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Kayleigh's POV

The week at Malfoy Manor wasn't terrible but it also wasn't that great. I hung out with Draco every hour of every day and I guess he was growing on my slightly but he was also annoying. He's just a stupid little git. But he plays a good game of quidditch so I give him props.

"Wanna explore the forbidden floor?" I smirk devilishly at Draco and his eyes show fear. "No, it's forbidden for a reason," he counters and I chuckle. "Yeah, and we should find out what that reason is!" I say excitedly grabbing his hand and trying to pull him along but he is stronger and stops us.

"No Kayleigh, I think that's a bad idea."

"What, are you scared? Aw, Draco Malfoy is scared," I say pretending to cry and rub my eyes, mocking him as if he was a baby. I can tell this pisses him off because he starts huffing and puffing. "I'm not scared, Allen," he growls and I smirk, crossing my arms in front of me and sticking one of my feet out in that oh-really-now poses.

"If you really want to go, fine. But if we get into trouble or if we get hurt, that's on you," he says and I jump excitedly in victory. I exclaim as I drag him up the stairs and we look around to see if anyone is watching us before we start walking into the forbidden level.

"Are you sure about this Kayleigh?" He asks me and I hear the terror in his voice. I giggle a little before continuing to drag Draco behind me. I hold a tight grip on his hand as I pull him down the hall with me. "This floor doesn't seem too bad, I don't understand why it's closed off," I think out loud and Draco scoffs.

He stops walking and I just roll my eyes as I continue. He was just staring at something on the wall so I take the opportunity to prank/scare him. "Kayleigh? Where'd you go?" He asks turning to his right as I silently run behind his back on the left. "BAH!" I shout jumping out at him and he screams, flying back. I bust up laughing and he punches my arm.

"What the bloody hell'd you do that for?" He shouts and I can't stop my laughter. I bend over and rest my hands on my knees, trying to contain myself and catch my breath. After I do, I kiss his nose jokingly before walking back to the stairway and he follows. That was amazing.

Professor Snape comes out of nowhere and gives us detention. "It was worth it," I say giggling lightly and Draco glares at me, burning a hole into the side of my head. "Shut up, you know you had fun," I say before walking away, making sure to sway my hips more than usual. I can feel his eyes on me and I smirk, knowing I got him just where I want him if I'm gonna crush his little boy heart.


~Draco's POV~

I have to admit, she got me pretty good. I just couldn't tell her that she did, I had to act like I was mad at her. "Shut up, you know you had fun," she says starting to walk away and I watch as she sways those bloody hips of hers.

I think she's definitely warming up to me. And that's good for me because I've got her just where I want her if I'm gonna make her mine.

I've devised a plan to get her to fall in love with me; I've got to be around her all the time for a little while and get her to loosen up around me, then I'll back away and she'll come chase after me. Then when the times right, I'll ask her to be mine. It's the perfect plan and I really hope it works...


~Kayleigh's POV~

"Where have you been?" Talia asks as I walk into our dorm room that holds the four of us. "Detention," I say smirking at the girls and they "ooh" and "ah". I sit on my bed next to Penelope as they inundate me with questions. I quick fire answer them as fast as I can and I'm almost out of breath by the time I'm finished. I giggle, "alright girls. It was just a detention, lets simmer down."

"So you were sneaking off with Draco," Iris smirks and I roll my eyes. "I told you I don't like Draco. I'm just teasing him because I know he likes me," I explain and they give me a mean look. "Yeah, yeah I know it's not nice but it sure is fun. Besides, Draco's not actually that bad. I guess I would consider him my friend," I say and they nod, smiling lightly. I just roll my eyes again at them before I climb under my covers and pull out my book.

Once I'm asleep, I have another disturbing dream.

I'm in the same long, dark, and narrow room, except this time, I'm not alone. They are a bunch of people all around me having many different conversations and their voices fill my entire head. I can't focus on just one conversation because there's so many at once. I walk forward until I bump into an old lady that's hunched over a little.

"She's come," the lady says, grinning evilly at me as she grabs my arm and drags me out of the room and into another one where I'm standing in front of that same snake once again. "Ah, hello Kayleigh. I'm glad you could make it," a deep voice says from within the shadows.

"Who are you? And why do you keep bringing me back here?" I ask and the voice chuckles. "You were chosen, Kayleigh," the voice says from a different part of the room. I spin around trying to find where the voice is coming from but it keeps moving I can't find it. "What have I been chosen for?" I ask and I could hear my own fear in my voice.

The snake hisses as it slithers over to me and begins to wrap itself around my legs and heading up towards my head. Once again, I am frozen still and can't move.

"Kayleigh! Kayleigh wake up!" I hear and I'm vigorously shaken awake. Again, I'm sweating and panting. Why do these dreams keep haunting my sleep? What are they supposed to mean?


A/N: I've read so many Draco fanfics so I hope this one is better than my last one. I've been studying how to make a story more interesting and complex so I hope it's working out. I'm trying really hard to make this story super good just for you guys :)

Please vote and share! Love you guys, peace out! Hugs and kisses all around xoxoxo

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