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"Who?" I ask interestedly.
"Someone in infinite!" She scream.
"What." I said as my voice just die.
"Someone in infinite just ask me to be their girlfriend!" She said happily.
"Who..." I said as I was pleasing that it's not L.
"L!" she scream.
My face fell.
"...what did you reply back?" I ask nervously.
"Yes! Of course!" she said.
"You shouldn't dat-" as I tried to finish but the teacher came in.

The whole hour I was so distracted. I looked at Naeun, she was looking back the whole time. I turn to see L. I gave him a cold stare, he gave smirk at me.

The bell rang, I grab Naeun and drag her out.
"What going on?!" She said.
"You shouldn't date him. He is mean. He just using y-" I got cut off by Naeun.
"You're my best friend I thought you would support me but your not. He's my boyfriend so I don't want you to say mean things about him if you do then I guess we shouldn't be friends." She said as she left.
Something just stab my heart. It hurts so much. Naeun is only person I open up to so she is very important to me. She was my world.
There I see L, I went up to him. I grab his collar.
"Is this what you been planing. Huh!" I said.
He just smirk.
"Eunji?" said someone.
I turn to see Naeun, I let go of his collar.
He lean in towards my ear and whisper"be careful not to break your best friend heart... Or maybe yours.
I step on his foot and walk away. Tears fell down my cheeks. This is my very first time I cried in years, I haven't cried ever since my father death. I guess L is the person who can trigger my emotions.

"Eunji!" said someone.
I quickly wipe my tears. I turn to see Naeun.
"What happened back there?" she ask.
"Nothing." I lied.
"Then why did you grab L's collar?" she ask.
"....There was a bug." I lied again.
"Oh okay. And sorry I said those mean things before." She said.
"It okay I understand." I said as I did a fake smile.
"Okay. Let's go eat." She said as she drag me towards infinite.

I sat there uncomfortable. Just giving the cold stare to L. Then Naeun.....
"Aahhhh open up." she said as she tried to feed L.
"I don't want it!" he said as he push Naeun's hand away and split the food.
"Sorry!"she said as she cleans the mess.
As I tried to hold my anger. I looked at L. He just smirk like he did that on purpose. He's going to get it!
"I'll be right back. I need I get more napkins." She said as she left.
I grab the food that Naeun tried to feed L. I shove it in L's mouth and continue to stuff his mouth. Then I pour water in his mouth so he won't coke on his food.
Cough cough
"Are you trying to kill me!" He said.
"No I was just helping." I said as I did a innocent smile.
Naeun came back with napkins.
"Oh what happened to the food." She ask.
"Oh L ate it all. He was just embarrassed that you feed him so he tried to act cool but really he was just shy." I lied as I smirk.
L gave me a cold stare. I just gave him a innocent look.

As I was heading towards the gates to go home. There I see L, leaning on the gate. Great, now what. I walked pass him but that when he grab me arm. He pull me back.
"Hey where you're going? Huh." he said.
"Home." I said as I pulled away and walked away.
"You're friend is very stupid to think that I like her." He said.
Oh heck no! I turn back and grab his collar.
"Yah! Don't talk crap about my friend!" I said.
He just smirk.
"Is this your plan to use my friend to hurt me." I said.
"Yup." He said as he smiled.
"Well you hit the spot so stop." I said as I let go of his collar and left.

In my room, doing my homework.

Ring ring

I answered it.
"Hello?" I said.
"It me, Naeun!" she said happily.
The whole time she talk all about how great L is.
"I love him." she said in a serous tone.

"You worthless crap!" said that man as his slam the door.

"Going to go." I said as I hang up.

I went downstairs. He grab my hair and slap so hard that I flew and fell on the floor. I tasted blood.

"I called the teacher and he said that you weren't paying attention today!" He yelled at me.

Then his started kicking me. There I see my mom. I gave her the look "please help me" but she went in the kitchen and started cooking.

That it! I got up and punch him in the face.

"How dare you punch me! I'm your father!"He yell.

I laugh.

"My father! Yeah right you wish! You just a bastard who married my mom. I don't gave a crap about you!" I said as I went to my room.

Next morning, I went downstairs.

"How dare you punch my husband. You lowlife!" she yell.

I left the house. As I arrived to school, L leaning by the gates waiting for someone. I walk pass him but he grab me. As he pulled me back, he saw my busted lip and red cheek.
"What happened to your face." He said.
"Not of your business." I said as I pull away and walk away.

In class, the whole time I tried to hide my face. The bell rang, I got up and tried to leave quickly but.

"Eunji, can I talk to you." said the teacher.

I turn back and looked down the floor.

"Sure..." I said as I continue to look down.

Deep scars (Myungsoo and Eunji )Where stories live. Discover now