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As Naeun came out to show us how she looked in the dresses. She suited them very nicely. I sat down, then L sat down. I got up cause I don't want to be near him.

"Good, You moved. I didn't want to sit by someone like you." he said.

"Well, now you said that, I'm going to sit here just to annoy you." I said as I sat down next to him.

Then he bump me so I fell off the seat and onto the ground.

"Oww!" I said.

"Oh, are you okay?" he said sarcastically as he smirk.

I gave him a cold look as I got up and wipe myself off. As I sat back I push him off his seat. He fell on the ground.

"Oh, what happened?! Are you okay?" I said sarcastically as stick my tongue out.

He got up and bush off the dust.

"You sure? You didn't see what happened." he said.

"No." I said sarcastically.

"Well then let's see you can remember." he said as bump into me that make me fell off my seat again

I got up and went back on the seat. I started push him, but he held the seat. He started push me so I held the seat too. We both started push each other even though it didn't lead us anywhere.

"Eunji!" said Naeun as she came out of the fitting room.

We both stop push and look at Naeun.

"Aaa Yes!" I said with shocked.

"Umm what you think- What's up? You guys seem like something up?" she said.

"Nothing. It looks good on you." I said.

"Okay good. I was nervous that it didn't look good." She said.

"What do you think, L?" She ask as she looked at L.

He was looking at his phone, not caring. Naeun slowly looked sad. Ugh! This jerk! I grab his phone.

"Yah!" He said.

"How some manners!" I said as point to Naeun.

"Oh looks good. Which one do you want?" He said as he grab his phone back.

"Umm, the white one...." she said.

"Oh okay." He said.

"See she likes the color I choose." I whisper to L as I stick my tongue out.

He just gave me a cold stare. We left the store and we to meet up with the others. As we got down the stairs, there they were waiting close by the stairs but not to close. They were standing there, waiting for us. As we headed down, there something caught my eye.

As I drift to the store that caught my eye, I totally forgot about the others. I was walking towards the store but then I got push around. When I realized where I was, I was the other side from them and the store I wanted to see. I push my way towards them but I got shove back but into a elevator. It was so cramped in the elevator that it was hard to get out of the elevator. I finally escaped out of the elevator but now I have no idea where I was. I think I was in the upper level from them but I don't know which level. I walked around looking for a map. Finally I see a map. I walk up to it. I was on the 3rd floor and they are in the 1st floor. I started walking to find a exculater or a elevator. There was not much people which was weird because there was so much people before.

Deep scars (Myungsoo and Eunji )Where stories live. Discover now