Heart Beating

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I heard his stomach growl.

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

"No." he said as his stomach growl again.

"So you're lying." I said as I got up.

"I'm not." he said as he stomach growl again.

I chuckle a little bit.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Better." he said.

"Can you walk?" I ask.

"I don't know." he said.

"Well, lets try." I said as I help him up.

He stand up fine and I help he walk. I set his down on the chair next to the table.

"Wait one minute." I said as I started cooking.

I finally finish cooking as I set the plate down on the table.

"Here you go." I said as I took a sit.

"Can you feed me?" he said.

"Why should I? Your arm isn't broken and anything." I said.

"But I'm wounded." he whined.

"Yeah, but not on the arms or hands." I said.

He lift his arms a little bit.

"Oww." he faked lied.

Such a lair as I grab the spoon. I scoop a spoon and shove it in his mouth.

"How's that?" I said as I clench my teeth..

He finish swallowing as he giggle a little.

"Here you go" I said sarcastically as I shove it in his mouth again.

He cover his mouth as he chew.

"How is it?" I said sarcastic.

"Delicious." he said after he finish chewing.

I didn't said anything back as I scoop another spoon full. I aim the spoon at his mouth as he open his mouth.

"What you're going to stop talking to me?" he said as tilt his head.

"Hurry up and eat." I said as I shove food in his mouth.

"Why? You don't want to talk to me?" he said as he finish chewing.

"Stop your talking and eat." I said as I shove food into his mouth.

He just smile as he chewed.

Finally I finish feeding him as I help he to bed.

Next morning, I woke up to see him gone. I shot up and hurried to the doorway. I open the door quickly to see L right there in front of me. A relief overwhelm me to see him.


"What you worry about me." he said as he smirk

"No." I lied.

"You sure? It looks like you're worried about me." he said.

"Yeah right." I lied as I walked pass him.

"Ow-" he whine as he look down and touch his stomach.

"Are you okay?" I said concern as I hurry back to him and touch arms.

Deep scars (Myungsoo and Eunji )Where stories live. Discover now