Are You Using Me?

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Ji Eun:

I shot up as I woke up.
I slowly took a deep breath in and slowly out.
Who are you? Why can't I remember?

Wait, where am I?! As I look around to see I'm in a bedroom. I got up and walked out the room. To see a group full of guys cooking in the kitchen.

"Oh, good morning!" they yelled as they noticed me.

"Good morning." I said shyly.

"Come and sit down." said Sungjong as he lead me to the table.

I sat down as they put plates down.
We began to eat.

"How is it?" they ask curiously.

"It's delicious." I said as I smile.

"YAY!" they all yell happy as they all cheered and lift their arms/hands up in the air.

That when L looked at me and smiled. Out of nowhere my heart started racing. I looked away as I blushed.

What's going on with my heart? Is this happening because of yesterday?

Wait, what about Hoya? As I looked at him.
Nothing, no heart racing. What the heck!?

Maybe I only had a tiny very tiny crush on him but it's gone now.
Wait, does that mean I like L?
No way as I disbelieve.

"Hey." they said as they tried to get me attention.

"Yes." I said as I snap out.

"You not going to eat?" They ask as they sort of pouted.

"Yes, I am." I said as I began to eat.

"Here eat this.
Eat this.
This" they said as they all pile food on my plate.

My plate was cover in food.

"Thanks." I said as I ate the food.

I stick my fork into a piece of meat.

"Aaaahhhh." said Woohyun as he open his mouth.

Then L gave him the dead stare.
Woohyun back off.

I chuckled a bit as I continue to eat.


I shot up. They all looked at me confused.

"Umm, oops sorry but I have to go. Thank you for the food." I said hurriedly as I hurry to the door.

Someone grab me hand, I turn to see L.

"What's wrong? Where are you going?" he ask.

"My grandparent." I said.

"I'll take you home." he said.

"No, it's fine." I said as my heart started racing.

"Hey guys, I'm taking her home." he said to them.

"Okay, let's go." he said as he lead me, he still holding my hand.

I followed behind him as I started to blush.

"Hey, why are you so quiet? Is there something wrong?" he ask.

"umm, no." I said.

"Are you sure? Cause you always wants me to talk to you." he said.

"Well, I don't feel like talking." I said as I try to avoid him.

He stop and turn around to face me.

"Yes." I said, looking down.

He lifted my chin up.

"Why are you not looking at me?" he said as I make no eye contact.

Deep scars (Myungsoo and Eunji )Where stories live. Discover now