My life

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Hi, this is my third story I wrote. I really hope you guys like this one. Please excuse my grammar.

After my dad pass away. My mother remarried, I happy for her but that when it starts, he would beat me up if I did bad in school. I don't know what he said to mother but she started blaming me that it was my fault that my father died.

How my dad died was. He was on a business trip and coming back for my birthday. On the way home, the plane crash. I started blaming myself but my mother told me it wasn't my fault but now she does blame me.

Every time she see me, she will go crazy and at the background my so called step father just watches and smiles. Now I have became heartless because I lost my heart when dad died and when they started beating me up.

Back to reality
I woke up from my alarm, I walk downstairs. Here we go again. Mom starts to go crazy, she throwing things. She ran up to me and slap me in the face. I left off to school. There I see Naeun at the front gate, she is my best friend. She the only I will be myself and she knows all my secrets about my mother and stepfather. She been there for me ever since I went to this school.

"Eunji! What happened to your face?" she said.
"Shhh. People might hear. It was my mother." I said quietly.
" Again. I don't understand why don't you tell a adult?" she ask in frustrate.
"Because my last school, my teacher found out and told my step dad to come to school the next day. That night he beat me up and made me switch school. I don't want switch school because I stay with you." I said as I hug her.

"Aww thanks but I can't stand it how you getting abuse." she said.
"It okay. At least I can be with you." I said.
"Aww please stop. You're making my heart break."she said.
"Okay." I said.
"Oh yeah! Do you hear that there going to be 7 new guys today?! I heard that they were the bullies in there last school, they are called infinite, that why they are coming here because they got kick out but I heard they are super hot." she said.
"Omg! Who cares about boys." I said as I rolled my eyes.
"Come on. They going to be hot!" she said as she link arm with me.
"And your point is." I said as we walk towards the school.
"*Sigh* Never mind. Nothing can interested you." she said.
"Yup." I said.

As we enter the school. There was crowded full of girl screaming like crazy.
"I wonder what's up?" I ask.
"OMG! That them!" said Naeun as she started jumping like crazy.
In the middle of the crowd, there you see 7 guys, trying to look hot.
"Ugh!" I said as I drag Naeun out of the crowd.
"Wait! Wait!" she said as she reaches out.
"Come on. Let's go to class." I said as I continue to drag her.
"I can't believe you. You drag me out of the crowd. Where I could of talk to one of those handsome guys." She pouted.
"They wouldn't even notice you, there were wayyyyy too many girls in the way to see you." I said.
"Maybe." She said as she continue to pout.
"There there. It okay. Let's hurry to class so we won't be late." I said.
"Fine." She said as she stuck her lips out.
We got into class, where there was no one there. We sat down in our spot. We sit together. Naeun still continuing to pout as I was putting my head on my desk.

I took out my notebook and a pencil. Everyone rush in, just before the teacher came in.
"Alright class, I think you guys heard that we have new students today so please come in." said our teacher.
7 guys came in, each one introduced themselves. Their names were Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol, L, Sungjong. Our teacher assigned them to their seats. Hoya and L sat behind me and Naeun. As usual I was taking notes and trying to do good in school but everyone was just stare at the new guys. The new guys did nothing, they just talk to each other and did not pay attention to class.

Finally as I got up and stretch. At that moment all the girl ran toward them as they push me out of the way but they push Naeun down.
"Yah!" I yell.
They all be came be quite and turn my way. Their eyes widen.
"Sorry." said one of them quietly.
"Oh it's okay." said Naeun as she got up and grab me and drag me out.

"Calm down. I'm fine." she said.
"You sure? I'm fine if they push me but if they push you then that a different story." I said.
"Aww you just like my hero." she said as she hugs me.
"Come on. Let's go before we get trampled again." I said as we headed to the cafeteria.

We sat down on a table. Then came the new boys sitting where they are surrounded by girls. The rest of the boy just gave the new boys cold stares.
"It so true. They are super hot!" said Naeun.
"Sigh, here we go again." I said as I rolled my eyes.
"Come on. Just look at them." She said.
I got up and throw away my food. Naeun and I walked out of the school and walked around the school.

Naeun and I laughing together. We heard something. We went to check, it was infinite beating up a freshmen.
"Come on where your lunch money." Said Sunggyu.
"I don't have any." the freshmen said.
"Yeah right. Puck it up!" Said L as he grab the freshmen collar and push him toward the wall.
The freshmen looked down as he was super afraid. He sort of reminds me of myself when the jerk started beating me up. I was super scared and I wanted someone to help like mom but she never did. Then L swing his arm about to punch him.
"That it." I said as I got up from hiding.
"Eunji! Eunji!" Called Naeun but I ignore it.
As L aim for the freshmen's face, I grab his arm.

So how was the first chapter?
I hope you guys continue on reading.

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