Figuring things out

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"Oh, Eunji I need to tell you something!" I said as I turn back to see Eunji gone.

I went after her. Then I see her and L so I hide behind some lockers and poke my head out to listen what they are talking about.

"Why? I only use her to get you back." said L.

"Well, she really likes you so don't you dare or I will throw away your bracelet." said Eunji.

Who are they talking about?

"Fine but how will you feel about me and Naeun dating?" he said.

My eyes widen in shock as I lean my head against the locker. They are talking about me. He use me to hurt Eunji. I was so stupid not realizing it.

Flash- "You shouldn't date him. He is mean. He just using y-" said Eunji as I cut her off.

Sorry, Eunji for hurting you.

"What you thought I like you or something ha, you wish. I hate you. (you're lying, I know you Eunji.) Keep your word, you better love my friend"(I don't want that) she said.

There I see Eunji heading my way. I step in front of her.

"Why did you tell he was using me to hurt you?......" I whisper quietly in depression.

"Did you over heard our conversation?!......" she said shocked.

"Why?" I said.

"Because you love him." she said.

"I don't!" I said.

She looked at me shocked.

"These past few days I been thinking about it and I don't like him!" I said as I grab her hands and drag her towards L.

"What are you doing, Naeun." she said.

I stop in front of L.

"Let's break up." I said to L.

"What?" he said.

"I said let's break up because I know I don't like you. I only looked at the outside and I didn't know the real you." I said.

"And I know you like Eunji and does Eunji so please be happy." I said as I grab his hand and put them together and left.

Eunji was about to say something but I cut her off.

"Don't worry, I'm fine and it's not your fault." I said as I left.

I head towards the rooftop. I lean against the railing as I took a deep breath and stare out the view.
Then someone tap me on the shoulders, I turn to see B.I.

"What's the long face?" he said.

"Nothing." I said as I continue to stare at the view.

He lean against the railing but on his back so he can face me.

"It didn't seem like that." he said.

I made no eye contact.

"You know you can tell me anything." he said.

"*sigh* Well I just found this guy use me to hurt my best friend." I said.

"So your sad cause of him or mad?" he said.

"Neither. I'm mad and sad at myself for not listening to my friend." I said.

"Don't go hard on yourself." he said.

Deep scars (Myungsoo and Eunji )Where stories live. Discover now