve this puzzle Kayleigh left for him.

Her message to him is to tell him he must overcome any obstacle he faces in order to be happy and safe. This means he also needs to keep his sons happy and safe and they need to be his number one priority. He sticks to this as he raises his beautiful boys to be fine gentlemen and preserves their mother's memory.

Draco shares many pictures, stories, and facts about Kayleigh to Percy and Scorpius in hopes they will learn from her and feel as if she is actually still there. And for Draco, she still was.

Draco could still feel her around and sometimes he could hear her speak to him softly. Sometimes, it made him very sad but usually it comforted him and made him feel safe, at home. She was the only thing that kept him going throughout his entire life. Every piece of happiness Draco has ever felt was because of Kayleigh. Even his new happiness, Percy and Scorpius, was given to him by Kayleigh and nothing could ever replace her. She truly was the greatest thing to happen to him.

Not a day goes by in Draco's life where he doesn't think of Kayleigh Ruth Allen-Malfoy. He loved her.


A/N: short and rushed and probably crap chapter but yeah that's the end of this book I think. If you want me to write more or start a new story about Draco or even anything else, let me know. I really really really hope you enjoyed this story and I just want to thank you all for reading it and supporting me I really love all you guys!

Please please vote and share!! And please comment telling what you thought of this chapter! Did you expect her to be killed or to risk her life for people you thought she hated?? Ohhhhh I wanna know what you guys are thinking.... But anyways Have a lovely day everyone. I feel like this is a family that I'm saying goodbye to for a really long time. I'm about to cry writing this goodbye omg :(

Peace out, hugs and kisses all around xoxoxo

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