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Draco's POV

As I just lie in my bed, not being able to sleep, I suddenly hear a knocking on my door. I walk over and open it, seeing a little Kayleigh standing in front of me. As I'm about to ask if she's okay, she starts to speak. "Draco, I want you," she says in a tone that I've never heard from her before.

Usually when she comes into my room at night, she's scared or upset but this time she sounded.. Content, lustful maybe. She jumps up, wrapping her legs around my waist and I catch her, holding her up. I enchant the room so no one on the outside can hear us as I carry her over to my bed and lie above her, my hands propping me up and her legs continue to wrap around my waist.

I kiss her roughly, but pull back, making sure she is okay with this. She nods before reattaching our lips and tugging on my hair. I groan against her soft lips before licking her bottom one, desperate for entrance. She grants it and I freely roam her mouth with my tongue before her tongue fights mine for dominance.


*time skip to the next morning*

I open my eyes and get a big whiff of flowers and mint. I smile to myself, remembering last night, as I move her hair out of my face. She is absolutely beautiful. I kiss her cheek and forehead gently a few times as I stare at the lovely girl lying next to me.

"Wake up, love," I coax, running my fingers through her long black hair and soon she flutters her eyes open and smiles at me. I lightly kiss her before getting up and waiting for her to sit up too. "We gotta get ready for classes," I say and she groans lightly, making me laugh.

Once we're ready and walk into the Great Hall, we see Potter talking to Katie Bell. As they both turn to look at us, I nervously glance around before grabbing Kayleigh's hand and walking back out of the room. I head straight to the boys bathroom, dragging her behind me, and I start to feel like I'm suffocating.

I loosen my tie before we get to the bathroom and I turn on a sink, rinsing my face and starting to cry. Kayleigh rubs my back comfortingly when his voice echoes through the room. "I know you hexed her." We both spin to face him and I instantly shoot a charm at him. He quickly flies out of the way and the three of us are in a battle.

I shout at Kayleigh to stay behind me so she doesn't get hurt as Potter and I continue to throw spells across the room. Everything happens so fast as Kayleigh jumps out in front of me and gets hit by one of Harry's spells. I scream out and Harry watches us cautiously.

She falls to the ground and I catch her in my arms, gently resting her on my lap as blood rushes out of her stomach and forehead. Harry races out of the room and Snape enters at the same time. He rushes over and begins to heal Kayleigh before he picks her up out of my lap and we take her to the hospital wing.

As Madame Pomfrey tends to her wounds, I sit on the bed and cry. Why would she risk herself to save me? If anyone deserves to get hurt, it's me. It pains me to see my baby helpless like this.

It feels like days before Kayleigh finally wakes up and smiles up at me. "Oh baby," I breathe out as I lean in and kiss her roughly. She chuckles into the kiss before breathlessly pushing me back. "Do you feel okay? I was so worried about you! Why did you-" I'm cut off when she puts her finger to my lips.

"Draco, calm down, I'm fine," she explains before lifting her shirt to see the big wound on her stomach. She grimaces then shakes her head and smiles up at me. I lightly kiss all over her face making her giggle before Madame Pomfrey checks her out and suggests I leave to let Kayleigh rest some more.

I hesitate to leave but they both insist. Might as well go down to dinner and eat something... Maybe I could sneak an extra dessert and bring it back up to Kayleigh to make her feel better, yeah, I'll do that.

I eat in awkward silence and feel eyes on me the whole time but everytime I look up, everyone turns away. I roll my eyes before grabbing mine and Kayleigh's desserts and leaving the room. "Is she okay?" I hear a disgustingly familiar voice call after me.

I turn and see him. I just want to drop the desserts and tear at his throat but I refrain. "What do you care if she's okay?" I spit and he actually looks sad.

"I really didn't mean to hurt her. Please- is she okay?" He asks again and I sigh, not feeling angry anymore. It was still his fault but since she is okay, I guess I won't hold it against him. I don't have time for that.

"Yes she is, now if you wouldn't mind, I'm going to bring her a little dessert," I say before turning on my heels and walking to the infirmary. As the tall doors open, I see her bright face and can't hold back my smile.

"Love, I got you a little something at dinner," I say sitting on the edge of her bed and holding the small goblet of chocolate pudding and whipped cream to her. "I knew it was your favorite," I babble and she blushes brightly.

"Thank you, Draco," she says kissing my cheek and we both smile as we start eating our puddings together. "Are you okay?" I ask and she nods happily. This moment is when I realize how truly in love I am with this girl. I continue to stare at her as she finishes the snack and smiles up to me.

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