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"Hey, who do you think you are to bully a freshmen." I said as I threw his arm down.
"Yeah who do you think you are." He said as lean in.
I gave the freshmen the signal to run for it. The freshmen ran for it.
"Hey!" Yell Woohyun.
"Look you made him got away. You better give us your money then." he said coldly.
"Fine. Here take it like a beggar." I said as I threw the money at his face as slowly falls down.
I smirk and walk away.
"I can't believe you did that!" said Naeun.
"Yeah someone needed to teach them a lesson." I said.
"But what if they start bully you then." Naeun said anxiously.
"So I'm not scared." I said.

"Bye Eunji! See you tomorrow!" said Naeun as she wave goodbye.
I wave goodbye. *Sigh* Man I don't want to go home. Especially because the man is home today. I drag my feet. Then I bump into someone. I look to up to see L and the rest of his gang.
"Where you think you're going? You think you can get away what you done."he said.
"I'm going home obviously." I said in flat tone and rolled my eyes.
"Wow I'm impressed that she not like the girls that go crazy for us." said Dongwoo.
"Yeah and she stand up for herself. I kinda like that." said Hoya.
"Well I'm not interested so excuse me." I said as I made my way out.
"Not so fast." Said L as he grab my wrist.
"What do you want?" I said in annoyed voice.
"You better pay for what you done." he said.
"Okay." I said as I smirk.
I kick him and ran as fast as I can. As I got home, I open the door.
My left cheek is red with a hand print on it.
"I hate you! I hate you! Get out!"scream my mother.
I walk into my room and close the door. Do you think I want to stay here. You wish, I hates here too. I just don't have anywhere to go.

Next day, I got up and left to school. My mother was sleeping on the couch and today the man went out so I was safe from being hit. As I got to school. Naeun called me and told me she won't be coming today because she got a cold so I be alone for the whole day. As I was walk down the hallway. There I see infinite, messing around. I walk pass but as I walk pass someone trip me. I fell down and look up to see L laughing.
He lean toward me and said" I'm going to make your life miserable."
I got up and grab his collar and said"Bring it on."
I let go of his collar and went in to class.
The bell rang, everyone seated. The teacher came and began his lesson. I was taking notes then something hit me. It was a paper ball, I turn to who threw it at me. It was L, smirking. I grab it and threw it back, it hit L's face. I laugh to myself. That whole hour, L kept throwing thing at me but I didn't let that slid, I threw it back at him.


I got up and threw the last thing at his face and left for lunch. I sat by myself today. I finish eating, I walk pass infinite. L trip me again, I fell down.
"I say I'm going make you me life miserable." he said as he got up and pour water on my head.
"It's raining." he said as for his friends they laughed.
That it. I got up and grab a cup of water and pour it on him.
"Yeah it raining." I said as I walk out.
I went to the restroom and use napkins to dry my clothes. I noticed I was bleeding on my knees. I went to the nurses office, which the nurse wasn't there. I grab a bandage and put it on.
I hear some people talking so I went to see.
"Master, your father want you to come home." said a guy with a suit on.
"Well I don't want to go home." said someone who voiced sounds familiar.
I moved closer to see, it was L.
"While you tell I'm not coming home. Tell him I'm not working in that business after him." L said as he turn to walk away.
I tried to hid quickly but I think he saw me. I slowly back out and walked quickly.
" hey." said L.
I slowly turn my head.
"Yes?" I said.
"So you eavesdropping. Huh." he said as he lean towards me.
"Well who told you to talk in the open. Of course I heard your conversation." I said.
He just smirk and walked away. Sometimes not right. He's up to something but what?

These past days, he didn't do anything yet. Something up, I just know it but what? Is that why he mean because he doesn't want to work the business after his dad?
Naeun was sick these past days but today she called me and said she be coming today.

Walking towards the gates of the school. I didn't see Naeun at the gates. She usually there waiting for me. I waited there to see if she would come or not but she didn't show. Maybe she waiting for me in class. I got in class. She wasn't there. Where is she? Then Naeun came running in.
"Eunji! Guess what!" she said as she jumping up and down.
"What?" I said in curiously.
"Someone ask me to be their girlfriend!" she said.

Deep scars (Myungsoo and Eunji )Where stories live. Discover now