The Mall

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"Your father called me yesterday to ask how you're doing and if you making friends. You have great father, who cares about you." He said.

Walking down the hall, heading towards the cafeteria. Great father? Ha, my butt. There I see Naeun waving her hand to get my attention. She sitting with infinite, I slowly drag my feet toward them. I sat next to Naeun.
I look down at my food, to hide my face.

"So your name is Eunji, right?" said Hoya.

I nodded my head as I still to look down.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Sungjong." he said as stick his hand out.

I shake is hand as I still look down.

I noticed they are giving me weird looks because I'm not looking up.

"Eunji, are you okay?" Ask Naeun.

"Yes. I have to go. I said as I got up.

There I see L looking right at my face, I quickly look down. As I was leaving, Naeun pull me back. That when she and the others saw my face

"Again?" She said softly.

"What happen to your face?" Ask Sungjong.

"What do you mean again?" ask Hoya.

"Her parents-" Naeun tired to finish but I interpreted.

"It just a cold sore." I lied as I left.

I left the cafeteria. As I was walking down the hall, someone grab me hand and pull me back. As I was pulled back, I turn so quickly that when I realized what happened. I was right next to L's face. We staring at each other in the eyes. Then I see Naeun coming, I pull away and left.

As Eunji left, L went after her so I followed them. Then I see L and Eunji together but Eunji left when she saw me. L turn back and saw me. I smile.

"Where Eunji?" I ask.

"She left." He said.

"Oh." I said back.

"Come on. Lets go back." He said as he headed back.
I follow him. I see his hand by his side, swing back and forth. As I tried to grab his hand, but he was walking to fast so I can't grab it in time and he left me hanging there.

As I was follow L. There I see L grabbing Eunji's hand.

I wonder why L never hold my hands.

I went outside for some fresh air. I look up at the sky and breath in and out. Thinking of if Naeun saw what happened? I hope not. Then someone tap my shoulder. I turn to see Hoya.

"Sorry for startling you but are you okay?" He said.

"Umm yeah." I said.

"Let's me introduce myself again. Hello, I'm Hoya." He said as he stuck out his hand.

"Hello, I'm Eunji." I said as I shake his hand.
We stand there in silence. It was kinda awkward.

"Hoya!" called someone

"It was nice to meet you but the guys are calling me so bye." he said as he left.

As I was heading back, there I see a familiar figure. As I get closer, I started to know who it is. It was Naeun.

"Eunji, I know that you lied about having a cold sore so tell me what happened." she said in a serious tone.

"Fine." I said as I sigh.
I told everything that happened.

"So he hit you!" she scream.

"Shhh!" I yell back as I cover her mouth.

"Can't do this anymore! I'm going to tell a adult." she said as she was about to leave.

I grab her and pull her back.

"You can't. If you do then I have to leave this school and never see you anymore so please don't tell for me." I begged her.

"Fine." she said as she sigh.

"Come on. Let's go, we going to be late for class." I said as I smile and link my arms with hers, we headed towards class.

After school, I heading towards the gate.

"Eunji!" yell someone.

I turn to see Naeun running towards me. She leap into the air as she hugged me tightly

"Naeun, I can't breath." I said.

"Opps, sorry." she said as she let go.

As she let go, I inhale.

"Let's go." she said as she grab my hand.

"Where?" I ask.

"Out with my boyfriend and his friends." she said as she swing our hands up and down.

"Count me out." I said.

"What! Pleaseeeeee." she begged.

She too cute, I can't resist.

"Fine." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, let's go." she said as she drag me.
She drag me towards infinite. They were waiting for us at the front gates. We headed out.

"So we hear a lot about you, Eunji." said Sunggyu.

"Oh really." I said not surprise.

"Yeah, boring ones though ." said L.

I gave L the evil look.

"Oh really? Are you sure? It was boring, maybe it's you." I said.

"I don't think so. It's just you, who is boring." he said as he lean in towards me.

Then we noticed that the rest are looking at us so I pull away.

"Wow, very tense around here." said Woohyun.

"Yeah, you can said that again." said Hoya.

We arrive at the mall, it was gigantic. As we explore around, I noticed that L never give any attention to Naeun. That pissed me off cause Naeun is so in love with him, I don't want her to be hurt by him.

"Naeun, look how pretty that dress is." I said as I pointed to a white dress.

"Not as pretty as you. It won't match someone like you." said L.
As I hold my anger, I just gave L the evil stare. He just smile back.

"I thought of NAEUN not me cause I care about Naeun not like SOMEONE. " I said.

He chuckle a little.

"Oh, Naeun, let's go check this dress out then." he said as smiled.

"Umm, okay.." she said as she followed him in.

"Umm L, we are going to somewhere else so we meet up later." said Sunggy.

"Okay hyung." L said.

I had no choice to follow L and Naeun. I looked around, something caught my eyes. I look at the tag, it was so expensive. I drop it and left with no regrets.

"Which color? Black or White?" Naeun ask both of us.

I love both of them but I have a feeling that L going to choose black so I going to say white.

"White!" I said.

"Black!" L said.

We both looked at each other and gave each other evil stares. I knew it, he would choose black. Good, let's see who will win this battle.

"Choose white because it's pure and make your face clear and beautiful." I said.

"No, choose black. It brings out sexiness. I like that." he said.

"Okay, I choose black." she said.

"Well, try the white too." I said as I handed the white dress to her.

He smirks at me cause he won. I stuck out my tongue at him. We sat down as we waited for Naeun.

Deep scars (Myungsoo and Eunji )Where stories live. Discover now