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Sorry for taking so long and I'm truly sorry for saying that I will update quickly and didn't so Sorry. (><)
Please excuse my grammar as well.


I headed to class quickly but then the nurse came running after me.

"Hey you!" she yelled.

I stop and turn back.

"Yes?" I said.

"Here you go." she said as she handed me a slip of a piece of paper.

"Give this to your teacher when you get there." She said.

I nodded as I walked to class. I looked at the slip, it was a pass for not being tardy. I arrived to class and handed the slip to him. I sat down in my seat.

"Where were you?" ask Naeun as she whisper.

"Tell you later." I whisper back.

I tried to catch up on what I missed in class. Then someone lightly tap on my shoulder, I looked back to see Hoya.

"Are you okay?" he mouthed.

I nodded my head. There I see L, looking at me then back to the teacher when I looked at him.
Finally class was over, as we were going to lunch.

"So where were you?" ask Naeun.

"At the nurse office." I said.

"What! Why? Are you okay? How are you feeling?!" She said shock and concerned.

"I'm fine. I just fainted that all." I said.

"Fainted!" She said.

"Yeah but it's nothing." I said.

"Nothing!" she rage.

"Don't worry. I'm fine." I said.

She just gave me the look.

"Come on, let's go." I said as I drag her to lunch.

2 weeks later:
My wounds finally healed but left scars on my back. I haven't found the person who knows my secret yet.
His sweater hanging on the chair as I look at it. I already washed it so it's all clean.

Hmmm, maybe his name's on it. I grab it off the chair as I started looking. I grab the tag and lifted it.
Ha, found it.

"Myungsoo" it says.

Whose that? I don't know anyone named Myungsoo. I don't think we have anyone names Myungsoo in my class.
Hmmm, as I was thinking hard.

*Ring Ring*

"Hello?" I said as I answered it.

"Eunji, what are you doing?" said Naeun.

"Nothing." I said.

"Good. Let's go out." she said.

"Only us? " I said making sure she not going to bring L.

"Yes, only us." She said.

"Kay. Meet you at your house." I said as I hang up.

Deep scars (Myungsoo and Eunji )Where stories live. Discover now