Someone New

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Adding a new person but he only be in this chapter and a little in others. This chapter going to be Naeun and Hoya point of view.


I haven't see Eunji or L. I try calling them but they won't answers. I sat there in class that's when the teacher came in with somebody too.

"Okay, class we have a new student." he said.

"What's up. My name is B.I. Nice to meet you all." he said in a sway way.

He was good looking. Naeun, what are you talking about! You have boyfriend already as I hit my head. I went back paying attend to class.

Finish the bell rang, I got up and headed to lunch. There I see infinite walking to the lunch, I wanted to talk to them about where's L. I hurry along but then I bumped into someone.

"Sorry." I said.

"Nah, it was my fault." said someone as he lend a hand to me.

I looked up to see the new kid, B.I as I took his hand. He help me up.

"Are you okay by the way?" he said.

"Yeah." I said as I looked to see them (infinite) but they were gone.

I hurry off but he grab me and pulled me back.

"Can I help you?" I said a little annoyed.

"Umm, what's your name?" he ask.

"My name is Naeun." I said.

"That beautiful name." he said as I started to blush.

I looked down to see him, holding hands.

"Umm, excuse me." I said shyly as I remove my hands and about to left.

He grab me again.

"I like to talk to you more and get to know you more." he said as he let go of my hands.

As I was walking walk, I looked back to see him, smiling. I looked back frontwards as my checks started to burn.

My heart started beating. I touch my heart. Why is my heart beating? I never felt this way with L. I looked at me hands. L never held my hands as I collapse my hands together and went to lunch.


"Hoya? Hoya? Hoya!" yelled Sunggu.

"Yes." I said as I snap out of from my thoughts.

"What do you want?" he said as he pointed to the menu.

"Anything.." I said as I went back to my thoughts.

"What's up with you these days?" ask Dongwoo.

"Nothing." I said.

Dongwoo gave me the look.

"Okay, I was just wondering where's L and Eunji." I said.

"L probably got force to go home." said Dongwoo.

"Yeah maybe." I said.

"And maybe Eunji having family problems right now." said Dongwoo.

"Maybe.." I said quietly.

"Come on, let's go." he said.

"You can go first, I'll come in a minute." I said.

"Kay, but you better come in a minute." said Dongwoo as he left.


I wonder where are you two?

I do wish I can talk to Eunji but I never have the chance to talk to her. I hope I can talk to her and get to know her more so she can rely on me. I do like her but I don't think she likes me cause she rarely know me.

Where the heck did L go? He suppose to tell me what happen that day but he kept blowing it off and now he gone. I still worry about him though.

"COME ON, HOYA!" yelled the others.

"Kay, coming!" I yelled back as I got up and headed towards them.


I couldn't find them so I gave up and headed to class.

Finally class was over and now I could go home. I try calling Eunji again but no answer.

Where is she? Then out of nowhere someone grab my hands and drag me. My eyes widen in shocked as B.I was holding my hands and was running as dragging me.

"Come on and let's go have some fun!" he said cheerfully as he ran looking at me.

I ran behind him as he guide me with his hands.

He took me to go play in a arcade. We play against each other and team up togerther. It was super fun.

"Well, bye see you tomorrow at school." he said as he drop me off at home.

"Bye." I said waving bye.

Why doesn't L take me out like B.I does?

Sorry for the story chapter but it was good to see others point view, right?

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