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Kayleigh's POV

The end of the year was pretty crazy with the golden trio, I guess. I heard they fought against Professor Lupin, and Sirius Black who was an animagus. They won, of course, and they found out that Sirius Black wasn't actually a killer and he was innocent. I didn't really care about all that though.

My nightmares are starting to come back and I am not looking forward to going back home. I'm sitting on the train with Draco and I am resting my head on his shoulder. "I'm sure your summer will still be fun, and if you really want, you can just send me an owl and tell me where to meet you," he says and I nod in agreement.

I peacefully nap the majority of the ride and Draco wakes me up when we get to the station. "We're here," he sweetly informs me before I follow him off the train and we meet our parents. We all exchange hellos and such before my parents quickly whisk me away. "It's time to go, Kayleigh," Father says, grabbing me and pulling me away, not even giving me a chance to hug Draco goodbye.

"Wait, I didn't get to-" I say but I cut myself off because we apparate back to our house so fast. "I didn't get to hug Draco goodbye," I say and they ignore me and look at me with displeasure.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask, worriedly. "No, honey. Um, I don't know how to tell you this but now is the time you need to make a choice. You join our side, or you join the other side. What are you going to do?" Mother says looking at me full of hope, worry, sadness, and anger. A lot of emotions at a time.

I know exactly what's she talking about; she's telling me it's time for me to decide to join the Dark Lords team or Dumbledore's. Obviously, it'll have to be the Dark Lord's. I nod at her and she sighs of relief, knowing that if I made the wrong choice, I would be killed. She kisses my head before walking out of the room, putting her hand to her face and my father follows after her.

I just want to talk to Draco right now. I sit on the couch and put my head on my hand, starting to cry lightly as I think about having to become a death eater. I know I didn't have a choice. It's the choice of life or death, and obviously I don't want to die.

If you really want to, you can just send me an owl and tell me where to meet you. His words rang in my head and I contemplated the idea. I can't tell him that I'm becoming a death eater but I need to talk to someone. I don't want to be alone and I definitely don't want to hang with my parents.

I write a little note saying, "Meet me in Hogsmeade. -Leigh" then I give it to my Mothers owl to take to Draco. He flies away and I apparate there, without telling my parents. They probably won't even get worried about me.

I wait there until suddenly I see a tall boy with white blonde hair and I'm running to him as fast as I can. I literally jump into his arms and he hugs me, chuckling lightly. "You only saw me a couple hours ago, you missed me that much?" He smirks and backs his head away to look at me and sees me starting to sob.

"Oh my- Kayleigh what's wrong?" He asks rubbing the back of my head and neck comfortingly, looking at me with extreme worry. I just stand in his arms, a sobbing mess. I know I can't tell him but what am I supposed to do? I can't just sit here and know that I'm gonna be part of the Dark Lord's team and be okay with it! It may not necessarily bother me because I know I can't escape it but that doesn't mean I am okay with it, if that makes sense.

"Kayleigh, please talk to me," Draco says pushing hair behind my ears and staring at me all distraught. I look up into his silver eyes and in a way, it calms me but it also makes me break more. "I can't tell you, but I just- I just needed to see you," I say hugging him again tightly.

"Well, that's alright. Do you wanna sit and have some hot chocolate?" He asks wrapping his arm around my waist and gesturing toward the little cafe behind me. I nod as he leads me in and we find a seat. He orders us two hot chocolates and holds my hands over the table as we sit in silence, beside my cries.

"I really wish I could help you, love," he says and my heart stops at the nickname. He's never called me that before. I look up at him and he gives me a sympathetic look. My eyes wander until they land on our hands; I didn't notice before but he was stroking my hand with his thumb. Over time, I was starting to feel better until I finally stopped crying and was semi-peacefully drinking my hot chocolate.

"'Leigh?" Draco asks, making me look up at him, and I hum lightly in response. "Are you okay?" He asks and I smile lightly before nodding. I was better, really. I don't understand why I'm so upset because I've known since I was six that I would have to be a death eater someday. I guess it's just coming earlier than I ever thought it would.

I look into his grey eyes and instantly get lost in them. It was like I was swimming around and had so much to explore, I wanted to explore. He chuckles lightly and it shakes me out of my trance. "Oh, sorry," I awkwardly giggle and he shakes his head, laughing along.

"I love you," he mumbles, thinking I can't hear but I do. I feel a weird sensation through my whole body when he says it and the fire rises to my cheeks again. Why do I have this feeling? I don't get it.


A/N: whoop whoop getting to the good stuffffffff

I hope you guys are excited because I sure am! Please vote and share and prepare yourself because stuff is going down.

Love you guys and I wish you all a very lovely day! Peace out, hugs and kisses all around xoxoxo

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