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Kayleigh's POV

Draco and I have completed the Amortentia and now it was time to present it to the class. We tell the class some of the ingredients in it, how long it takes to make, and its effects. "Now please, open the bottle and tell us what you smell," McGonagall orders politely and we give each other a fearful look. "Um, okay," I say pulling off the top and Draco puts it up to his nose, wafting it safely.

"I smell flowers and a hint of mint. Also, the smell of old books pages," he nervously mumbles then passes the bottle to me. I take a deep breath, trying to release my nerves, before I sniff.

"...I smell new cloth... Lemons, and a nice cologne." What? I don't know how I smell these things, I don't love anyone. But the weird thing is, I don't know who smells like that. I guess I'm going to have to figure that out.

"Okay, thank you Kayleigh and Draco. Very well done!" She says smiling brightly at us as she stands up and walks back to the front of the classroom to call on the next pair to present. Draco and I walk to the back of the classroom and take our seats. I look at all the boys in the classroom and I have a very uncomfortable, nervous, and anxious feeling running through my entire body. I don't think I even want to love someone. I'm very content being alone.

"Are you okay?" Draco asks, resting his hand on top of mine. I look over at him and nod before removing my hand. Class is dismissed and thank merlin its lunch time. Maybe I'll go to the library for lunch today instead of the Great Hall. I still feel uncomfortable about the whole amortentia thing.


~Draco's POV~

I sniffed the potion and instantly recognised the scent. Flowers, mint, and old book pages. Nobody else I knew smelled like that. It was her. I willed myself to contain my emotions about it as I passed the potion to her.

She smells it and says, "I smell new cloth, lemons, and a nice cologne." Well that could be about any guy in the school except Weasley and Longbottom. But lemons? I don't think anybody else really smells like that.

I feel a hint of happiness, thinking it might be me but also a pang of jealousy knowing it's probably someone else. McGonagall urges for us to go back to our seats. I can sense Kayleigh's nervousness as she looks around the room. She looks as if she's about to cry so I rest my hand on hers. "Are you okay?" I ask her worriedly and she looks at me, nods and whisks her hand away. I continue to watch her until the class is over.

I was hoping she would walk with me to lunch but when we leave the classroom, she walks the opposite way. I follow a few paces behind her to make sure she's safe but then I leave when I see that she's just going to the library. She'll be fine there.


~Kayleigh's POV~

I walk straight to the last row of books and sit in the corner on the ground. I put a little force field around me so that nobody on the outside can see or hear me. I put my knees to my chest, my head in my hands and start to sob. I don't want to love someone.

I don't really know why it's bothering me so much but I don't like the thought or idea of loving anyone, especially not when I know my destiny. I must have stayed there for hours just crying until I find a book worth reading and pull it off the shelf. I let myself get lost in the words and let my mind focus on something other than the fact I apparently love someone.

When I finally feel a little better, I leave the library with the book in my hand and head toward the Slytherin common room. The room was filled with people talking worriedly about somebody being missing. I walk through the crowd to the center and I'm about to ask what's going on when Draco runs over to me and pulls me into him.

"Where were you!?" He asks with worry yet relief flushing his grey eyes. "In the library," I say calmly, wondering why they were freaking out so bad.

"We searched the library and you weren't there! We looked everywhere and you were nowhere to be found!we thought something happened to you because you weren't at any classes after lunch and you missed dinner too," Draco explains and I groan to myself.

"Oh, I forgot. I used a spell when I was in the library so that nobody could see or hear me and I must've forgotten to undo it when I was reading. I'm sorry," I say as he continues to hug me and I pat his back comfortingly even though I feel very awkward and disturbed. "I'm so glad you're okay," he says squeezing me tighter and I tell him to let go.

"Yes, um, we're all very glad you are safe Miss Allen. Please don't let that happen again or I will have to give you a detention for skipping classes," Snape awkwardly says in his deep, monotonous voice before leaving the room. I look around and feel a bit lightheaded as I see everyone's eyes on me.

I'm laying on the floor and I look up to see that I'm in Draco's arms, his eyes fixed on me again, filled with that worrisome look. "What happened?" I ask him not remembering the past few minutes. "You fainted. 'Leigh, are you sick?" He asks with tears threatening to brim his eyes.

It all comes back to me, I passed out because I felt uncomfortable when I saw everyone staring at me. "No, Draco. I'm not sick," I say sitting up and turning around to face him.

"What's wrong 'Leigh? Talk to me, please. You've been acting weird all day and it's freaking me out," he says tucking some hair behind my ear and my face heats up again. "Can I stay with you tonight?" I ask, on the verge of tears not wanting to go back to my dorm with the girls.

"Yes, yes, of course!" He exclaims, helping me to stand and leads me up to his dorm. He helps me onto the bed and I lie down, him sitting down next to me.

"Will you please tell me what's wrong?" He asks, scooting a little closer to me and I smell a really familiar smell. I can't put my finger on it but I've smelled it before.

"I don't want to love anyone," I say, starting to tear up again. I have to bite my lip hard to keep me from crying in front of him. "Why not?" He looks at me sadly and I get lost in those grey orbs of his.

I burrow my face in his chest and wrap my arms around his waist and he quickly wraps his arms around me as well. He holds me tight in his arms and for the first time since the first night back, I feel safe and calm.


A/N: whoa whoa whoa what's going on????? Hehehe you'll never know! Actually you will, just not till much later. Ugh I'm so proud of myself because all throughout my other Draco fic and kind of at the beginning of this one, I had to think and think and think and wrack my brain to try and find things to make the chapters long but now I'm just writing and letting my fingers kind of lead my brain along the way and aghhhh I'm lovin it so far and I hope you guys are too

Wow that was a terrible run-on sentence and I apologize to all you grammar people out there. I'm a grammar person as well but you know, sometimes I don't pay attention or have the energy to follow all the rules. What a badass lmao.

So anyways please vote and share! And have a lovely day you beautiful sexy people (to quote my love Marcus butler).

Peace out, hugs and kisses all around xoxoxo

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