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Kayleigh's POV

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Kayleigh's POV

Talia, Iris, Penelope, and I were all helping each other get ready but right now, we were doing the finishing touches on my appearance. My nails are painted, yellow on the thumb, pinky, and index and the two middle fingers have silver sparkly paint. Talia put my hair in a messy but chic up do and Iris did my eye makeup, a sparkly silver look. It really tied together my whole look and I was very very happy with how everything was turning out.

Talia helped me put on my dress, careful not to ruin my hair and Now it was time to head toward the ball room. Us four walked with our elbows linked together and with confidence. As we descended yet another staircase, I realized I forgot my shoes so I quickly run back and regroup with them. "Sorry about that," I say and they just laugh it off.

We look absolutely stunning as we walked together; Iris was wearing a deep, royal purple dress with gold touches, Penelope was in a nice and bright orange color and Talia was rocking a light, pastel green. We looked like royalty.

We reach the top of the staircase that leads to the ballroom and all the girls find their dates right away and run down the stairs to them and I look through the crowd trying to find Draco.

Suddenly, my eyes are met with another pair of grey ones just like mine and I can't contain the smile on my face. He looked great in his all black suit and yellow tie to match my dress. He makes his way through the crowd and ascends the first couple steps and reaches his hand out for me as I walk down to meet him. I take his hand and smile brightly as people stare at us. I'm not gonna lie, I know that we're the hottest couple in the school and that's why they're staring at us.

"You look incredible," Draco says at a loss for words and that fire in my cheeks comes back. I really don't know what that is but it's quite annoying. "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself," I smirk at him as he escorts me into the room.

"Would you like something to drink?" He asks and I nod in appreciation. He says he'll be right back as he walks over to the concessions table. He comes back quickly with a couple cups of punch and I thank him as I look around at all the couples dancing and mingling.

"This is my first dance," I say to Draco and he looks at me in disbelief. "Really?" He asks excitedly then sets our cups down and takes my hand again, dragging me onto the dance floor.

"Hope you don't mind a dance or two, then," he smirks as we start dancing to the slow song that was playing. I rest my head on his shoulder and he rest his head on mine. We sway back and forth to match the music and I get lost.

"Kayleigh, you really do look amazing," Draco mumbles making my face heat up again. We slow dance until the songs over and the next song is a little faster. We dance like we did that day at his house and we end up laughing and having a great time like we did last time.

"We saw Sirius Black!" A terrified voice rings through the room, making everything and everyone stop. We all turn toward the door seeing a scared looking Mr. Filch standing there, panting. Dumbledore orders the prefects to take us back to our common rooms and not to leave for the night while they investigate the school.

Draco wraps his arm tightly and protectively around my waist as he takes me back to the common room and I don't even bother to remove it. Honestly it made feel a little better because I was scared. What if Sirius Black really was in the school? Someone could be killed...

"'Leigh, calm down. You're okay, I won't let anything happen to you," Draco comforts, pressing his lips to my forehead and I give him a weak smile. He hugs me tight before we are both told to go to our rooms and get into bed. Up until then, the night had been absolutely perfect. Why did it have to get ruined?

I take off my makeup and put on my pajamas and climb into bed, not falling asleep because I was too busy being scared, thinking about Sirius Black. When I see that it's 1:48am and everyone is asleep, I quietly sneak out of my room and go to Draco's.

I open the door and quietly walk over to his bed and poke him until he wakes up. "Kayleigh, what are you doing in here?" He asks groggily, rubbing his eyes lightly. "Can I sleep with you?" I ask, fear seeping through my voice. He scoots over and opens the covers for me to climb in next to him.

I snuggle into him, his arm draped over my waist and my face burrowed in his chest. He kisses my forehead lightly before he falls back asleep almost instantly and I fall asleep soon after, feeling much better now that I'm with him.

When I wake up, I feel Draco lightly running his fingers through my hair. "Good morning, 'Leigh," he smiles at me and I smile back. He leans in and kisses me lightly. Before I could even think about what was happening, he pulls away. We stare at each other and I don't even know what to say.

"I'm sorry," he whispers and I shake it off. "It's okay," I say before getting up and heading back to my room to change my clothes. We are back to classes today so I had to actually get ready right away. Why did he kiss me? Why didn't I slap him? It felt.. Warm again.

We have breakfast before I go to my class and sit next to Greg. I was supposed to be sitting with Draco but I feel weird around him right now just because he kissed me this morning. "Kayleigh," he coughs from diagonally behind me. I turn around and look at him and he gestures for me to come over to him.

I shake my head aggressively before facing the front again as I listen as McGonagall explains a new potion to us that we will be working on. I feel Draco's eyes on me the whole class and every once in a while, I take a quick peek back to look at him. I wonder why he wants me back with him so bad...

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